City #39
14 января 2000 |
Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 30).
************* **************** LIKBEZ (C) P. Yu Fedin FULL DESCRIPTION + FULL ROM Disassembler TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03) For professionals And as for those WHO WANTS TO BE. continued Address 6565. Runs the command PEEK. Set 23825 and 23611. 6565 LD A, 255, function code PEEK JR 6571, execution of commands Address 6569. Runs the command POKE. Set 23825 and 23611. It is also used to address 6571 (the command LOAD, PEEK or POKE; Set 23825 and 23611, and in the battery put the code of the function). 6569 LD A, 238; function code POKE 6571 LD (23824), A; setting function code JP 6168, execution of commands Address 6577. Runs the command MERGE. Set 23825 and 23611. 6577 LD A, 255, used the workspace LD (23839), A Error! Flag state of the working area is at 23,829. CALL 6266, the processing parameters CALL 7541; if there is a check in syntax Then return LD A, (23781) file extension B? CP "B" JP NZ, 7450, and if not, then the error LD BC, (23,782); installation file length to zag manual ultrasonic LD (23771), BC PUSH BC; preserving its INC BC; leave room for 128 bytes RST 32; allocation of seats in the working region STI DEFW # 0030 LD (HL), 128; mark the end of the program EX DE, HL; transfer of the load addresses in the HL POP DE; removal from the stack length of the file PUSH HL; preservation of load address LD DE, (23787) take the address of the file on disk CALL 6427; download the entire file LD A, (23772) take the length of the file in blocks LD B, A CALL 6226; operation with all files CALL 6433; Upload file POP HL; restore the load address LD DE, (23635) take the address of the program on Basie Ke RST 32; association programs DEFW # 08D2 JP 993; message O.K. Address 6642. Checking the memory space to reserve the new space to replace the old. In HL - old length, in DE - new. It is also used to address 6653 (check availability space in memory, the length of the space must be a DE). 6642 EX DE, HL SCF; calculation of the difference between the lengths SBC HL, DE RET C; if the new length is less than the old one, then Returns LD DE, 10, must remain for another 10 bytes ADD HL, DE LD B, H; transfer the difference in the lengths of BC LD C, L 6653 RST 32; checking for space Memory DEFW # 1F05 RET; Returns to be continued ...
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