City #30
25 сентября 1999

Likbez - full diassembler ROM (part 23).

<b>Likbez</b> - full diassembler ROM (part 23).
  **************** ***************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 5201. Copying a file on one drive.
Place the file descriptor in the 23773 and its part in
23789 and 23793, set, 23841, 23843 and 23759. Sub-sets 23739, 
23769, 23770 and 23698.

5201 LD A, (23793), all copied?

      OR A

      RET Z; if so, return

      LD A, (23841), the first pass?

      OR A

      JR NZ, 5231, if so, the disc - the source is

                    in drive

      CALL 7575; clear screen

      LD HL, 10154; print INSERT SOURCE DISC

      CALL 9991
5221 CALL 4178; waiting for the keys Y

      CP "Y"

      JR NZ, 5211

      CALL 7583; cleaning the bottom of the screen
5231 LD A, (23793), all copied?

      OR A

      RET Z; if so, return

      PUSH HL; conservation HL

      LD HL, 23843; copy of the file

      SUB (HL)

      POP HL; recovery HL

      JR NC, 5323, if not the end, then copies
                    Xia part of the file

      LD A, (23793), copy the rest

      LD B, A

      XOR A; copied all

      LD (23793), A
5252 PUSH BC; preservation of copying
                    Mykh sectors

      LD (23758), A; zeroing 23758

      LD HL, (23759) take the address of the working space

      PUSH HL; save it

      LD DE, (23794) take the address of the copied area


      CALL 5336, setting a floppy disk

      CALL 7741; boot sectors

      LD HL, (23796), setting the address on the disk following
                    blowing sector

      LD (23794), HL

      CALL 7575; clear screen


      CALL 9991
5285 CALL 4178; waiting for the keys Y

      CP "Y"

      JR NZ, 5286

      CALL 7583; cleaning the bottom of the screen

      LD A, (23841), the first pass?

      OR A

      CALL NZ, 5123, and if so, then check if

                    Disk Space

      POP HL; restoration work addresses


      POP BC; and the number of copied sectors

      LD DE, (23787) take the address of the current plot


      CALL 5348, setting a floppy disk

      CALL 7757; recording sectors

      LD HL, (23797), setting the address on the disk following
                    blowing sector

      LD (23787), HL

      JP 5201; repeat
5323 LD (23793), A; setting the length of the remaining hour
                    Tu file

      PUSH HL; conservation HL

      LD HL, 23843; take the length of the workspace

      LD B, (HL)

      POP HL; recovery HL

      XOR A; reset battery

      JP 5252; Up

Address 5336. Putting the values ​​of 23,769 in a variable
mode drive. Set 23769.
5336 PUSH HL; conservation DE and HL

      PUSH DE

      CALL 15889; take the address of a variable of type


      LD A, (23769) take the drive type from 23 769

      LD (HL), A; plant type drive

      POP DE; restoration DE and HL

      POP HL

      RET; Returns

Address 5348. Putting the values ​​of 23,770 in a variable
mode drive. Set 23770.
5348 PUSH HL; conservation DE and HL

      PUSH DE

      CALL 15889; take the address of a variable of type


      LD A, (23770) take the drive type from 23 769

      LD (HL), A; plant type drive

      POP DE; restoration DE and HL

      POP HL

      RET; Returns

              to be continued ...

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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