City #24
12 августа 1999

Editor - I got a catalog ppogpammy fipmy WELCOME corp. from EY Budepa.

<b>Editor</b> - I got a catalog ppogpammy fipmy WELCOME
corp. from EY Budepa.
          Saransk. Republic of Mordovia

 Free computer magazine for ZX SPECTRUM

                # 24 of 13.08.99g

   ************* ************ PREAMBLE

(C) V. Kazakov


  Many events happened over the past week.
First, I got a catalog of programs the company WELCOME
corp. from EY Budera and has already ordered him something.
Secondly, he ordered a few discs have VELa.
Thirdly, it seems, has found a place where we can write
. Mod-Files GENERAL SOUND. Fourth, ...
But most importantly something that happened last week, is that 
Pasha has brought me a Career ROM and SMUC v1.0 for Scorpio. 
True ProfPZU was pretty old version, which apparently does not 
work on the "left" and neturbirovannyh computers (like me), so 
that rather likely have to change it to more modern.

It is a pity that the change will have a firm "Scorpio", ie in 
St. Petersburg, and there we have very few rides. True, there 
are some dealers in Moscow, but I, unfortunately, there are no 
addresses or phone numbers. 

  I would be very grateful to anyone who helps me connect with 
them, and also the one who will give me a scheme turbirovanie 
Scorpio (perhaps that is ProfPZU You can get to work on my 

  In the meantime, THANK YOU Pasha. I, frankly,
not even hoping for such a gift ... Now I will
search hard drive and a chip clock.

  What else is new? Still continue to wait on
Nemo XTR-modem and Newskah "by A. Mikhailov. Unsuccessfully so 
far ... 

  Well, here today and all. Read the newspaper ...

Other articles:

Editor - I got a catalog ppogpammy fipmy WELCOME corp. from EY Budepa.

Iron - Connection Spektpumu pisishnyh monitopov.

what-where-how much - about new software in ppogpammnogo pedaktsiyu newspaper CITY.

Smiley - jokes about policemen.

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 16).

Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

Beatles - This song was put on pepvonachalno obopotnuyu sto.ponu "sopokopyatki" with the song "Elinop Pigbi" (August 1966).

Advertising - Ppodam, buying, exchanging ppogpammy for the ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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