City #16
29 июня 1999

Likbez - a full description and full disassembler ROM (part 11).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full description and full disassembler ROM (part 11).

  (C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 455. takes a symbol to the address in HL, and returns 
it to the battery plus the Z flag if it is 0, 13 or 128, or NZ.

455 LD A, (HL); take a byte to the right address

      CP 13, is 13?

      RET Z; if so, return

      CP 128, a 128?

      RET Z; if so, return

      OR A; compare it with zero

      RET; Returns

Address 467. Sub-completion. Input: Set
23734, 23820, 23823, 23825, 23832, 23834, 23836 and
23839. Output: SP
address of 23836, while in BC the error code.
467 LD HL, 0, buffer to remove, alter memory

      LD (23800), HL

      CALL 8421; if there is a buffer, then remove it

      CALL 7523; if necessary, the cleaning of the working

                    memory area

      LD HL, 23831; saver does not display

      LD (HL), 170

      LD HL, 23839; team came from the machine


      LD A, (HL)

      OR A

      LD (HL), 0, this command will not be out of

                    mash. code

      JR NZ, 499; if the team was not the cars
                    Nogo code,

      CALL 7708; removal from the line 5-byte

                    Run the numbers and symbols until the end
      CALL 530; sample line
499 LD SP, (23836); put in the address of SP 23836

      LD HL, (23834) take the address out of this under

      LD BC, (23,823), put in the BC code error

      LD B, 0

      JP (HL); the transition to a designated address

Address 513. Check for error. Input: Set
23610 and 23827.
513 CALL 562; room in the 23,613 addresses of


      BIT 7, (IY +0); was a mistake?

      RET NZ; if not, return

      LD DE, 23746; RET instruction address in RAM

      LD SP, (23613), SP setting on the bottom of the stack

      PUSH DE; the transition to error handling


Address 530. Run to end of line characters. Set in 23,645 
against one of the characters in the string. On output there 
will be the address of the string. 530 CALL 7564; take the 
current character string 

      CP 13; it ENTER?

      RET Z; if so, return

      CALL 7722; take the next character in the string

      JR 530; repeat

Address 541. Address setting error handling. Login:
at 23836 should be addressed at 2 more than the place at which 
the address error-handling routine. Yield: old contents copied 
to 23613 23827, and 23613 is put the address where is located 
the address. 541 LD HL, (23613) Conservation of the old content


      LD (23827), HL

      LD HL, (23836) take the address of 23826

      DEC HL; take us to the desired address

      DEC HL

      LD (23613), HL; installation 23613

      LD DE, 15638, and the address handling routine


      LD (HL), E; record it in our cell

      INC HL

      LD (HL), D

      RET; Returns

Address 562. Putting in 23,613 of the 23,827 addresses. Set 
23827. 562 LD HL, (23827)

      LD (23613), HL


Address 569. The entrance to the shell. Used
also addresses 635 (running the file "boot").
569 LD HL, 0; zeroing 23,799 and 23,800

      LD (23799), HL

      ADD HL, SP; preservation SP

      LD (23836), HL

      DEC HL; allocation of space for the address under

      DEC HL; error handling

      LD SP, HL

      CALL 541, setting the address routines

                    Error Handling

      LD HL, 23831; saver display?

      LD A, (HL)

      CP 170

      LD A, 0, no errors

      LD (23823), A

      JP Z, 715, or if screen saver is not needed, then the 
transition                     The transition to the command 

      LD (HL), 170; the next time the screensaver is not you

      CALL 7575; clear screen

      CALL 7560; opening stream 2

      LD HL, 864; text output screen saver

      RST 1924

      CALL 4206; output color bars

      LD A, (23734); interface-1 is?

      CP 244

      JR Z, 625; if so,

      LD HL, 4096; conclusion "Interface one fitted."

      RST 1924
625 LD A, (23296) file "boot" to run?

      CP 170

      JR NZ, 715, and if not, then input into a command


      CALL 8433; change memory

      LD HL, (23641) take the address of the command buffer

      LD A, 254; was running the file "boot"

      LD (23822), A

      LD (HL), 247; entering the command RUN "boot"

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 34

      INC HL

      LD (HL), "b"

      INC HL

      LD (HL), "o"

      INC HL

      LD (HL), "o"

      INC HL

      LD (HL), "t"

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 34

      INC HL

      LD (23643), HL; setting the cursor address

      LD (HL), 13; ENTER

      INC HL

      LD (HL), 128; the end of

      INC HL

      LD (23649), HL; setting a variable WORKSP

      LD (23651), HL; installation and cleaning of the stack 
calcium                     kulyatora

      LD (23653), HL

      SET 3, (IY +1); set the L

      JR 751 command execution

               to be continued ...

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Smiley - jokes about politics.

Likbez - a full description and full disassembler ROM (part 11).

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Beatles - Music and lyrics by O. Mitiaeva.

Advertising - Ppodam, buying, exchanging ppogpammy for the ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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