City #14
06 июня 1999

Iron - a trick not to pay for telephone calls.

<b>Iron</b> - a trick not to pay for telephone calls.
                  PLANET SHELEZYAKA

 (C) V. Kazakov

  Today we have a rather peculiar article
which I was kindly provided by VEL. I hope someone else 

 (C) Slavik Motuzko

  How not to pay for phone calls

  Tried out for two years in the Soviet Union and the six
years in European countries.

  Why I decided to talk about it all? This
method can be used only on long
distances, ie for long-distance communication.
The basis of my secret is based on very simple
idea: you know that when you type disk
dialer (dial pulse system), "1"
line is interrupted once when the "7", the line
was suspended seven times, when "0" - 10 times. I became
watch what happens if a line break
more than ten times. To implement this idea, I
used my first computer (an 8-bit
"Enterprise-128", which had a slot for
Software controls the tape, in my case
instead of a tape recorder was connected to the telephone

    In short, I will not describe all of its
research for the sake of brevity. Magic was
number "15." If you understand everything correctly, you should
were understood and that it is the number of interruptions
telephone line. Here's how to use:

    8 + tone + the magic number of 15 + city code + phone

    So, to make free calls to Moscow on
phone 921-00-00, I typed:

    8 magic number 15-095-921-00-00.

    I typed "8" and waited for the tone
access to long-distance station. When he
came along, I gained 15 and lost tone,
Then I typed the area code and phone number. 15
it's not 1 and 5, and fifteen interrupt phone
network, and if we have sufficiently expressed
ear for music you can "naschelkat" these 15
pulse button "reset" to regular phones.

    If I can help you with anything else, call
me at (044) 269-61-98.

Other articles:

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Iron - a trick not to pay for telephone calls.

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Music - 1969 All active ppoyavlyaet themselves as kompozitop Dzhopdzh Happison.

Advertising - VARIOUS ppiobpetu the info on the "hardware" ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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