City #06
24 марта 1999

Likbez - full description + full dizassmbler ROM (part 2).

<b>Likbez</b> - full description + full dizassmbler ROM (part 2).
(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


                Formatting the drive

 To use the drive must be formatted.
Formatting - is marking tracks, sectors and
Create a directory on disk. Command format:

  After pressing ENTER you will see at the bottom of the screen 


  If you press T, then the sector on track to be
marked in order, otherwise they will turn
(1, 9, 2, 10, 3, 11 ...).
If the disk is formatted mode TURBO, a TR-DOS
will be faster to work with him, but sometimes it slows the 
disk. During the process the current number of formatted (HEAD) 
and track (CYLINDER) you'll see at the bottom of the screen. By 
After there you will see a message such as: DISCNAME

 DISCNAME - this is the drive name, followed by the number of 
formatted sectors and the maximum possible number of sectors 
for this format disc. If these two numbers are not equal, it 
means that the disk has bad sectors and it is not recommended 
for use in the TR-DOS.Esli you now press R, then the format 
will be repeated, otherwise you return to the TR-DOS or BASIC 
(looking from executes the command).

  You can format the drive not only to drive on 
umolchaniyu.Dlya destination drive before you put the name of 
the disk drive name with a colon after it. 

  Disc format depends on the type of drive that
it is formatted, but if the first character of the
CD $, then the disk is always unilateral. After
the drive can follow the comment. At the track
TR-DOS provides 16 sectors of 256 bytes. Track 0
away under katalog.Ishodya this can determine the maximum 
number of sectors for each Disc Type:

SD, SS - 624
SD, DS - 1264
DD, SS - 1624
DD, DS - 2544

  TR-DOS provides a somewhat simplified format. On the tracks 
completely absent index field, the number of parties to address 
marker sector is always 0. For these reasons, the drive 
formatted in a system TRDOS can not be read on other computers, 
eg IBM PC. Below is the format of one sector of the disk 
provided by TR-DOS 5.04T:  10 bytes 78 - blank

 12 bytes 0 - sinhropromezhutok

  3 bytes 245 - written Sync

  1 byte 254 - the address label is an identifier

  1 byte NN - track number

  1 byte 0 - number of disk

  1 byte NN - number of sectors

  1 byte 1 - length of the sector (256 bytes)

  1 byte 247 - the checksum is written
 22 bytes 78 - blank
 12 bytes 0 - sinhropromezhutok

  3 bytes 245 - written Sync

  1 byte 251 - the address label data
256 bytes 0 - data sector (zero bytes)

  1 byte 247 - the checksum is written
 60 bytes 78 - blank

                  Directory of the drive

  There are 2 command output directory: CAT and CAT 
LIST.Komanda displays the names and file extensions, their 
length in sectors, the disk name, the number of erased and 
nestertyh files on it and the amount of free place. LIST 
command displays another type of disk and the address download 
files, and their length in bytes and rows autostart programs in 

  The command syntax is the same except for the key
words, so I'll only talk about the team CAT,
implying that all this applies to the team

  Basic syntax:

  After the command you can assign a drive, for example:
CAT "B:"

  You can send the output to another stream, putting
after the word CAT symbol "#" and the number of the flow. The 
name of the drive should go after the number of flow and 
separated away places. For example, the command CAT # 3, "C:" 
drive C will send a catalog to the printer. 

  If you have a team and flow, and the drive, then
after the name of the drive you can place a comment.

                Copying files

  To copy files, there are 3 teams:
COPY - copy the files on two drives
COPY S - copying a file on one drive
COPY B - copy the entire disk with one disk drive

  1. The command COPY.

  Command syntax:
COPY <new name>, <old name> <extension> []

  Here <new name> and <old name> - old and new
the names of the copied file. They represent
regular string expressions. The file extension is denoted by 
the keyword: 

  CODE - C extension

  DATA - extension D

  # - # Extension

  otherwise - expansion of B
Expansion of B can be denoted by a blank line. There are also 
exceptions, which will be separate observations. Comment, of 
course may be missing.  If instead the two file names to put an 
asterisk, it will copy all the files.

  Attention! In the subroutine has a bug.

  If during the backup to disk-receiver
meet with the same file name and extension, as
and one that is copied, the system displays a message such as:

  If you answer Y, the file will be overwritten, otherwise
Copying will proceed with the next file.

  2. The command COPY S.

COPY S <filename> <extension> []

  Because it will use one drive, then
team will ask you to change discs. SOURCE DISC
- Is the drive source, DESTINATION DISC - CD-receiver.

  3. The command COPY B.

  Command syntax:

  The team just like COPY S will ask
you have to change discs.

  Attention! All the old information on the disk, the receiver 
will be erased, as the team makes the absolute copies of all 
the used parts of the disk track in dorozhku.Komanda only works 
on the drive by default. 

  Attention! In all three routines have bugs.

              Rename files

  One of the advantages of disk systems - the possibility of
change the name faylov.Dlya this command:
NEW <new name>, <old name> <extension> []

                 Deleting files

  If the file on disk is outdated and you do not need more, 
then you can remove it. To do this, use the command: ERASE 
<filename> <extension> [] 

  Command deletes all files with dannymi.Protsedura delete a 
file is to replace the first character of his name on the CHR $ 
1. The file is not appears in the directory, but it can be 
restored with any COMANDERa. For physical

delete files, use the command MOVE

            Packing disk space

  When a file is deleted, it still takes place on
diske.Chtoby release is a place for other files
required command MOVE.

  Command syntax:

  After using this command, you can not recover deleted files, 
so be careful. Command only works on the drive by default. 

              to be continued ...

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Likbez - full description + full dizassmbler ROM (part 2).

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