City #02
08 марта 1999

Beech - short story subintrusive upoki.

<b>Beech</b> - short story subintrusive upoki.

   The first lessons

                    All suffragist and feminist

                    to March 8 is devoted to

                    Read and envy ...

   This is my sister, who lives in the capital,
asked one day, so I took some time
her daughter, Martha, to his dacha rest. Martha was a charming 
creature, a lovely girl, a great kid. The volume of her breast 
is large enough and made my heart tremble sometimes She was 
handsome. Her brown hair curled at the head, looming over her 
shoulders and blue eyes. March was an extremely bold. At a 
meeting with me She rewarded me with kisses, pulling me

to hug her neck, lungs gentle hands. I
remained indifferent even when it became
my victim. It was a great lover of books.
I have often noticed that she was long in
my library. It is particularly fond of medicine. Knowing this, 
I specifically planted anatomical dictionary with pictures, it 
is striking. The next day vocabulary disappeared. Then I lost 
sight of it. From the maid, I learned that in March my room 
preparing lessons and will not allow anyone to start up to 
itself. I quietly went upstairs, silently opened the door and 
saw Martha. She stood at the window and held the dictionary. 
Her cheeks burned with fever fire, and his eyes gleamed with an 
unnatural sheen. She frightened, and vocabulary has fallen to 
my feet. I raised Dictionary, blaming negligence to the books 
and put her on her knees, hugged her.


   - Martha, you are interested in anatomy?

   - Dear uncle, do not be mad at me.

   - But, dear, what do you like more? - I asked, lowering his 

   She opened the book and leafed through the pages
found a picture with the male member.

   - That's my uncle.

   - Consequently, you are interested in the male member. Well, 
it does not matter. I would like you to explain details of his 

   But in March said that she has some idea about what his 
unit. Then I took the book and opened a drawing from a 
narrative voice: 

   - This, my dear, the male member. He had grown a
hair. This lower part is called the cervix. Y
boys hair appear in fourteen years, and
the girls a bit earlier.

   And by the way he asked:

   - And you, Martha, you have there hair?

   - Oh, Daddy, more like ...

   - Dear Martha, let me touch them?

   With these words, I quickly put his hand under her
dress and the next moment his fingers touched the young
Cannon, who grew up in the lush lips young body.
From tickling fingers, "he" becomes elastic, and
March became motionless, as if in anticipation of
something big and important. Her blue eyes get by looking at me 
strangely. It expanded feet so that my fingers felt the beauty 
of it all no one untouched.

   - Oh, Daddy, I'm still no one had touched ...
How strange ... My uncle told me all of
and in detail about the term, - said my pupil
after a pause.

   I continued to explain. Unbuttoned his pants, I
pulled out his excited member in all its glory
before the astonished eyes of the girl.

   - Oh, uncle, - she said - but you just
another member than in the picture, what a long and thick, it 
is worth the candle. 

   - It depends on the excitation - I said - it is usually 
sluggish, but when I took you to your knees, I felt the 
closeness of your body, he was excited and became another. When 
I touched your member You feel excited, is not it?

   - Oh, Daddy, that's right, with me it was.
But, Daddy, why are you men have such a thing as
we do not?

   - This is to have intercourse - I said.

   - Oh, Daddy, what is it? I do not have realized.
Please tell me how it's done. True
Is that from this you can zaimet child?

   - Intercourse, Martha, there are quite simple.
We men irritate you a member of his sexual organ. Draw your 
irritation, and in its turn, then a child born under the 
influence of the seed. But if the member to move cautiously it 
is possible to avoid the child, so relations are to have fun. 

   During this monologue, the girl became more animated. Her 
cheeks burned like fire. Member of the burned as her cheeks. 
The right hand threw my cock. Her sexual body constantly 
touched my hand, and gradually extended, so that my finger 
slipped on the surface of sponges without pain for the girl 
going into her and her hot traffic to a halt. Smoothly and 
quietly with her head down on my chest and she said:

   - Oh, Daddy, what a ... Uncle, you're
talked about the seed ...

   - The seed here - I said and pointed at the egg

   - From there, via a member of the seed comes out, 
accompanied by strong excitation, delivering a pleasant 
delight. First you need to bring the member before the 
commencement. This must be done as follows: You grasp my penis 
with his right hand so that Skin rubbing penis. That's just an 
energetic, there is now ... 

   After a couple of energetic jumps to her splashed
on hand and on the dress, so she recoiled in fear and released 
hot member out of hand. - But, Daddy, this is some kind of 
liquid ... 

   - No, Martha, this is the seed from which
born child, if it gets to you, women,
the vagina during sexual intercourse.

   - Uncle, how strange, - she said - but you
said that sexual intercourse is not used
only in order to get a baby?

   - True, dear, it used to enjoy.

   - How can I do, my dear uncle? I believe
will be greatly hurt if such a long term will
shove in my vagina.

   - The first time a little bit, and then a few moves back and 
forth, and the woman comes moment of sexual pleasure.

   - This can be done to us, uncle?

   - I just tickle your body, you were nice, but now let me do 
so that you were still pleasant.

   I took her to the couch, grabbed her right arm
waist and the left come from behind, pulled her to him,
kissed her, then gently placed her on the couch, picked up
her dress, pressed on his chest, which was white and firm, and 
trembled kissing. I took in the mouth tender nipple and gently 
sucked, let me go. Sweetly Sighing, she put her arms round my 
neck. At this time I slowly moved apart her legs. Then I pulled 
out his penis and put it in the hot hand of Martha. She

tightly across his back, my hand slipped under
shirt, trying to find his deepest vagina. Great excitement 
passed through my body, I could not more than a second to wait 
for me all played when I touched her delicate jaw bodies. I 
lifted his shirt, and before my eyes was the picture created by 
nature itself: the beautiful scallop between two sponges formed 
a little bit, from under which could see a little tongue. 

             To be completed ....

Other articles:

Editor - two pposhlo day since the release of One family nomepa.

Iron - on the system bus, set me on my ZS Scorpion 256.

what-where-how much - Most of the new additions ppogpammnogo software were magazines and newspapers.

Smiley - a compilation of anecdotes.

Beech - short story subintrusive upoki.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   31 March