On-Line #34
28 апреля 1996

ZXNet - On the use of a modem "Allegro."

<b>ZXNet</b> - On the use of a modem


   Hello, dear users and system operators!

   In this article I wanted-a little bit to go through several
Questions have been raised over the past three weeks as in the 
correspondence network ZXNet, and in computer magazines. 

   1. Question the use of modems on the basis of the scheme 
"Allegro" and the feasibility of a BBS on the ZX-Spectrum 
platform was raised in St.Petersburg journal ZX-Format N 3.

   What can I reply to the author? I will answer the facts of 
our lives: 

   - Programs for the ZX takes up much less space than a 
similar program for the IBM PC (we are talking about games and 
system programs). So the two drives, the server is enough.

Who works in our network - can attest to this.

   - The author probably had an old program to support the work 
of modem times he refers to the low exchange rate. Yes, speed 
somewhere 2400-2600, but try on our phone network work faster! 
PC-kovsky HAYES-modem over 14,400 works in 90% of cases at 9600 
or less (this applies, of course, MGTS).

   In the least, ZX-Format is transmitted using
"Allegro" for 35-40 minutes, and the modem itself is 10-30 
times cheaper HAYES-modem!

   Yes we still have practiced the use of packers to transfer a 
large volume of programs and data. 

   - Not all users have the opportunity to buy a PC - it is
and gave an impetus to the creation of ZXNet - network, 
operating on a platform of the Spectrum, but with "gateways" to 
access to other networks. From a lack of exchange rate no one 
has yet suffered. 

   2. Question concerning the mayhem MGTS has been raised by 
users ZXNet, Dorval until last year (1995) correspondence 
FIDONet and up to last year's computer publications. 

   Here the theme a little overlap with the first question.

   - The fact that, indeed, MGTS has the right (confirmed 
legally) to catch a modem using a special instrument, scanning 
from time to time telephone channels. In principle, this 
instrument is designed to detect the fax. And because the scan 
is done automatically and without recording the observed 
exchange, it is not considered Wiretap Your negotiations.


        You do not blame, for example, your LEDs
         On the modem that they overhear your line?

   So, dial-up users "Allegro" do not worry. The fact that it 
is, in principle, and not just a modem. He works in a wider 
band than HAYES-modem (that works at two frequencies with a 
narrow stripe)! And just "Allegro" is perceived as a 
conversation apparatus (... cool conversations throughout band 
telephone channel!), not as a modem detection, or rather, not 
in any way perceived! 

   By the way, why not connect "Allegro" (despite the fact
that the C-DOS uses one of the IBM-protocol) HAYES-modems.

   - That with regards to the principles of FIDO, for example, 
threatened, in case of infringement of the rights of users, 
manual choke MGTS bunch of letters (about 5000 users and 
operators of Moscow). Topics more is not the fact that someone 
from the leadership of MGTS or their relatives are not on FIDO! 
There, everything is under control. 

   Conclusion on the second question: as long as you personally 
MGTS is missing, no necessary to raise howl and excite other 
network users. And then somewhere someone something read or 
heard - and followed a flurry of indignant letters. 

   And if suddenly you really PBX naedet
- Then tell all the detailed facts and keep a written
notification from the telephone exchange. WE WILL FIGHT 

   3. At this point I want to appeal to new users who are only 
going to or just bought a modem. 

   Nobody will allow an unknown person to "dig in his
pockets! "Most people understand this and leave information 
about yourself. 

   But we have two more ghosts that pump with servers
full disk, and only the game, and nothing about himself is 
reported. Numbers of users are marked as long as the phone book 
question marks. A System Operators ZXNet (ONLY) could have I 
know, and home addresses. 

                         ALEX (Research)
                         ZXNet 095:1641684 ..

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - Night remove password on Lime-BBS-2.

HOT GAMES - Hit Parade of Magic Soft.

ZXNet - On the use of a modem "Allegro."

Mosaic - Reflections Digitecs Inc on the video processor. Going to ENlight'96!

Nove!? - About the programs: Lemmings 2, Color Balls, The Red Stone 1 & 2, Crimes Santa Clause, Fillers, Prince of Persia, Soldier of Future.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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