ZXNet эхоконференция «zxnet.pc»

тема: Fwd: псевдографика в gedlnx

от: Kirill Frolov
кому: Kirill Frolov
дата: 25 Apr 2004

- --- begin of forward ---
From: Kirill Frolov
Newsgroups: fido7.ru.unix.ftn
Subject: Re: псевдографика в gedlnx
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 11:36:12 +0000 (UTC)
X-Comment-To: Eugeny Chernetcki

Hемедленно нажми на RESET, Eugeny Chernetcki!

On Sat, 24 Apr 04 02:41:25 +0400, Eugeny Chernetcki wrote:

EC> In cc, Grigory Temchenko wrote about Re^2: псевдографика в gedlnx:
>>> только что пролетели таблицы koi8-r<->cp866
GT>> а что-нибудь cp1256<->cp866?
EC> сам бы не отказался, найдёшь - стукнись в нетмайл

textsection 1 of 1 of file ged-chrgen.pl
#! /usr/bin/perl

$VERSION = "0.1 alpha (2004-04-25T15:07:43+0400)";

use POSIX qw(locale_h);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use File::Spec;
use Text::Iconv;


'target-dir|d=s' => $out_dir,
'local-encodings|e=s' => $loc_enc,
'import-encodings|i=s' => $in_enc,
'export-encofings|o=s' => $out_enc,
'external-encodings|x=s' => $ext_enc,
'unknown-char|c=s' => $unk_char,
'list-charsets|l|L' => sub {
exec "iconv -l"
'version|v' => sub {
print < $progname -- Charset mapping tables generator for GoldED $VERSION
Copyright (C) 2004 Kirill Frolov. All rights reserved.
Program can be freely distributed in modified or umodified form.
; exit;
'help|h' => sub {
print < Charset mapping tables generator for GoledED $VERSION
Usage: $progname -d output-directory -i|-o|-x export-encoding(s) [-options...]
-d, --target-dir=
set output directory, this is mandratory option.
-e, --local-endodings=
set local encoding(s) (see XLATLOCALSET option in golded.cfg),
if not specified locale encoding will be used instead.
-i, --import-encodings=
define import-only encoding(s)
-o, --export-encodings=
define output-only encoding(s)
-x, --external-encodings=
define encodings for both import and export
(this option you need in common case)
At least one of -x, -o or -i option must be specified.
-c, --unknown_char=
define replacement for character not existing in
output encoding. Only single character can be specified.
By default an question sign ('?') will be used.
-L, --list-charsets
print list of encodings supported by iconv(1)
-v, --version
print program version and copyright
-h, --help
show usage information

Note on encoding-list specification:
encoding-list consist of single iconv(1) encoding name,
or multiple encoding names delimited by space, comma or colon.

following command line builds charset mapping tables for unix version of
$progname -d /usr/share/golded -x "CP866,CP1251,ISO-8859-5" -l "KOI8-R"

; exit;

die "$progname: invalid argument" if ($#ARGV>=0);
die "$progname: ouput directory not specified" unless defined $out_dir;
die "$progname: invalid --unknown-char option specification ('$unk_char')"
unless (length($unk_char)==1);

sub split_enc { split '[,:; ]

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