Odyssey Magazine #01
05 марта 1997

Demolition - Game Description THE DOOBLE.

<b>Demolition</b> - Game Description THE DOOBLE.
J.S. Ltd
year approximately 84-86

 Description - Kostyukov Stas (C) 1997
 34-fold understudy in The Double.
 Music by Shov

   This game belongs to the genre of "football
Management "and tells about events far in 1984, when Ian Rush 
was the best Liverpool, but Alex Ferguson has worked in

Scottish Aberdine.Vasha problem is clear
and "simple" - to take the championship
England t.e.vyigrat for one season and the Cup
England and chempionat.Takogo success in the 20-m
Century sought a Tottenham (in 1961) and
Arsenal (1971). Do you have a chance to repeat
unique achievements of these famous clubs. To do this, download 
The Double and ... depressing to look at the composition of the 
club, you are driving.

   Yes! Leicester City - not Arsenal. With such a team only to 
struggle for survival in the 1 st division, rather than 
duplicates delat.Poetomu I advise to think twice and decide that

is more important - fair play and small chances
for success, or is it at least some success, but through 

   If you chose the first, this paragraph, you can not read. If 
the latter, then vnimay.Itak, the first thing to do is play the 
first match of the championship for the poor Leicester City 
(how to do this I will say later). Then, before the second 
match go to the bank through a loan to do so,

that the bank had 412,000 funtov.Potom
need to improve the capacity of the stadium on
2000 seats and play two championship match. By
its end you asked about that
Lester happily went bankrupt and you're fired. Do not worry if 
you have extracted in the previous 2 games a few points, then

you're invited to any club that
takes place from 16 to 22 in one of the 3
divizionov.Takim way you can get into
strong team failed start of the championship (Liverpool, 
Everton, Tottenham, Manchester Utd, Portsmouth, Arsenal,

Notts Forest).

   After loading the game you find yourself in
the main game menu, which consists of the following:

          CLUB REPORT


          F. A. FUXTURES

          CONTROL MENU

          QUIT GAME


   Selecting CLUB REPORT (5,6,7,8, enter) you
fall into the control menu clubs
consists of the following items:





          SCOUT REPORT

          BANK AND LOANS


          MAIN MENU

   CLUB STATISTICS section is divided into:




   In the options SQUAD DETAILS can be found
pay your players, by its magnitude
depends on the quality of play igroka.V 1 st division, it 
ranges from 380 to 800 pounds. Also here you can sell a player 
(Sell player). 

  STAFF DETAILS option is for
operations with a doctor (physioterapist) and two scouts 
(scout). They can hire or dismiss. I advise you to always hire 
a doctor if your team has more than 13 players. Scouts Need

for obtaining information on the interest
You players.

  CROWD PREPARATION - police training
to home matchu.Vam should indicate
estimated number of spectators who will visit your home 
match.Esli specified number will be less real for 3500 or more, 
the stadium will begin disorders and the football association 
may you are fine. Amount of viewers depends on the average 
attendance (AVERAGE GATES) playing clubs and their position in 
the league. If the amount is less than the same amount, then

Book Club, dissatisfied with the extra
costs, lower your rating (the same happens with the penalty). 
In the 2 nd and 3 rd divisions are allowed deviations in 2500 
and 1500 respectively.

  FINANCE REPORT - reports on income and
cost of your club over the last week.

  INJURY REPORT - traumatized igroki.Esli any, you can change
background load. To do this, select
player and, if left to his recovery 3-4 weeks, change the 
workload with the 0-th (NO WORK OUTS) on a light (LIGHT 
WORKOUTS), then on average (MEDIUM), and when remained 1-a week 
(weeks), full (HARD WORKOUTS).

  SCOUT REPORT (Location Scout). After
8 th and 9 th championship games blink list
players, which will be sold, respectively, after 10 and 11 
games. After 10 Games will be released a list of the 12 th 
week, etc. If you want to find out about costs and data

player should didst send him razvedchika.Dopustim, ARSENAL 
going to sell Player N3 - SANSOM'a. Your actions: 1) hire a 
scout (if it's not), 2) choose Section SCOUT REPORT, 3) to 
select SEND ON MISSION, 4) select Division 1, then

ARSENAL and SANSOM'a. The results will be after
game. They can look at SCOUT REPORT,

  BANK AND LOANS - banking and
bank account, perhaps, no comment

  GROUND PREPARATION-expansion of the stadium.
It makes sense when your stadium is often packed to overflowing 
in home and Cup matches.

     Section LEAGUE DETAILS pozbolyaet
view table divisions (LEAGUE
TABLE), schedule meetings (LEAGUE FIXTURES) and the results of 
the previous round (LEAGUE RESULTS) in any of the 3 divisions. 
You can also see the lineups, participating in the championship 
and rezultativnost players in the section CLUB STATISTICS (Not 
to be confused with the previous CLUB STATISTICS). 

   FAFIXTURES - meeting for the Cup
England. The results of the draw are
known after 18 rounds, and 1-st round is held after 22 rounds. 
Each subsequent round is played over 4 rounds. 

   CONTROL MENU - you can dispatch / load situation and change 
the cursor to the uncomfortable SINCLAIR RIGHT or KEMPSTON.

   QUIT GAME clear and without comment.

   When all parameters are set, you can
start the game. To do this, select
option to CONTINUE. You will be prompted to place
players match.Vlevo / right - the choice position, up / down - 
the player, the fire - put the player in the selected location. 
Player number corresponds to its position on Field (1 keeper 
2-right-back, etc.). 

   Upon completion of placement should be indicated on 
CONTINUE.Posleduet request displayed results to a printer, and 
then the screen divided into three chasti.V top

Results will be scrolled at the bottom will show recaps and 
distinguished igroki.Pravaya part contains reports of football 
fans attending the match. If you have not guessed from the 
audience, then after your meeting will report on riots in the 
stadium, and after All matches will notify you of the amount of 
the fine If found guilty in the riots.

   The game like all, it's time to move to
helpful advice.

   Tip N1: reading message scout
section, which specifies the price of the player Get the 
message TOP PRICE AROUND (price). This is the highest price for 
a given player and pay for it you are 100% see a player on 
their team (if the marketing team will be able to sell it). 

   Tip N2: try to have a full team (18 players). This will 
block some of the clubs, ie, If from this club you need a 
player, and his not yet sold, and sell the others, these

most others can be blocked, allowing for
They amount in excess of their cost (if
you have this amount). When the club has 13
Players will not be able to sell anyone else. The same club can 
not sell if He has 15 players, but the 2 nd injured (inj), or 
14 players and 1 injured etc.

   Tip N3: a player with a salary of 800 pounds
worth 690,000 pounds, 760 pounds - 603 750,
720 pounds has two prices - 517,500 and
546250, 695 - 531 300, 680 - 460000 and
431,250.655 - 445,050 640 - and 402500.373750
345,000.615 - 358,800 and 387550.Vo 2 nd division players have 
salaries ranging from 280 to 440 pounds and the maximum price 
138000.V 3-m Salary from 180 to 340, and the maximum price 
46000.Pri transition from the 2 nd Division in the 1-th player, 
who had a salary of 440 pounds will not be 800, and 760 or 760 
720.Pri transition player in the 2 nd Division, he will have 
not 430, a 440 funtov.Takaya same pattern, and between 2 and 3 
divisions. Therefore, if you have money, but no players

get down in the 2 nd Division and buy
From 1 st.

    Council N4: If any team is left without a player at any 
position, it will buy any fool, if only to score

hole in sostave.Naprimer you bought from ARSENAL'a single 
player number 3 SANSOM'a. Because y ARSENAL'a early in the 
season 14 players, you have probably said goodbye to thought to 
see another ARSENAL'ovtsa under their znamenami.Ne here that 
bylo.ARSENAL as enraged bull will kidatsya on be bought any 
third room, until buy some libo.Vot then he will fall

your rod, because He will return to
14 players and it will again sell players.

   Council N5: Data on players who
brings you a scout (like IMPRESSIVELLY
COOL ON THE BALL, etc.) have no value, the value is just 
salary. It is advisable not to have a team of 2 players the 
same salary for one position, even if they differ in price, 
because of worse results for this club


   Council N6: if your rating has exceeded
60% of what you will invite other kluby.Esli your rating is 
close to absolute 0, then you can vygnat.Smotrite not refuse 
the proposed club, or the game reset.

   Well, perhaps that's all. Enjoy the game!

Other articles:

Entry - About the authors of the magazine and the magazine.

Entry - About the authors of the journal

Entry - Guide to the shell of the magazine.

a rest - GLODING PROGRAMMING (Programming upwards diagonally)

Assembler - How to calculate the sine assemlere.

System - IBM: On algaritme compression Lempel-Ziw Welch and its implementation for format GIF.

Miscellaneous - about computer problems: PROS and Scorpio, IBM ...

a rest - "Fun with the parties."

Demorynok - Hit Parade music demonstrations.

History - Hackers - art "it" - about the history of the emergence of hacking.

History - The classification of hackers.

a rest - "How to break down half?".

Letters - Reviews the readers of the magazine.

Contest - Competition for the best puzzle!

Assembler - A quick calculation of the address by two coordinates.

IS DOS - Problems and Solutions

News - news of city.

Demolition - Game Description THE DOOBLE.

Demolition - Game Description BLOOD WYCH.


System - Description of system software: UNIVERSAL SPRATE STUDIO (USS)

Guests - Old friends: On the history of the Krasnodar group UNIT-5

System - Description of system software: ACCEPT PROTECTION SYSTEM V1.0.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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