Nicron #114
06 ноября 1999

Story - Mirror.

<b>Story</b> - Mirror.
        Bedtime story ...


   (Especially for readers of the newspaper "NICRON")

   Hello, my dear ... Here I am again in the pages
Nicron-a ...

   First you have probably come across here is my name.
I have published in Nicron-e two of his stories - "Pusher" and
Dr. Shahs "- and one small essay on the history of the hacker 
world ZX-Spectrum in 1993-95, respectively. 

   Unfortunately, it turned out that further work on essays
I could not. There were too many cases. However, their 
activities in the field of fiction I have not left. And keep 
going until. Communication with readers, even if virtual, still 
brings me pleasure. Today I would like to submit your precious 
attention last story that has escaped my pen. It's called "The 
Mirror" and has appeared on light quite accidentally. As you 
know, more or less a good idea occur in humans in the process 
of dialogue or dispute. Here such a case. The plot came to mind 
during the actual normal conversation.

   And, finally, a few words about my plans for the future ...
Now I, along with his co-author (with whom I sometimes work), 
going to implement a long-standing dream - to write a big story 
(or maybe even a novel) idea that already in 1992 years can 
never become a reality. This product will be called "moss bog." 
Some echoes of the story the story can be found in the "Pusher" 
and "Dr. Shahs. Time will tell ... For seven years, "Moss 
Swamp" is just part of my imagination. And if it becomes 
something else, I do not know. But hopefully you want ... 

Oleg Malakhov aka Stever.


   I dedicate this story Natasha Sviryukovoy which in itself
without knowing it, gave me the wonderful idea that lay
a plot.


(C) Oleg Malakhov / Stever
Figure - (c) Eugene Golyakov /
Spencer Winset / Diamond Group
and Artem Belozerov / Real Heysten /
Diamond group

   Phone call cut through the silence that reigned in the 
apartment. This high and sharp sound quickly led Yarov from the 
state of stupor. 

   - Yes - a little sleepy voice said Yarov by lifting the 

   - Theodore T., hello - the answer - that
do not know?

   - Yes, not particularly - responded Yarov, who really could 
not figure out who is calling and distracting him so brazenly. 

   - Presentation of the last CD you remember? Which two
months ago ...

   - Well, - has torn off Yarov.

   - I came to you there. About a new group ...

   - I remember - said Yarov - I promised you play?

   - Not me, but the group, which I do ...

   - Well, it's understandable - even more crudely cut caller 
Yarov,      In short, come to me in the studio. There and talk.

   - Guys take me with you?

   - What guys?

   - Group my ...

   - Do not. Take the soundtrack, and we will listen to her 

   - So there is no soundtrack.

   - What do you mean no? - Has angrily said Yarov - What do 
you want, 

     nowhere to register?

   - Yes ..., - said the source, - Listen, maybe I do not vovre
     name calling? Can I distract you?

   - By the way, where did you get my phone? - A question with 
a question answered Yarov. 

   - So you're there for me to give themselves - the caller 
said, surprised - 

     At the presentation.

   - Something I do not remember ... Although, at the 
presentation, especially at the end, 

     I could not do such things ...

   - Well, yes it is ... - a little laugh, said the source, -

     It happens.

   - Well, - said Yarov - Do you have the address of my studio?

   - Yes. You and I, too, gave.

   - Well ... Can podehat me tomorrow? Her watch one

   - Can. Time to eat. It would be your wish ...

   - Well, I promised.

   - So, did so. Tomorrow, at eleven o'clock, you

     at the studio. Come with the guys.

   - Well, - said Yarov - Until tomorrow ...

   - Thank you. Goodbye.

   - Yeah, - mumbled Yarov and immediately hung up.

   "Yeah ... need to drink less - he thought. - Sam gave it
schizo your home phone, but still address the studio. He now
probably on every street corner will tell you what not so I
bad, which seem at first glance. "

   Yarov rose from the sofa and went to the kitchen.

   "We ought to cut off the phone ... They also say that that 
does not say - all the same call would be. Of course, without 
me and the day will not live ... will not work ... no rest! .. 
Maybe brandy sip? For bravery. Yet, whatever one may say, awful 
thing. A with brandy-and easier to ... Although, what the fuck 
brandy. After all, it is clear there said - a drop of alcohol. "

   Reaching the kitchen Yarov, however, failed. Phone call
Again, as an unexpected guest, the silence of the apartment 
blew up. 

   - Damn! - Exclaimed Theodore T. and returned to the room. 
Then abruptly withdrew the phone with a lever. 

   - Yes, - he said.

   - Hello! Theodore T., are you?

   - Yes, - said Yarov and closed his eyes gushed from rabies. 
Called the same idiot. 

   - It's me again. About the group ...

   - Got it!

   - Then you know what the problem ... My boys will not be 
able tomorrow to you podehat. Today they have a new track with 
trying to write. Well, to finish crazy. I'm calling them, but 
they Laka not knit.

   - Very good, but I'm around here with it? - Spring began 
reeling wire tube on your finger.

   - So I say, they will not be able tomorrow to you podehat. 
He also still need to move away. There is not up to business 
meetings ... Maybe I'm the one podedu? 

   - Listen to what you want from me in the end do you want? - 
Could not stand, yelled Yarov. Kopivsheesya all day tension beg 
to give vent to emotions. And spring decided to make a gift to 
his nervous system. 

  - I f you are clear on pure Russian said: Come!

    Since I came - come! I was a little worried about alcohol
    Problems of your guys ...

   - Sorry, I seem to hinder you, - said the caller noticeable
     but a low voice - I'll call again later.

   Here Yarov just furious.

   - Listen, Roll you ... With his ensemble ... Again on
     call, and have exactly no sane producer for you not

     take it! Guaranteed! - With these words Yarov hung up. 
Then bent down and pulled the phone cord from the outlet. 

   - Now you shut up his mouth, the brute! - He shouted in
void - Enough is enough! ..

   Theodore T. breath. "So ... calm and still
just calm. Passed quite nervous ... You can not do. Me today
so absolutely impossible. Otherwise, all it means nothing. "

   - Well, my friend, realized finally turn off the phone? - 
With Kim said, smiling and smiling ominously, he added, - 
Something you face some kind of pale.

   - When you came in? - Startled, asked Yarov - I did not even 

   - Yes you are, in my opinion, has nothing at all can see and 
not notice. Last brains of fear baked - said Kim. 

   - Are you easy to say - said bitterly Yarov - You do not
need in all of this personally incur. On my hump want rode.

   - What are you talking about? - Makes clasped his hands, Kim 
- you are my poor and miserable ... The elder brother went out 
of climbs to organize your life, and you even can not help him 
as a human. Here it is - thanks! 

   - Okay, sorry - said soothingly Yarov - you know, that I 
have now with the nerves. 

   - It is time for a long time to get used to - hard said Kim, 
and her lips it formed a thin line, and his eyes got cold 
brilliance, you yourself just want it to be. I just execute 
your wishes. 

   - I have already apologized - said Yarov evil - let's both 
of us calm down and get down to business.

   - You want to say that it is you need to calm down. I have a 
long calm - Kim bowed his head to one side, and his face 
distorted grimace of disgust - I think today you drank a small 

   - No. You asked me in those days did not drink - Yarov said 
calmly, though his heart leaped. 

   - It turns out that my request to you now does not act - Kim
moved forward a little.

   - Well, why ... Act. More like ... - In the voice Yarov felt 

   - No, my dear. Do not apply. I obviously feel that you

   - Do not drink - stubbornly Yarov said - and did not intend.

   - And in his mind was not? - On the face of Kim reappeared 
evil grin.

   - There was - said Yarov.

   - Do not forget - I see everything, feel everything, 
everything I feel ... 

   - Are you following me?

   - What do you think ... Follow, of course. You just became 

   - So you all this time was here? - It was evident that Yarov 
came in a strong confusion. 

   - Was - "Kim said.

   - But ... How could you? .. It is impossible.

   - It is now possible. Even as possible.

   Yarov helplessly looked straight into his eyes and tried to 
Kim get up from his chair.

   - Where are you this? - Ominously asked Kim - I just started 
... You made a mistake. Broke my ban. Get drunk as a pig ...

   - I'm just a little drunk! - Blurted Yarov.

   - Here's ... It is now yelling at me. He drank a little ... 
Father Then, too, a little drunk. And then ...

   - Look, I understand that is not right, and promise that 
more is not be repeated, - hastily interrupted his brother 

   - More like again! - Kim moved to cry, - Sit on the ground
and listen! And carefully and not interrupting. With you, among 
other things, the elder brother is talking. 

   - Calm down ... I am not a child, to yell at me that way - 
said Yarov, again looking at Kim.

   - If you and walked away from the level of the child, not 
much. In short, will punish you to continue not povadno was.

   - Do not ... - Of spring involuntarily lifted his arms as
if he tried to defend himself.

   - We must, my friend. Himself then I'll be grateful. You
I was always grateful, right?

   - Yes ... Always. But now, I beg you, just calm down
and let's talk normally.

   - What do I do with you, freak, talk? You're only one
language you understand - the language of the whip. Carrot not 
you act is useless. My father was an idiot. And you are the 
same. And both brought only trouble. Me and my mother ...

   - Kim, stop, I ask ... - Spring began to panic.

   - Sit up straight and get ready - cold and without any 
emotion Kim said. All of his zeal as though came to nothing.

   - Kim, come on ... - Spring suddenly felt her cheeks
involuntarily rolled tears - I do not want to! Please ... 
Forgive me! I do not deserve ...

   - I know better - with these words, Kim began to approach.

   - Go away, you bastard! - Shouted suddenly Yarov even 
surprised his courage and jumped from his chair, - Get out! 
You're not a person - you are nothing, dust, dust! 

   - You are mistaken, my dear, - the tone of Kim was very calm 
- Here just me - a person. Unlike you.

   Yarov stood in the middle of the room. Tears flow has 
dropped down on his unshaven cheeks. He was in wild horror, and 
it is felt in every movement and word: 

   - Kim ... Kimushka ... Native ... You're my brother - 
Theodore T. slowly began to get on his knees - still. Oh please 
... Please - hands in prayer Yarov up to his brother, - I 
understand ... It's me and only me to blame. I'm always in the 
fault. Always ... And just me. 

   - It's true - with a smile that could even be called good,
said Kim - Something you already knew. But not all. You can not 
change destiny. However, you can change a person. Even such an 
ugly beast like you. 

   Yarov felt helpless child in front of his brother. He
sobbed, and it was previously connected, it became 
unintelligible Lepetane. It was a panic. 

   - Stand with knees - imperiously said Kim - Get up and take
punishment. Be a man at least once in their lives.

   Yarov sprawled on the floor and was afraid to even move. His 
body was shaken by sobs. 

   - Well, lie if you want. You're just like a child. Do you 
think that once you can not see me, then hid in their shells 
and can even get away from punishment ... But do not go away - 
voice Kim sounded very close with spring. Almost around the ear.

Unhappy finely trembled and shrank even more. Now pose in which 
he was lying on the floor, very like a pose of the embryo in 
the womb. 

   - My poor boy, - said softly, Kim - Why are you so
afraid? Will hurt a little, and then all must pass.
And you fall asleep ... See mom, she'll prigolubit and regret.
It was she who loves you. She just does not like dad. Yes, and 
I ... 

   The last thing I heard Yarov was ringing broken mirror ...


   - In my opinion, it generally is not at home - said Tolia, 
removing from ear cell phone - do you think Albert S.?

   - But who is it, idiot, he knows - grumbled Ryvkin - I 
suppose you again alone in his smelly apartment sits 
nazhiraetsya. And we need to worry ...

   - He spoke like he had the creative process began -
clearly ironically, Tolia said.

   - Heavy drinking with him, rather than the creative process! 
- In the hearts of the said Ryvkin - Zvyakni again, maybe 
ochuhaetsya and take up. A Well then as we enter the apartment 
can not. Door, he has an iron. 

   Fraction twice begged not necessary, but an attempt to 
successfully was not crowned. Tube no one would.

   - Useless - waving his hand, said Tolia and threw Cell
on a car seat.

   - Okay, let yourself something figured - Ryvkin looked
on Tolik - Can open ...

   - Yeah, you open it ... Iron-something - Tolia said.

   - Well, now call the police? .. Chef us when oversleep, just 
kill me. 

   - And if through a window? - Tolia said.

   - Climb - care delivered Ryvkin in which this idea
enthusiasm did not call - I'm not exactly helpful.

   - Only a second floor ... You can.

   - Perdition you my want - Ryvkin smiled sadly - although
the output of another, of course not.

   - Here I am about the same.

   S. Albert opened the car door.

   - Ah, to the light, then it does not want to - he said, and 
sadly looked at the window of an apartment Yarov.


   - I told all the investigator ... And, of course, tell
all this to you - spring tried to smoke but no lighter
wanted to obey her trembling hands.

   - Let us help you, - said Albert S. and picked up a lighter.

   - Thanks, - spring lit - Be the first one found themselves 
then in apartment his son ... You yourselves have seen 
everything. What is your opinion? 

   - Well ... - Extended Ryvkin.

   - That's just not necessary to spare my feelings, - said 
Yarov - The police to me is more or less told, I recognize the 
body ... So what you say.

   - Blood was a lot - said Ryvkin - This is the first thing I
saw. Theodore T. lying on the floor. His throat ...

   - I know - broke Yarov - But what about mirrors?

   - His throat had been slashed by shrapnel mirror. And the 
mirror itself broken.

   - And nothing else? .. Unusual? ..

   - Yes like anything special ... That's just his face ...

   - As if he saw the devil in the flesh, right? - Spring 
looked at Ryvkina. 

   - Yes.

   - He does not see the devil, - said the old woman, nervously
dragged on, - He saw his brother ... Who died many years
back ... - Spring bowed her head. - Kim.

   - Meaning?

   - In the literal. Kim died in a road accident when he was
fourteen years. Fedenka then just turned eleven. It took only 
two days after the birth of Fyodor ... Y Kim night there was a 
severe attack of appendicitis. We then were in the country. A 
problem, you know, has a cottage. Had a son to carry the 
hospital within their means. My husband was drunk and sleep off 
especially not in time. But swaggered, animal ... Yelled that 
he will take that help to run is not necessary. I'm a fool, and 
did not run. So he took ... Themselves and Kim on the light. 
Fedenka week in the heat of lying. I bury solid cares, but here 
it is ... He barely moved away then. Since then he has it all 
started ... 

   - What started? - Asked cautiously, Albert S..

   - Vision is different. Said that Kim has not died, that he 
is close to him. Doctors said - the boy felt a strong shock, 
offered put it in the clinic. And I refused to ... Thought that 
his very elongated ... But could not. It is with him and left. 
However, he learned ... Studied well ... Then he discovered his 
talent for music. That I absolutely and killed. 

   - Why?

   - The thing that Fyodor since childhood had no hearing. Music
not very fond of. A talent was his brother .... Kim ... - Woman
stopped. Her eyes stared at the picture hanging on the wall.

   - I smoke? - Asked quietly Ryvkin.

   Yarov turned her head to Albert Semenovich and nodded.

   - Please ... - And added: - You have several years of 
working with Fyodor, guarding him. Now here came to inquire the 
circumstances of his death ... I think that is simply obliged 
to you all very frankly tell. Are you surprised by my story?

   - Over - Ryvkin said - and I had no idea,
that Fedor Timofeyevich not all right with the psyche ... It 
was ... 

   - But this is so, - spring sighed. - So where was I?
... Fyodor began writing music. And the good ... I understand 
that in all this is some sort of anomaly, and one day just told 
him this. I must say that our relations were very trusting. 
Fyodor shared with me always and all. He was not very surprised 
my words. Although embarrassed. And also just said that it was 
Kim it helps to write music. Told about the mirror in the 
bedroom through which Kim speaks to him. As a child, they often 
sat together in the mirror. In the evening when it was dark, 
and they thought that nobody sees. Sat and imagined what they 
will, becoming adults who will. And then Fyodor once confided 
to me reported that the image in the mirror occasionally 
revived. And they were conversation with them. Their mirrored 
counterparts. Kim, I remember learning that Fedenka revealed 
their secret to me, terribly angry with his brother. Even hit 
him for it. Fyodor has always been closer to me than Kim. And 
Kim was closer to his father. Although at times it seemed to me 
that he does not like anybody. Neither his mom nor his dad. AND 
even my brother does not like. Kim grew up a closed child. 
Somehow unsociable ... Angry at everything and everyone. 
Probably, it was originally have developmental disabilities. 
Kim was very talented in the field Music ... Throughout the 
rest lag behind their peers ... When I heard that Fyodor 
communicates with her brother through the mirror, I realized 
that the disease progresses. But nothing did not take. 

   - Why?

   - Because, basically, it was quite normal. Fyodor absolutely
normally felt among the people. He had many friends.
Not close, of course ... In twenty years, began his musical
career. So I decided to spit on all the strangeness. And in 
vain ... Apparently, something happened that day, a week ago. 
But here's what I I do not understand.

   Yarov again turned to the pictures on the wall. Then she 

   - You've never seen Kim? .. I mean, his picture?

   - No. I do about it today, first heard the - replied Ryvkin.

   - Picture hanging in front of you. It Fyodor, my husband and 
Kim. Removed I. We have in the country. On that same birthday, 
which I have have said. This is the last shot Kim.

   Yarov seriously got to take the pictures off the wall.

   - Here, look - she handed it to Albert Semenovich.

   Ryvkin took the photos in hand. Looked at him a happy 
family. Smiling dad, smiling a little Fyodor. Only Kim spoil 
this picture. He was not smiling, his eyes frozen forever eyes 
were fixed somewhere above the photographer. Alberto Semenovich 
the feeling that the boy sees something that is not given to 
see the rest. Something strange, something unknown simple 
mortals. The body Ryvkina ran a light chill ... 

- Here's a story, my son - my mother said. - Did you like it?

   - Aha, - said the boy, - But you promised to tell a story 
with bad ending ... 

   - Well, so much worse ... Tomorrow my mother has something 
interesting figure out - smiling, said mom. - Now go to bed

sleep ... Sleep on it.

   - Tell me something else! - Petulantly demanded the boy.

   - Tomorrow - almost whispered my mother - now you go to 
sleep now ... Good night, son. Good night, beloved ...

   - Good night, Mom, - said the boy .- But thou kiss
me before going to sleep?

   - Well, of course! - With these words, my mother moved 
forward, and Her lips touched the cold, smooth surface of the 
mirror ... " 

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

Spectrum - Vladivostok: Club 8 bit "

Events-demopati Chaos Constructions - 2000. Information, rules, contacts.

Story - Mirror.

Humor - Seven tips to combat viruses.

Entertainment - puzzle.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   17 June