Scream #02
29 января 2002

Lozhenie - about ACEdit0.59.

<b>Lozhenie</b> - about ACEdit0.59.
| About ACEdit0.59
| Alone Coder

   To begin with, that this version of AC Edit released on 2 
November (date within specified for the beta). Version intended 
for applications to our magazine ZX-Guide # 4, but could not 
fit in drive due to bloated. About this below.

   While newer versions do not exist: I've been collecting 
magazine wrote term papers and take tests. The next version of 
see beta testers, then version will be disseminated through

ehokonferentsii ZX.SPECTRUM in FidoNet. We have to admit
that access to the Internet, I have no idea why I can not timely
deploy new versions of the website dedicated to ZX. My request 
to the holders of these sites - to distribute the program to 
measure the forces. 

   There is a special category of user - the beta testers. This
those who liked (or disliked) my editor, who
try to inform about the shortcomings of the program and express 
thoughts its subject. I try to distribute new versions of ACE 
among beta testers, sending them after the release of an e-mail

with UUE-file. Because nothing complicated about sending 
letters for limits FIDO not, beta testers can be among 

   The major difference in this version are from the previous 
modules, or "plugins".

   I did not aim to create an open architecture editor
(It would increase its size and only), but because
with 0.56 the opportunity to download the executable and 
resident music files, it was easy after making some changes in

code editor to use this opportunity as a testing ground for
development of new features. In the future the most useful 
features will be placed in the editor. This will happen because 
I projecting a compact program, and plug-ins on the disk is 
occupied more space than in the shell, because the loadable 
modules inconvenient to use, because in the end, that mishmash

files on the disc prevents live peacefully.

   Editor since the first version works well on computers with 
48k RAM. The volume of both the edited

Text goes down to 16383 bytes. Therefore, approximately the same
length is HELP.

   In the 48k memory there are about 150 bytes on the 
development of the editor. Of course, this is very small. Many 
useful features are not implemented for this reason. Now I'm 
releasing another KBytes due to some deceleration mode 512x192. 
Therefore, this is not the last version that supports 48k. 
Developing, Editor fills the lower memory, and take a free page,

used for access to the Real Commander 1.9x. More precisely, it 
is this page will load music. In the first place

48k users will lose their built-in help, then these
computers will be ignored.

   Appears impossible now (due to lack of memory for
font) status bar, Auto text and character by character
selection. Font 4x8 will be available for download. Support
printer will be fully delivered to the plugin, because I
I still can not write good support, with no printer. For
simultaneous editing of texts will be used 03.02 driver
upper memory.

   To the program included its full source code. His presence 
is not means that I bring to the project in someone's hands. I 
just am not afraid distribute their source code. You can see 
how it works editor, and copy the successful ones, in your 
opinion, the procedures in their program. Good plugin is hard 
to write without source. Of course, the plugin should not call 
the procedure for absolute address. But the editor has already 
implemented some desired method of data processing, and easy 
with minor changes in the copy module. The authors of many 
programs use kernal calls standard procedures and distribute

Only kernal. But the kernal takes up too much space in RAM and
your hard drive. The problem is compounded by the fact that 
there is no AC Edit standard procedures;)

   Compile the source code in assembler ALASM 4.x with the 
following settings: System page = # 41, Symbols page = # 43, 
Disk buffer = # d200. 

   For a more complete acquaintance with the ideology of the 
editor you have to read all the numbers Came to him publishing 
AlCo News. The first 5 numbers collected in the annex to the 
ZX-Guide # 4 for they gained eternity;)

12/24/2001, 00:10, Ryazan.

   Write to 2:5029 / 9.33 Dima Bystrov. Specified in the help
no longer valid!

Other articles:

Editorial - I'm from the planet Maiga.

Editorial - two triads Stewart: "... But I love krik2" It was a bit naive, perhaps absurd, but for me it is characterized above all the warmth ... "

Editorial - Industrial velvet drop of juice gyrus: "Two days ago I returned with cc1 and ever since I was gnawing at something incomprehensible, inexplicable, intractable understanding ..."

Editorial - make a clean breast of it: "as far as my music here - I wish that it gave people peace of heat, which I had as a child and then I've managed to keep to this day ... "

Editorial - Unbeliever: "With difficulty I think of any shock software products the last time. The next version Best View, fast-paced BGE, HRiP and AcEditor, this is probably all that is worthy of attention ... "

Creek - charts index: "I finally decided to count all came down the charts. Yeah, not a lot - a total of 18 vote-sheets, but some people voted!"

Creek - charts the results: "Mad work, I tell you! Whole day in my head spinning some damn numbers, all day I thought I was studying, correcting, shot, killed ... "

Creek - credits.

Zoom - news: the makers of newspapers Paragraph make the game, Phantom Family cvalili on pc, new members of the group 4D, Vyacheslav Mednonogov lost for Spectrum finally, Davos scored at the Spectrum, Lynx is working on a HTML viewer, the Group Sage "full of negativism", Kvazar ceases publication of the newspaper "Polesie", etc.

Zoom - an interview with Baze/3sc.

Zoom - Wlodek Balck about the situation with Spectrum in Moscow.

Scene - Internet vs Speccy: won the friendship! "What is so attractive Internet to create new projects devoted to our favorite computer?"

Scene - Insanity Zer0: "Real demomeykerov the history of the Spectrum - no more than a dozen names, at a stretch be called twenty! Geymemykerov - More less ... "

Scene - leet?! Definition of the elite "sceners.

Scene - platsebogi: "placebo: platsebogi you, we love you."

Scene - cannibalism on the scene: "Camp Spectrum is divided into two hangouts: Western, European scene and the Russian ..."

Pro-overview - Kosme 0, Psyhoz 5, Body 2f, Plutonium 19, Black Raven 6, Subliminal Extacy 3, IzhNews 0C, ZX-time 2, Lamergy 1 , MSF 22, Glass.

Pro-overview - cc01.gfx hostage pixels: "I've been waiting for this component, quite honestly, without any special experience ..."

Pro-overview - CC1 music or 'it was in the evening ...' - Gas 13 vs Nik-O.

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka music compo review: "Writing reviews of graphics with the last party has already become a good tradition, but for some reason did not get much of the music ..."

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka GFX compo review: "having heard the views of artists and technicians, it is obvious it will be interesting to know the opinion of those who see the work a slightly different angle of view "

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka'tm compo stuff review: "Reviews - thing is quite complicated, because to say things do not show partiality to people with whom you have a good friendly relations, it is difficult always" ...

Pro-overview - Millennium'1901 Demoparty ... Overview of the graphics from Ice'Di.

Pro-overview - phat1 gfx compo review.

Pro-overview - phat0 gfx compo review: "The graphics in this time?" Not really. I remember the last time it was better "

Pro-overview - insanity # 9 review: "This number though was not initially expect me as scandalous, but after such has become. Personally, I have stayed if not beaten to death, then at As maimed "

Demoparty - chaos construstions'oo1 report: "reigned in St. Petersburg just indescribable atmosphere of the spirit of the scene, friendship, unity, and so good to me, probably never was"

Demoparty - Chaos Constructions 001: Party was ... it rulez! "Returning home with CC'001, I can not believe that everything happens in reality"

Demoparty - Megus: Report demoparty Chaos Constructions'2001.

Demoparty - nuotrauka'tm details: "It so happened that I was one of the organizers of this party, and therefore part of otmazyvatsya need me"

Interview - an interview with the poisoned CyberJack / Triebkraft (Part 1).

Interview - an interview with the poisoned CyberJack / Triebkraft (Part 2).

Interview - an interview with c Blade, Steelzer, Ice'di / Ttriumph.

Interview - gons in the scene: "why Chasm / CPU freak, and who ever thought he was - a freak?"

Tutorials - coding: the effect of the implementation of "Mirror rotator" (article is intended for quite prepared demo coder).

Tutorials - ascii scene: "Ascii scene ... How I love you madly!" You probably like no other scene could have arisen so early "

Tutorials - under the pressure of the press: "When you teach writing, talking about the literary subtleties and techniques, it is excellent, it's great!" When you have this knowledge but there is nothing, no notions that this is where worse

Sweet - index.

Sweet - loneliness.

Sweet - son.

Sweet - a triangular room.

Sweet - three stained roses.

Sweet - himself.

Sweet - Vasya.

Sweet - condemnation.

Sweet - good.

Sweet - the parish.

Sweet - aluminum spoon.

Sweet - shoes.

Sweet - surprise.

Sweet - DRAMA13.

Sweet - refrigerator snowy ideals.

Sweet - My Olga.

Other - index.

Other - dnewnik-ol.

Other - e-dnewnik-oz.

Other - Scholz bedwetter.

Other - Scholz bedwetter (2).

Other - Scholz bedwetter (3).

Other - Scholz bedwetter (4) or Cristo loves Ronu.

Other - his lips.

Other - Understand Curve.

Other - What smells like whitefish?.

Other - Smoke-Whisper.

Beating - crazy excuses: "I think you still do not know what to insanity # 9 most of the material - excerpts from personal correspondence with the author of various sceners"

Beating - Trahalschik Frunze: "We saw we mean a network of advertising," Comrade Frunze ", As for the video with CC'999. So, undermining some capital in the amount of 100 rubles. ordered video_kassetu "

Brains - skene anexx.

Brains - dick is out of my pants!.

Brains - sweet members. - postbox: "Actually, that's it, then, for what kind and did [cry - your feedback, emotions, and even evil. Letters came a lot ... "

Bowl - "The nice thing is that here you can write without even knowing Nothing about the scene! "

Bowl - Trivial Fiction: "Declaration of a democratic society in itself as a promise nichego not stand. We used to believe the beautiful words but in deeds to believe why it is not accepted"

Bowl - the OS of the future for SPECCY.

Bowl - "You - slug. Yes, yes, this is so, no need shakes his head and otmazyvatsya blunt phrases. Dohlyak You, You mastrubiruesh at naked girls from zx-stag'a"

Bowl - About girls.

Lozhenie - index: "Maybe you do not appreciate how I cut the word" application ", but ... "

Lozhenie - about ACEdit0.59.

Lozhenie - With CRUSHERS is a mini- Game: Flintstones: Fred in the magic wood.

Lozhenie - [B] Arga lit packs 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17: "I am insanely jealous of you - because you still ahead, because you have yet to plunge into the fabulously wonderful world created by talented writers from the team [B] Arga.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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