Scream #02
29 января 2002

Beating - crazy excuses: "I think you still do not know what to insanity # 9 most of the material - excerpts from personal correspondence with the author of various sceners"

<b>Beating</b> - crazy excuses:
| Crazy excuses
| Kristoph / / skrew

I think you still do not know that the insanity # 9 most of the 
material - excerpts from personal correspondence with the 
author of various sceners. So, one of the "victims" of this act 
chief editor of the newspaper "Insanity" has become your 
direct, kristoph. Of course, the publication of our personal 
communication in a popular newspaper, without my knowledge - 
this is nonsense and just some sort of shamelessness, but ... 
Scene! Wildness - her middle name. People do not write the 
laws, no one ever will not do that "necessary" and everyone can 
respond to any your pritenziyu: "fuck off!", and you will 
understand that, except return "suck my dick!" to say nothing 
can. Although some have small privileges, for example, people 
who are editors of alternative publications.

So, to hell with the entry. I thought it would be nice to look 
at "Justify" direct culprit - Surv! V0r'a, Chief

Editor of "Insanity".

... Yes, you can see that I am acting on the principle of "like 
cures", however, and it sometimes is useful. I will say more - 
when there is no alternative, we have to go to such extreme 
measures. Below almost entirely a letter Surv! v0r'a me, the 
date - June 28, 2001. For the points - the words of Michael, 
with no points - mine. Here we go! 

. Why am I stuffed in an excerpt from the insanity of our 
letters to you? . I agree with you, when you talk, or until 
just podrazume.vaesh - that make it not worth it! I was 
fundamentally wrong, kog.da did not ask permission. In 
principle, you can at me obi.detsya and send to distant lands 
.... Hmm, but the whole point . Next year - what do you think 
they will affect your image? Plo.ho / good? In my opinion any 
way. This kind of thing to warm up interest . To your persona 
and magazines, HMD, etc. Venture with the publication of me.nya 
arose when I realized that the majority of the people . In 
private correspondence says 'the truth' is more approximate to than when he specifically fish for answers to 
pos.tavlennye issues, such as interviews. 

In one paragraph, piled up a bunch of those confounded little 
similarity hitting on me, agreed that to publish my letters do 
not cost and in the end gave a new theory on how sobstennyh 
production information. Ie He began to justify himself is 
already here, already in of these, the first line.

. The whole trick is _kak my_ perceive formal interviews and
. Informal. The newspaper does not mention that this informal
. Thing. All this must be addressed by the readers. That's how 
ne.ofitsialnoe interview, more like a monologue can evaluate 
all the . That was named in about i9 nuo. By the way, you're 
not alone ... . All content insanity9 be based on findings from 
the correspondence with . Sceners because it's the only way to 
get informa.tsiyu ... and I give it (the information) using 
with reference to those who . Provided. Remember how framed 
Random when told to . Referring to some kind of brow with, tsts001 that would not be? Y . You have any more 

Without taking into account the last two sentences of this 
paragraph quite important in the sense that the survivor 
himself admitted that that all the material in "insty # 9," 
based on the findings from the correspondence with sceners. 

Asking about my attitude to various types of information [the 
official / personal], survivor does not even calculates to hear 
the answer. Yes, in personal correspondence, people can afford 
more than the official press releases, and it's worth noting 
the important thing: it is is not what a press release he was 
lying, and in frank letters. The reason being, with whom 
correspondence is, as you close to this man! I can tell you for 
sure: I wrote about the IGM very few of those with whom regular 
contact, and describing his impressions of the upcoming Partee 
survivor'u y I even think there was that he would publish them. 
And accordingly, I allowed myself to harsh words, relevant in a 
friendly conversation, but not in the official paper.

Simplifying idea: in any case, publication of private 
correspondence without knowledge of its uchastnka - complete 
nonsense and absurdity. Yayk! Just disgusting! 

. Let's get the rest. Framed I thee? On the one
. Hand - yes, on the other hand I am more than confident that 
no, because . I just can say that about his outswing with HMD 
and yus.toy you told me not only me, not only in e-mail, and 
irc. . If you're expecting from me some excuses in this regard, 
the po.zhaluysta - all in your hands. Do you have at least a 
strong . Remedy for headache - CRY. Tell me that was not true in

. That I shoved into insanity under your name?

So, he calculates catch me on the last question, implying that 
I begin to list what I have lied to him in our correspondence. 
In addition, he argues that the same thing about me HMD wrote 
on irc. Pretty arrogant statement, considering check that all 
the channel is simply unrealistic. Yes, maybe I'm talking about 
HMD [but obviously not the same as in correspondence with 
Survo!] In private with someone, maybe even with prof / / 4d. 
However, this still does not mean that my words without my 
permission, you can publish in Esme!

. My point of view one - it should have been done, ie 
publiko.vat, though you did not give approval, and would not 
give it in principle ... 

Here it is, what made me long to strain the muscles in his 7
the face and speaking easier - laughter. In truth, survivor 
manages to contradicts himself in one letter, a couple of 
paragraphs above! For convenience quote: "I agree with you when 
you say or until just means - that make it not worth it! I

was fundamentally wrong when not asked permission. "

. On my report. You know, I was surprised to learn that YOU 
(screw) re.tsenziya not like, Screamer me so on my own and 
passed. . Well, it hurts it was necessary to: (. Although I am 
not sure that someone would . Could write it better than I do 
or write or . The same spirit, but 30-40 people that are sure 
to write . You via e-mail or snailmail with a pair of words' 
that's cool, I sor.valo tower, the most rulny e-zine ...'. It 
is written, as a rule, . All the authors of the press and there 
is nothing to be surprised, to boast . More because it's too 
boring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New.comers a report that is 
exactly what is meant by this . The word literally! If I'm 
wrong, then how do you oharakte.rizuesh your project? In 
insanity9 published, for example, only . The most interesting 
and remarkable in my opinion the views of the scene . Although 
people who sent their feedback was great. 

A feeling that in this paragraph stuck ten different topics 
that seem to be, and together, but if you get a grasp more 
closely, you understand all the insanity.

So, try to understand. First, he argues that the written
best review of [krik1 and that more so could not write

"It is written, as a rule, all the authors of the press and 
wonder here nothing, boast all the more so because it's too 
boring !!!", - and Now tell me, why he took that I was 
surprised about this or even more praise? "

"Newcomers in a report that is exactly what is meant by this
word in the literal sense! If I'm wrong, then how do you 
oharakterizuesh your project? "- Note, he began to prove to me 
just correct one statement in his review, with This would be 
like forgetting about other things. 

"In insanity9 published, for example, only the most interesting 
and outstanding in my opinion the views of the scene, although 
the people who sent the responses were more "- what it all says 
- an enigma. 


Summarizing this short note, I want to say that all
same, no matter how opradval a survivor, to publish personal 
correspondence without the permission or even notification of 
its members - is simply preposterous. Yes, I am repeating 
myself, but it is not important. 

What do I do next? Nothing. Be restrained in his correspondence 
with such people, and always know - your words are unexpectedly 
may appear in the pages of popular newspapers. 

"Trust no one!"

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Pro-overview - insanity # 9 review: "This number though was not initially expect me as scandalous, but after such has become. Personally, I have stayed if not beaten to death, then at As maimed "

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Interview - an interview with the poisoned CyberJack / Triebkraft (Part 2).

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Other - Scholz bedwetter (2).

Other - Scholz bedwetter (3).

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Other - Smoke-Whisper.

Beating - crazy excuses: "I think you still do not know what to insanity # 9 most of the material - excerpts from personal correspondence with the author of various sceners"

Beating - Trahalschik Frunze: "We saw we mean a network of advertising," Comrade Frunze ", As for the video with CC'999. So, undermining some capital in the amount of 100 rubles. ordered video_kassetu "

Brains - skene anexx.

Brains - dick is out of my pants!.

Brains - sweet members. - postbox: "Actually, that's it, then, for what kind and did [cry - your feedback, emotions, and even evil. Letters came a lot ... "

Bowl - "The nice thing is that here you can write without even knowing Nothing about the scene! "

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Bowl - "You - slug. Yes, yes, this is so, no need shakes his head and otmazyvatsya blunt phrases. Dohlyak You, You mastrubiruesh at naked girls from zx-stag'a"

Bowl - About girls.

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Lozhenie - [B] Arga lit packs 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17: "I am insanely jealous of you - because you still ahead, because you have yet to plunge into the fabulously wonderful world created by talented writers from the team [B] Arga.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   16 June