Adventurer #09
30 апреля 1999

Promotion - parsing the game of Rock Star: Rock Star ate my Hamster.

<b>Promotion</b> - parsing the game of Rock Star: Rock Star ate my Hamster.
     (C) DAVOS / HS / CPU




     Once in office, Cecil Pitt, an agent
a small Broadway theater, there was
a conversation ...

     - Here we are! - Pitt, rolling it to his lips wrinkled 
cigar - Everything! I was kicked out of Theater forever! They 
say you fucked do their job, can not

book a good hotel, do not know how
develop leisure artists! ..

     Clive, constant assistant in the Pitt
all of its illegal business, knowingly shook his head. Suddenly 
his eyes lit up Pitt greedy twinkle. Put out a cigar on the 
cover Wallpapers, Pitt picked up his index finger and

hurriedly blurted out:

     - Damn! Rock music - that's where we are
waiting for our money! Here, every pound of investment quickly 
pays for itself! 

     - Boss, what do you mean? -
asked Pitt Clive.

     - What? - Pitt chuckled nastily -
What ... Ha! .. Honest to God, to open the music business - 
pretty good idea! 

     - WHAT? - Asked Clive.

     - No, Clive, you just think - we
You and I will managers of some
singer sekesh? Interesting it will zashibat beshshshenye money! 
I'll be a manager, and thou shalt be my assistant. Well, as you

this idea? Cool?

     - Yes! - Clive picked up - great!

     - I think that with an initial capital
50 000 pounds, we can start a business.

     - Yes, Chef! Rock 'n' roll - that's where we are
we make money! Gather your team, dunk tour around the world!

     Opening prospects had turned
future showmen head. Pitt, rather
rubbing his thick hairy arms, smiling
and tirelessly ranting:

     - It's a gold mine, Clive! Money
just lie in our way and we need them
just pick up!

     - Hello, boss! Brilliant! - Clive
applauded - I just have a cassette with demos fifty Starter

     - Oba-na! Faster, cut in the system!

     - Sweeps!

     Clive Turn on the VCR and TV. Looking at the on-screen
faces and listening to the music pouring from the speakers, 
Pitt vaguely grasped comments Clive:

     - WACKY JACKO, a rising star
pop music ...

     But all the thoughts came down to Pitt odnomuon counting 
future profits from his new project entitled 

     Actually what you read
at the top are the events leading up to the fact
ugorazdilo as you get into the world of show business. It will 
be the actual story of the the game itself and my helpful 

     The purpose of the game: during the year must be
"Spin," Stars, organize writing
album, to rise to the top of the steps of the charts and get 
four gold disc's most prestigious music awards!


     - How many stars take the "unwind" the boss? - Immediately 
after loading the game Ask you Clive. Maximum artists can take 
four. By the way, in any case, if you take more than one 
beneath the stove, you have already obtained a group. Cluster 
function can push some sonorous name for your team (chtonibud 
type "BROKEN ROCKETS"). But, since like Clive vocabulary is 
limited, you yourself can choose a name for

his team, Clive will not mind.

     - - Once you decide
with the number "untwisted" stars
Clive Ask you:

     - What belongings will buy wards?

     But I can not tell you that:

     SPANKING NEW - new clothes, it is worth
exactly 7,000 pounds.

     SECOND HAND - Owned duds,
respectively, and the price is less of a
4,900 lbs.

     DODGY GEAR - bomzhovsky outfit,
Quite simply, torn. And the price is right what a pathetic 
2,000 pounds! 

     By the way, please note that for every artist you buy 1 
set of clothes. Then is, if you have two artists, you

get two sets of clothes, etc.

     After finishing this important point, you again
hear the voice of Clive:

     - Hey, boss! Than loans now?

     And on the screen you will see a menu:





     Let us examine each item in detail. So ...

   PRACTICE - rehearsals.

               "Hmm, we select for vremyachko

     rehearsals? OK, boss. Space rental for reptitsy worth 100 
pounds a day! How many days will muryzhit ward? "- Says Clive. 
Well, rehearse can be from 1 to 5 days. If you do this

seem a little, you can once more go to
This menu item. After graduation rehearsal Clive will express 
to you my opinion on it ("Nam, boss!" or "Lazha! Lazha!").

     COMMENT: In my opinion, very
the desired item. Here your players train your ears with your 
cat's concert and the crowd of fans quietly live a n-number of 
days of Noah, which is fraught with so that your song will 
climb up steps of the charts (but more on that - below).

    GIG - performances. Quite simply,

           concerts. After selecting this

     item Clive will tell you: "Where will
play, boss? "and offer a choice of:

     - PUBS, pub. Capacity 200 people, the rental price 10 
pounds a night; 

     - CLUBS, club. Accommodates 500
person renting the club will cost you
1000 pounds per week;

     - UNIVERSITIES, University. Capacity is equal to 1500, the 
price for rent reaches 2,800 pounds;

     - CONCERT HALLS, a concert hall.

     That's where you can make a good ottyag for music-hungry 
People, as the hall is designed for 4000 people, and

price for the lease of a 7,000 pounds per

     - STADIUM, the stadium. Grand! A good place to earn 
deneg.Vmestimost 10,000 fellows, the rental price stadium of 
16,500 pounds per week! 

     Having defined the venue
party, you will specify the amount of tickets (TICKET) - 2, 5, 
10, 15 or 20 pounds, and then specify the number of concerts 
(In one evening you will give one concert). Minimum - two 
nights, maximum - seven nights. However, if you change your 
mind, then to your disposal option is CANCEL.

     COMMENT: I ​​think all moved in, that
there needs to be done.

    PUBLICITY - Notes to the newspaper. Advertisement
                 ma your star.

     - Good move, boss! - Vosliknet
Clive - I'll write a note in the "STUNT"!

     Sense from advertising, in general, a little bit. At best, 
Clive rasstaraetsya for you and your photo will get an artist to

the first page of newspapers with some screaming headlines 
like: "Rock Star Attack Bee-killer!" or "Rock Star - In Each 
house! ". Otherwise, the front page of the newspaper will 
publish the picture half-naked aunts, and somewhere in the very 
inconspicuous place write: "rock star swells of hunger, see 
page 9!. "That's Behold! ..

     EXPERT COMMENT: Advertising
Actually, a delicate matter. At least
in the "ROCKSTAR". Contact with it should carefully, otherwise 
for some unknown reason, the newspaper writes, "The rock stars 

"Rock stars killed in plane crash!".
Or do such .... - "Rock Star ZASHIBLO death Vigorous BOMB!". 
Cool is not it? But the result of these notes

will be the same your "rockstar" suddenly passes away. But, 
nevertheless, we must not forget that advertising - is the 
engine of trade. Occasionally, from promotion of singles, you 
can publish a note, but there is a risk that your ward ... See 
above. One way to fight: to make your group - think of it, one 
more or one less ... 

    GIFTS - Gifts to your ward.

     - Well, boss? Happy just takogoto chuvachka? - Say, Clive 
- Here spisochek that we can give our "Rokzvezde. Prices are 
attached .... 

    CARS - car price 20 000 `

    JEWELS - Jewelry, price 10 000 `

    CLOTHES - Clothing, price 5000 `

    DRINKS - Drinks, price 100 `

    FOOD - the food, the price of 50 `

    COMICS - comic books, the price of 1 `

     BACKGROUND: The number of gifts
equals the number of artists. However,
your protégé well survive without the Gift, that's only shalt 
they need to buy new .... that way, five months after early 
tour ... :) And occasionally, especially before you publish the 
article in newspaper, feed your wards.

     Well, the menu is over. So far.
Now we will focus on telephone calls,
which will be distributed from time to time in your office.

            The first type of calls

     - Alla! - Clive put his ear to the tube, yes, yes, this we 
... What? .. - Closing palm up, Clive turned to Pitt,

- Chef, a call from the Relief Society.

     - What do they want? - Carelessly
Pitt pulnuv butt into the trash.

     - They want to know your opinion about the charity concert 
in the starving members ... That they


     The first type of call - a freeloader
of the Relief Society, offer you
make a charitable kontsertik.
How zkie types! Like, if you agree,
then the chances are that you obsmeyut newspapermen,
accused of being too charitable. A
say these cadres "NO", so again
can happen is such garbage that vile
newspaper people accuse you of being too greedy
to money, he says, "sharashka Pitt - is
mob hunt before the money rascals! ".

     And sometimes a charity concert
you are at hand - to make the next charity raided by the Volga 
region, you will see the latest issue of the newspaper with a 
portrait of your ward and the headline "ROCKSTAR gave

Charity Concert! ".

     Besides, sometimes you can send
comrades from the Charitable Society
far away, and you for it will be nothing! :)

           The second type of calls

     - Yes, the office of Pitt's - Clive scratched
chin, clutching the phone to your ear with shoulder,
That, in sponsoring us being imposed? ....
Boss, a local brewery offers us himself sponsors. They promise 
to give us 100 tysch if we live we will post their ads. What do 
they say? 

     Yes, the sponsors - it's cool. But always
there are some "buts". In this case, a couple of "but" there 

     - Sponsors usually call you after
how you have "spin" and are not experiencing financial 

     - It has been observed: if the seal leaked bad information 
on your sponsor ("And, damn it! Pyvo suky razbaulyaut water!"), 
then you get a paradrugaya trouble - for example, sharply 
reduced traffic to your concerts. 

     So you need a SPONSOR or not,
your work purely personal.

           The third type of calls

     - Hey, boss! On the wire guys from S + M
RECORDS! They invite us to his studio
to record an album. In an advance
they will give us 30 000 and with the implementation of our
will unfasten 15%. What do they say?

     Typically, with recording studios you
call after a successful tour. Please
note that with each new call studio offers you a great 
percentage from the sale of your upcoming album, which is 
pretty good. The table lists the calls from the studios and 
their suggestions: 

  entry N | Cash |% from sales

     1 | 5000 `| 3%

     2 | 10000 `| 5%

     3 | 20000 `| 10%

     4 | 30000 `| 15%

     5 | 50 000 `| 20%

     As you can see, with each new call
studio will offer you a deal on more favorable terms for you. 
Last word of the studio - a call (sunset) N5, and if you give 
up on such a deal, studios will forget about you. Anyone with a 
huckster's touch not hotstsa! 

     In the case of your consent in the main
menu will have another fad -
"RECORD", which means "record". But about
it - below. If you respond to an offer studio refused, then:

     - ... Go nafig! What do you have
takes a? For pobirushek? - Clive threw
Labour BCU on the lever - How do you like, 15 percent ...

          The fourth type of calls

     - Bad news, boss! Dirty little company in Taiwan for 
selling our pisyami! What do we do? 

     Well, so you vereschanie Clive
face only if you are already in full
trading videos and write new ones.
These measures control is proposed to:

     - DO NOTHING - to do nothing. Pirates of how to trade your 
notes, and they will sell. 

     - SUE THE SCUM - go to court.

     The process can win and stop
flow of pirated goods, at a cost of approximately 80,000 '. 
("YEAH! Chef, we won the case!" Our costs were just 80,000 and 
we have stopped the pirates! "Will tell Clive). But it may well 
be the case that the process you lose (LOSE), losing 300,000 ', 
and the pirates as if nothing used to continue to sell your 
singles ("The Chief is not lucky! Pirates found the excuse. We 
have lost business and lost 300000 ... ").

     - SEND THE BOYS ROUND - hire thugs. Prekrasnenko, is not 
it? Gopnik hired you come to Taiwan and naderut pirates ass. 
Varvasky method, of course, but it triggered, and virtually 
trouble-free. And most importantly, not expensive, somewhere 
within the 90,000 `. 

     - BUY $ / * @ OUT - to pay the pirates,
that they have ceased to Trade your singles.

     COMMENT: The most effective
way to suppress the activities of pirates
is a trip you hired to Gopnik
the place of dislocation of pirates. Do not dispute that the 
method against several barbarian, but what a result!

             The fifth type of calls

     - Oooy, damn it, - swore Clive, shaking in a minibus - the 
Boss, charged us tax.

     - Yes? How much?

     - Million pounds!

     - Ooooy, $ @? /*#$....

     This type of call is extremely
rare. In general, the call may
go off at a moment when you are with Clive nourish the bus from 
a concert. And even then, this zvonchek tax inspector is only 
possible when things have you are in full swing - you're on tour

And it is trading in his album.

           The sixth type of calls

     - Boss! - Clive put his feet on the mixing console, - We 
have PE! Producer with a competing firm slyamzil our master 
tape and demands a ransom for her - one million pounds. What do 
we pay? 

     This call odnositsya to the form of disposable, as it can 
go off at that point, you just write down your album. By the 
way, if during the recording Clive says that the last disk 
tracks sucks for the written and they need to be rewritten, 
expect a call competition! 

     So, with calls like, clear.

    RECORD - this item will appear in the menu

              if you will agree
     ilis to offer a recording studio.

     Having a Cash (CASH) "cartoon" with
penny, you can start recording
his hit album. In general, the record
album goes somewhere three or four weeks.

     You have chosen to click "RECORD".
The first thing you should determine on
how many tracks you record your
masterpieces. Naturally, the longer tracks on the disc, the 
more worth recording. 

     After selecting the disk with the correct number of tracks 
(in fact we are talking about number of tracks on the master 
teype affecting the quality of record - Ed.) begins the actual 
writing process itself. You Go Pitt and Clive, sitting at the 
mixing console, and your artists. 

     - Well, let's go! - Says Clive and presses the button.

     After listening to a set of sounds called music, Clive has 
delivered its opinion on just a recorded song and will offer 
its name for it, asking you: "Well

as will fit such a name? ". Your
deal or accept (Clive says: "
OK, boss! Let's go write the next one! ")
or call the tune in its own way.

     Writing the entire album, you will return to
main menu and you will see that item
"RECORD" will change to paragraph
"RELEASE" (for sale).

     COMMENT: Can there be such garbage,
when you record your album. Clive says:

     - Hello, boss! This is the best album!

     And this time it rings N5.
Actually, on this and need to have
"Multi", choosing "RECORD".

    RELEASE - implementation.

               You can start the sale

     as individual singles, and all the
album (for him you will need to choose a name). A Singles ... 
Enough simply select it from the list and the single goes on 

     - Boss! - Say, Clive - and not whether we do on this song 

     - And that - thinking, Pitt replied, -
Can be bungled and the clip.

     Selecting the first director of the clip, and
then the place of filming, you need
will choose one of the topics for the clip.

     And - pliz - the clip is ready!

     Is the theme begins when
you have already recorded an album and launched
its sale. There will be charts
(CHARTS) in two categories - a dozen
best songs (SINGLES CHART), and a dozen
best album (ALBUM CHART). Most
interesting that the sale of songs directly
depends on what position the song
(And / or album) took the hit parade.
Actually, the schedule of sales shown on the screen (SALES) and 
it clearly shows demand for your hits.

         Question (Q) and answers (B)

     Q: How do I get in the hit parade?

     A: The most important thing - 'untwist' artist, collecting 
full stadiums. Next should remove the cool video with the 
director of the 1 "lemon" or 3 "lemon" (Note: no

song clip is unlikely to fall to the hit parade). It makes 
sense to advertise. Once your song will be in the top ten, 
released an album! (Note: estessno that multiple clips in 
succession to produce nafig not necessary, as the good of this 
will not happen). 

     Q: How do I get a gold disc?

     A: "It's very simple! To
nadybat gold disc, we had a
little effort and letting cool video, drag the album to the 
very top chart. And a few weeks to stay leader

(Places from first to fifth). A heel
beat in the chest - will drive! " :) Oh, and
Coy then: better settle for a record
album from the first call, since both
Income from the sale of the plates is small, but
Waiting bargain will be lost
a lot of valuable time (and because of that can "chutchut did 
not have enough time to get of the last gold record). 

     Q: What are the symbols on the charts?

     A: For the ignorant and the forgotten: Arrow
UP - the clip went up on the n positions;
Down arrow - clip fell down on the n positions;> symbol 

Other articles:

From the authors - The authors of the magazine.

From the authors - Adventurer - the section of the popular magazines heritage.

Presentation - A new program for collecting tunes: UniPlayer v1.0

Presentation - a new graphical editor 3Color Studio.

Presentation - an unusual boot: Program Box version 2.0

Presentation - a new quest: Full Shit.

Presentation - a level editor for games Raven Black: Black Raven Editor v1.0

Presentation - the new editor for digital music: EARACHE v1.0

Interface - Letters from readers: Dawid Willis, Ivan Roshchin, Cav Inc. (Competition for the best name for your sound card, glitches in HRUST v1.0 and XAS v9.06 +)

Interface - How do we (CPU) were FunTop'e.

Interface - Opinion: on acquaintance with the PC.

Interface - branded cheats for the games: Midnight Resistance, Chase HQ2, Havoc, Turbo Girl, Fast Bredd, Turbo Boat.

System - An overview of new sistemok: Sprite Maker v4.0, Turbo Copier v2.0, Sample Studio, Art Works 1, Burst Eyes v1.2, Excess Sample Editor v1.4.25, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.1, Graphic Station, BA v1.0, Global Commander v1.31, Quick Commander v2.3, Stall Spriter v0.1, AGA v1.0, Ultra Sonic v0.1, Universal Sprite Studio v1.0, HRUST v1.1, STORM v1.3.

Review - Overview of gaming innovations: Leprekon, Fuck Communistov, Sherwood, GOAT, Kill PC 2, Chainick: Horror in the flat.

Review - Review of the demos: Black Raven 2 v0.000, Crime Santa Clause Deja VU, Awaken, Japan Crossword, Pussy: Love story from Titanic.

Guests - An Interview with Nicodim'om from Yaroslavl (the author of Prince of Persia and the Pirates).

Guests - An interview with a group of Rybinsk Expirience (authors kvecta Full Shit).

Guests - CPU on the life and future plans.

Promotion - A strategy game: Sword OF Bane.

Promotion - parsing the game of Rock Star: Rock Star ate my Hamster.

Exchange of experience - Rapid procedure for finding the root of the number and Testing Kempston-port of SerzhSoft'a.

Exchange of experience - The procedure for generating sine.

Exchange of experience - spinner - izvraschalka (Zoom Rotator).

Exchange of experience - SerzhSoft'a report on the regional Olympiad in Informatics in 1998.

Exchange of experience - TR-DOS: the disk included with interrupts.

Ottyag - 23 things you can do with the program hanging. Symbols - grimassy in the program notes. 20 things you can do if ochen want to drink, but you have no money. Verse of the monk.

Ottyag - Competition test: Test: What you need a computer? Test for the Communists. Test: Can I rely on you? Quiz: Who are you Spektrumist? (User or lamer).

Ottyag - Terminator 3 sleigh day (or the truth again, somewhere in there).

Iron - Sound card with direct access to: DMA Sound Card (description schemes and programming).

News - News from local groups: Volume 4, Groboclone, Surdakar, Di-Tech Labs, Auryn, Rainbow Dreams, Experience.

Advertising - advertising and announcements from spektrumistov.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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