Adventurer #09
30 апреля 1999

Review - Review of the demos: Black Raven 2 v0.000, Crime Santa Clause Deja VU, Awaken, Japan Crossword, Pussy: Love story from Titanic.

<b>Review</b> - Review of the demos: Black Raven 2 v0.000, Crime Santa Clause
 Deja VU, Awaken, Japan Crossword, Pussy: Love story from Titanic.
     (C) Fedorov, "Chasm" Vladimir

         Review of game demos

     As shown your feedback on debut
this section in the previous issue, you like it, but for some,
even helped. Therefore, we decided that a good beginning to 
live and further. It is worth noting that some igruhi covered 
in the previous review, as promised by the authors, appeared in 
the final form (Monsterland, Last Hero of The Light Force, 
Kolobok Zoom). It certainly pleases, but projects such as 
Worms, Master of Orion and Civilization and vanished into 
oblivion. Obydno daragoy, huh? Do not be sad about, approaching 
hot news (well, not very hot - cushy). 

        Black Raven 2 v 0. 000


            Copper Feet'98

     At the moment the last (I think) demo CHV2, although 
(according to unconfirmed reports) igruha prepared by 90%, 
Glory is not going to produce fresh demo release, arguing that 
not all hackers carnival. Therefore it is hoped that the 
release of the game happens on the CC999. Multiple instances 
necessarily bought. 

            Crime Santa Claus

                 Deja Vu

            Brokimsoft / RUSH '98

     If you remember igruhu Crime Santa
Claus, then you surely know what it is
represents dizzipodobny quest.
Many of her past (even in our publication
was published sollyushen), but now your attention is invited to 
the expanded and improved version of the game. At the expense 
of graphics I can not say anything - a full fly,

engine - the same bottom-hole (lots of animation), in general, 
will be very igruha hits. The authors made three versions of 
events is something understandable, since it is very Many 
locations are taken from CSC 1 (of course, All graphics 
redrawn). According to information podcherpnutoy of the sidecar 
to the demo - the game is almost ready (this demo is a 
five-minute cartoon, made of the game engine, which

allows you to personally understand all of her coolness).
If you've seen the playable demo
In the eighth ZX-Format 'e, the more I say nothing - wait for 
the full version and Enjoy.

     Contact Address of authors:

     257005, Ukraine, Cherkassy,

     st. Shevchenko, 367 / 1, Apt. 37

     Bezuglov Andrey

     (Telephone: (0472) 43-37-97)


     Mail: 257005, Ukraine, Cherkassy,

     PO Box 881, Brokimsoft

     E-mail: BROKIMSOFT @ hotmail. com

     Fido: 2: 4635/77. 77


              RAGE tech. '99

     A dream come true for all elitomanov!
The Great Awakening is coming and it will be
cool! Personally I have no more words,
therefore, to quote the HELP Deme:

     In society, our project has been nicknamed
"Shaded Elite", but it is not
true ... In this game there will be no doubt
some common features with the elite (and this
interstellar trade, fight against piracy and
etc.), but this does not mean that before you
rehash of old games or
its sequel - just our game can
, approximately the same genre, but it
there are a number of original decisions
allow to talk about it, how about some mixing of genres ...

     All the standard elements of the game will be
koordinalno differ materially from those in the elite, so the 
list of possible products will be expanded and changed, much 
attention is paid to opportunities to improve your ship (list 
of various weapons and spetsustroystv, which can be purchased, 
too, will not small), except that now you will have

opportunity to request to buy a different vehicle. In addition, 
a world in which you will live and fight, has become a truly 
enormous, so if in the same Elite was about 2000 planetary 
systems scattered across the eight galaxies, the "Awaken" about 
2000000 (two million!) Stars around which can handle not just 
one planet ... As there is a possibility of landing on the 
planet and movement on its surface skimmer (there are also 
several types). But the main difference between "Awaken" from 
the elite will be a global storyline, that is to earn lots of 
money, Screw the ship and promoted to a super rating - no longer

goal of the game, it will be necessary, but not
sufficient condition for what you
could pass adventyurnuyu part of the game ...

     Thus, in this demo version you can feel in a world that
you will learn the full version. You
been able to try their hand at commerce, equip your ship a 
device, or even buy himself another ship, but soon should be 
warned that all types of ships and equipment to them in the 
demo you will not find. Also, you will be able to practice 
Space battles and performing routine missions, which can be 
obtained by aid station computer connected to the global 
infosphere. I note that work with the station computer will be 
key to the game, in it you can learn about the latest 
developments in the world, View the message board, engage in

work, talk to different people, and
well as perform the usual buy / sell / repair procedures ...

     Once again, that all possibilities in the demo you will 
not get ... Some of them are specially 'disabled' so as not to 
spoil you too soon, some not yet implemented, and some have not 
yet invented ... :) The demo version does not opportunity to 
sit down on the planet, rather all possibility of free 
giperputeshestviya across the galaxy, too, will be limited ... 
And most importantly, in the demo is missing storyline ... All 
this will be not earlier than in the full game. But

that in the present Deme, with a vengeance
should be sufficient to evaluate the potential
the full version of the game and decide for yourself -
need it or not ...

           Addresses of authors:

     220047 Minsk

     st. Gerasimenko, 27 square meters. 282

     Apetenok Sergei Nikolaevich (Arny)

     (8-017) 243-57-94 (19.00 - 22.00)

     220028 Minsk

     st. Mayakovskogo 154 kV. 247

     Bystrov, Eugene V. (Mythos)

     (8-017) 221-54-71 (19.00 - 22.00)

            Japan Crossword

             DELTA H.G. '98

     Crosswords guessed it? Delta
hackers group gives you the opportunity to unravel the Japanese 

     Japanese crossword - a new kind of
puzzles, which last year gained popularity. Of course it is not
real crossword puzzles, for "crossword puzzle" in
translated to English means "cross words". However, the 
Japanese are known to written characters, so the traditional

crossword puzzles (in our sense) in Japan
be and can not.

     In Japanese crosswords are encrypted
not words but images. The task - to restore the image of 
numbers that bear to the left of rows, number and

and are over the speakers. These numbers show how many groups 
of black cells in the corresponding line, and how fusion of 
black cells contain each group. For example the numbers 2, 5 
and 4 mean that in this series, there are three groups 
consisting of: one - two, the second one - of five, third - of 
the four black cells. Group separated by at least one empty 
cell. Empty cells may be on the edges series. The challenge is 
to determine how many empty cells are between black groups. 

     On the field encrypted image that you and must be 

        The full version will be:

1. Implemented all the functions of icons.
2. Realized work with the disk.
3. Management and the Kempston mouse.
5. An impressive bank interrupt Mouzon.
4. Level editor.
5. 50 game levels.
6. Surprise at the end of the 5 th and 10 th

   level and at the end of the game!

     Personal comment: the idea of ​​fun, but the game is not 
for everybody. 

           Address of authors:





             FATALITY 1999

     Shredder has long disappeared, and the Gingerbread Man 
give birth to a baking pies ... Boring! But then appears on the 
scene with Leonardo his girlfriend, Kate. Rather kochumaet 
girlfriend, and Leo must rescue her, though, if it was 
necessary to strain Koloboks spinal cord, then Leo will have to 
work head, trying to reunite with his


     It is in the role of Leonardo Di Caprio, you
appears in the new game from FATALITY. On
This time we were again waiting for beautiful graphics, 
beautiful music, downhole audio and video effects. And all this 
for 50'i game levels, two bonus levels and of course final 
battle!!! If we add to This six interlevel colorful video 
inserts, you can understand what rulnaya the game will play, 
but rather is already there, so As the authors intend it to 
unreleased CC999. We look forward to.

            Address of authors:

        220068, Minsk, Belarus

        st. Karastayanava 35-20

        Sergei Kaminsky

        (017) 2499753 Arseniy

        (017) 2579184 Novel

      Also, Rage tech. is developing the project "Mist" 
(MonstrLand II). Engine as a black raven, just your own, this 
game will be in the style of Adventure, makes it a Wolf / Rage 
tech. Soon the planned demo. 

     In Khabarovsk, released a demo version
Games HEROES of MIGHT 'MAGIC. The game will be
sharpened by multicolor buttion (see the third X-RAY). The demo 
version we have, and Here is the relevant devaysa not, so

details of the report we are not able to.

             ISNA OF BREAST

         (Fillet was tasty)

Other articles:

From the authors - The authors of the magazine.

From the authors - Adventurer - the section of the popular magazines heritage.

Presentation - A new program for collecting tunes: UniPlayer v1.0

Presentation - a new graphical editor 3Color Studio.

Presentation - an unusual boot: Program Box version 2.0

Presentation - a new quest: Full Shit.

Presentation - a level editor for games Raven Black: Black Raven Editor v1.0

Presentation - the new editor for digital music: EARACHE v1.0

Interface - Letters from readers: Dawid Willis, Ivan Roshchin, Cav Inc. (Competition for the best name for your sound card, glitches in HRUST v1.0 and XAS v9.06 +)

Interface - How do we (CPU) were FunTop'e.

Interface - Opinion: on acquaintance with the PC.

Interface - branded cheats for the games: Midnight Resistance, Chase HQ2, Havoc, Turbo Girl, Fast Bredd, Turbo Boat.

System - An overview of new sistemok: Sprite Maker v4.0, Turbo Copier v2.0, Sample Studio, Art Works 1, Burst Eyes v1.2, Excess Sample Editor v1.4.25, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.1, Graphic Station, BA v1.0, Global Commander v1.31, Quick Commander v2.3, Stall Spriter v0.1, AGA v1.0, Ultra Sonic v0.1, Universal Sprite Studio v1.0, HRUST v1.1, STORM v1.3.

Review - Overview of gaming innovations: Leprekon, Fuck Communistov, Sherwood, GOAT, Kill PC 2, Chainick: Horror in the flat.

Review - Review of the demos: Black Raven 2 v0.000, Crime Santa Clause Deja VU, Awaken, Japan Crossword, Pussy: Love story from Titanic.

Guests - An Interview with Nicodim'om from Yaroslavl (the author of Prince of Persia and the Pirates).

Guests - An interview with a group of Rybinsk Expirience (authors kvecta Full Shit).

Guests - CPU on the life and future plans.

Promotion - A strategy game: Sword OF Bane.

Promotion - parsing the game of Rock Star: Rock Star ate my Hamster.

Exchange of experience - Rapid procedure for finding the root of the number and Testing Kempston-port of SerzhSoft'a.

Exchange of experience - The procedure for generating sine.

Exchange of experience - spinner - izvraschalka (Zoom Rotator).

Exchange of experience - SerzhSoft'a report on the regional Olympiad in Informatics in 1998.

Exchange of experience - TR-DOS: the disk included with interrupts.

Ottyag - 23 things you can do with the program hanging. Symbols - grimassy in the program notes. 20 things you can do if ochen want to drink, but you have no money. Verse of the monk.

Ottyag - Competition test: Test: What you need a computer? Test for the Communists. Test: Can I rely on you? Quiz: Who are you Spektrumist? (User or lamer).

Ottyag - Terminator 3 sleigh day (or the truth again, somewhere in there).

Iron - Sound card with direct access to: DMA Sound Card (description schemes and programming).

News - News from local groups: Volume 4, Groboclone, Surdakar, Di-Tech Labs, Auryn, Rainbow Dreams, Experience.

Advertising - advertising and announcements from spektrumistov.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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