ZX Format #02
30 ноября 1995
  Scorpion ZS  

Iron - Revised: Pepeklyuchatel turbo / normal for the Scorpion ZS-256-Turbo

<b>Iron</b> - Revised: Pepeklyuchatel turbo / normal for the Scorpion ZS-256-Turbo
   Vladimir Larkov presents:

   Switch to turbo / normal

   for Scorpion ZS-256-Turbo.

... And a bit of discussion on the topic
software to switch modes.

   Continuing series of lectures for
holding a soldering iron on completions of Scorpio. In order to
what does not repeat itself, I
Go tell that have nothing
against the reprinting and dissemination of lectures "deeper" 
and "Broadening" of the masses. At the same time

preservation of the volume and authorship
will be welcomed by joyous

   So there you go. The owners of turbocharged Scorpion probably
noticed that, along with the undoubted advantages of the 
turbo-mode in Scorpio, there are some

inconvenience. I mean the inability to switch modes without
use for this shadow businesses. But this is not always 
desirable. Besides the fact that there is a number of programs

who "do not like" shadow businesses (active yuzayut stack, and 
successfully return to the program can not), there are more

programs, the authors do not wish to have their code look 
shadow businesses, and "strangle" the latter. In this case the 
user is doomed. And he not be able to flip through the modes in

time such a program.

   I hope that despite the
the possibility of switching speed of shadow businesses or 
software (By RST), I have persuaded you to

necessity and convenience of having
button. Moreover, that the button
does not prevent to neither
different way, and, unlike
both of them, is immune
effort from all the encoders.

   So, if you agree with that, it's time to take charge and heat
soldering iron. For starters, you can stick display (I love it
case). Find 20 noguyu m / c
on the field for the improvements, which made turbirovanie. On
shemkah it be known
"TURBO". Shemka is the same as
for the previous revision, but
case, if you do not have
ZX-FORMAT-# 1 and I repeat it:

+5 V \


    300 Om /

16 (TURBO) /


        10 kOm \

                / Emitter

   We can now estimate done - cool. It immediately became clear
mode in which plows the complex - in
turbo light is as much eye cut ...

   It's time to take on soldering
button. This will require
three m / c: LI1, ID7, TM2. Thus,
as a place for responsible, it is advisable to choose a series 

 The scheme of switching Turbo / Normal
 Computer Scorpion ZS-256:

 ! Do not forget to unsolder
a pair of wires 12 and 14 feet D53
5 and 6 feet TURBO!

 14 (D53) LI1


           ID7 'May 3

        4 15 2

         E0 0 T
 ____ 5 _ 14 4 U
 WAIT E1 1 '6 6 R
 __ 6. 5 B
 M1 E2. 16 O


         A0. 12 (D53)


 8 (D2) 3.

      o A2 7

  1kOm TM2

        +5 V 13

                     oR 9

      TM2 1912

  1 D
o oR June 1911

  2 O / C 8

    D 10 O

  3 o oS

   / C 5



 o o +5 V


   o mikrik

 ! Pay Attention to mikrik -
There are two provisions! Ie
all three pins. In this case,
quiescent state (when of rest
mikrike) on the ground must close the first leg of TM2. !

 Original idea by

              Sergey Sewasjanow.
 Repaired 'corrected by

              Dmitry Petrov.

   Mode switching occurs without bounce and triggered
when the button is released, so
You can press the button slowly
without a nervous trembling (but not as magic,
for example).

   The regime established by this
button is held until you
reset or magic (of course,
if no one tries to switch the mode of software, but about
below). After reset or exit from the shadow businesses our 
favorite shadow service will set the selected mode in it.


   Now it's time to talk about
how to programmatically switch
turbo / normal for Scorpion-e. This
may be needed if your
program yuzaet port # FE to send / receive data (vikomovskaya 
terminalka) yuzaet multicolor (48 iron), to accelerate the work 
IM2 loader-and, yes you never know what else to ...

   There are two ways.

   First way, he's sorry, I prefer it: to toggle between using
read command from the ports. Addresses

 turbo - # 7FFD; normal - # 1FFD.

program at the same time looks like this:


     LD BC, # 7FFD

     IN C, (C); turbo ON



     LD BC, # 1FFD

     IN C, (C); turbo OFF


   If you need to save
register-pair BC This fragment is surrounded by teams PUSH
BC, POP BC or EXX. Convenient way to ease and speed with
that you do not need to know
Scorpio or not, if it is
Scorpio and it has a turbo mode
- A mode switch, if it
not Scorpio, or neturbirovanny
Scorpio - nothing will happen.

   Theoretically possible to change the address "turboportov, 
almost - this can not happen before will have a new Scorpio, 
and even me personally in this (Change of address, not the 
appearance of the new Scorpio) little hard to believe, so I use 
this way. 

   Theoretically also possible
glitches on ancient machines with defective decoding, which
take command IN for the team
OUT. Practically - these computers should either throw out or
bring to mind. If persistence makes use
this way at such wheelbarrows -
You can add multiple commands
and you'll get this:


     LD BC, # 1FFD

     IN C, (C); turbo OFF

     LD BC, # 7FFD

     LD A, the appropriate page

     OUT (C), A


this saves you from perestrahovochka
possibility of glitches in the inveterate

   Method Two.

   Theoretically (at MOA) is absolutely correct, but the more 
stuffy - a RST 8. 


     RST # 8

     DEFB # 87; turbo ON



     RST # 8

     DEFB # 88; turbo OFF


   When using these commands must be remembered that at
neSkorpionah it will lead to the departure of error. 
Consequently, need to protect themselves from it. By

According to Andrew MOA, for this ought to catch ERR_SP, to
in the case neSkorpiona or ancient
version of the monitor we have not flown in
pipe, and safely kept
program execution. Wishing
to use it this way
can call Andrew MOA and
personally discuss with him the whole sex
this method (such as: how to be,
if killed on the eighth bank, or we
have started with locking # 1FFD
(See the ZX-FORMAT # 1) etc ...).

P.S. Sergei Zonov said

     theoretically, this scheme pa
     bot can not, however,

     it does not interfere with her for more than

     six months with virtually no

     Gluck single switch

     regimes in our Scorpio.

   With best wishes, Vladimir.

   St.-Petersburg, 30-Nov-1995.

--- IS-EDIT 5.05 +


         From the Editor ZF

  Want to add some options for switching TURBO.
In personal conversation, Andrew Larchenko,
aka MOA, argued that the use of the ports can be read and
even should, lead to a loss
data in additional banks.
However, if you are the owner of a turbo-Scorpio, you may have 
noticed that in the shell ZF uses this method and no glitches 
we did not zamecheno.Esli You will find at least one, give

us know.
 A method that we chose because of the inability to use
RST # 08, and full protection from
"Shadow businesses" (well, not very coders
Like when their works are
study without asking). Optimal
from both methods (RST and ports)
we consider three: do not touch
in general (it's coders and users-set button.)

  Yes, Hello full consensus

between producers and consumers


Other articles:

IS-DOS - Information: The news in the world IS-DOS

IS-DOS - How is it done No 2

IS-DOS - a beginner No 2

IS-DOS - No 2 users

IS-DOS - programmers No 2

Assembler - Assembler for Dummies

Iron - Revised: Pepeklyuchatel turbo / normal for the Scorpion ZS-256-Turbo

Iron - The provinces of: presenting a sound card General Sound.

Iron - Manufacturer: Create Soft - Returning to the printed

Iron - Manufacturer: KAY - turbirovanie Spectrum - Machines

Toys - Novella: 48 irons.

Toys - on the shelves: Carrier Command.

Interview - Interview with Sergei and Andrei Zonov Larchenko

Information - The authors of the journal

Information - From the authors

Information - Help

Information - Black Box


a rest - Something: Nervous Work

Mailbox - Classified Ad

Mailbox - Letters from readers

Premiere - Digital Studio v1.12

Programmers - Basic to all.

Miscellaneous - From the history of the Amiga.

Miscellaneous - Prospects for P / O.

Systems - music editor Instrument 3.01

What's New - Overview of new products: Night Hunter, Extreme, Grell & Falla, Duck Out, Internationl Ninja Rabbits, Italian Super Car, Sly Spy Secret Agent, The Turn, Sextris.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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