ZX Format #02
30 ноября 1995

Toys - Novella: 48 irons.

<b>Toys</b> - Novella: 48 irons.
48 Iron:


(C) Alex Yamkovoy


   The arrival of people in a magical
country, country castles in the air,
fabulous creatures and ancient
witchcraft turned to her wonderful inhabitants of a terrible 
catastrophe. Some of them were consumed unreasonable tribe

Some are gone, lost their
force, never to
to show people on the eyes.
Soon the memory of them remained
only in legends ...

   But people do not stop at
made - they are with an enviable
stubbornly continued to break the old world, the replacement of 
which was not and could not be. Their efforts have not were 
lost unnecessarily as a result of the light began to appear 
evil, cunning creatures that you will not see in a nightmare.

   Slowly but surely, the situation
becoming more and more unbearable, and one of the creatures, no 
doubt belonging to the most conscious part of the population

magical world, decided to stop this lawlessness and restore
home country grandeur.

  "First we need to collect
strong team, "- being decided (called the chief, for
his real name is too well known among the inhabitants of this
edge) and began to look for
suitable candidates. As a result, were selected by two old, 
tried and tested friend: the dock on military affairs and other 
issues - pineapple and is irreplaceable communication, 
especially with people, talkative creature named Chatterbox.

   Later, after the inquiry found that both prospective 
partners were in some kind of a sad story, and their

themselves still have to save ...

   One day early in the morning
Chief hit the road. He
knew that as a shortcut
as pineapple and talker used special whistles, but where to get 
them had no idea.

   Remembering that once, in
the best of times, grenade lived
Castle in the west, the Chief decided to
go for a visit. But what
was his surprise when he
saw a long and firmly closed
gates and a cow during the First
World, which feed near the

   Having expressed are not the most flattering
manner of figures, closed the
Gates, chief looked at the cow, and his head was born
obscure yet thought of. However, the chief turned and headed for
east - to the chatterbox. He slowly
jumped on the soft grass as
Suddenly, not having won half of the road, bumped into got out 
of the dark dungeons dark skeleton

               summer, in the hands to torogo saw
 gun, my need for implementation of the very leniya
 unclear thoughts
 appeared to have a mouth.
 Politely formed tivshis to this
 vile creation

               with a polite request, the Chief received a rude 
refusal. But he was not accustomed to such treatment and, 
therefore, showing nedyuzhee wit and a good knowledge martial 
arts, immediately turned into a pile of skeletal bones, and 
then sarcastically asked:  - Well, hopper, doprygalsya?

   A grinning skull tried
take stern expression and a sepulchral voice:
 - I'll get to you!

   Chief, meanwhile picked up the coveted object, namely the 
braid, and jumped on. 

   With some difficulty climbing over
ravine, he hesitated on the shore of a very large pond. Sober 
thinking has always been a distinctive Main feature, here and 
now He decided to postpone his visit to the talker, began to 
exercise the very vague idea that with

time became clear outlines: to use the cow for
penetration into the lock. This will require a certain costs 
are likely to - food. After jumping to the bottom of the ravine 
and looking around, saw the main right under his nose

disappear without a master
hay meadow, and not wishing
to miss such an opportunity, picked up a scythe ...

   Sgrebshi freshest hay
in his arms, he threw himself skipping
to the cow. The first thing Chief
set a condition: the assault closed
gates to the victorious, and for this -
a good meal. Cow
quite understand what was happening, but having heard the word 
treat - agreed. The entire plan was executed exactly - soon the 
gate Not a trace remains.

   Chief entered into the lock and
immediately went upstairs. On
the second floor remained grenade.
She made no sign of life. Coming closer, the Chief has 
determined the cause - of Grenade was not sunk. Deep in 
thought, the Chief recalled that the road to the talker seen 
hanging in a cloud of the bomb, it is usable. Performing 
laborious way there and back, and almost lost on the road bag, 
the Chief has established the necessary details, and brought 
pineapple in a sense. Now, one friend was rescued, but a means 
of communication with him yet to be found. And yet

The main road continued to the west.

   After a short journey, he stumbled upon a very formidable 
obstacle in the form giant spider.

   Since this unfortunate
nuisance must be
was eliminated, the Chief moved
to find suitable means.
During these same searches to
skidded into a small cave under the
Bank ravine where totally
accidentally discovered by someone forgot dichlorvos.

   Estimating tool as well
acceptable, the Chief has returned to
spider and used dichlorvos for
its intended purpose. The spider was frightened and ran away, 
forgetting his web. Suddenly Senior found it very suitable 
application: springy spider's web was excellent trampoline; 
Chief jumped on her, and soar above the surrounding land, 
landed on a cliff above seemed inaccessible. Here, amidst lush

alpine meadows of its expected
another mystery on his mind much like an ordinary
egg, but egg size is extremely impressive. Tirelessly
jumping into the thick grass, Chief
with all his might hit a flat white surface of this miracle. 
Recovering from the blow, he examined the find and unspeakably 
surprised not to find a smooth shell is not a single scratch.

  "Miracles and only! - Decided
Main - without anything heavy we can not do. "

   And further to the west, at the bottom
the deepest gorge was a tailor, a hermit, an ancient old man 
settled among the mountains and rarely leaving the surface. 
Portnoy, who lived all alone in the whole

cave, desperately bored, and time
occasionally talking to himself
themselves, but such a tricky way
for casual visitors
meaning of these conversations has remained a complete mystery. 
In one of these monologues and wedged chief, left alone 
impenetrable egg and continued on their way.

          Stepping into the cave, he
 I saw standing in a sweaty dumchivosti in
 hand which was smoking
 raskurennaya tube.
 "Whistle" - it dawned on
 Chief - out of the tube
 You can make Suisse current! "
 Driven by this point
          Liu, feverishly going over in my mind possible
conversation, he stepped forward.

   After talking to tailor the most
different things and thus lull
his attention, Chief gradually turned the conversation to 
interested his topic, he asked the most important

question ... received a polite but
unequivocal repudiation.

  "That's what it means - no talker, nice to talk only knows 
how he" - he thought. 

   Despite the initial failure,
Chief did not give up hope and decided to
examine the remaining caves. Peering into the pantry pest 
tailor, he grinned vindictively and without hesitation pocketed 
the wrench was discovered there. 

   With a sigh of relief to the surface, our hero
just move on already established, when it became clear that
go, in fact, nowhere ...

   Hanging nose, the Chief made his way

   Along the way he came across
fits into a cave and tried to
to get there. However, spending a lot of time and effort, the 
Chief realized one simple thing: it was not the entrance, it 
was a way out of the cave. Short

burst of enthusiasm caused him to
rummage to find the entrance adjacent land, but positive
results to no avail. Finally falling into depression, he moved 
back. All plans collapsed ...

   Making his way through the familiar has
land, the Chief went over in my mind
everything I saw in its path.
Imperceptibly changed each other
landscapes, and now has around rasstelaetsya familiar panorama 
- it is was at home. Staring into the ground,

Chief continued to walk and walk, when suddenly, passing along 
the bottom daveshnego ravine, saw how

underfoot, the grass dimly
blestnul metal. Jumped to
this place, he looked closely and with
cries of joy snatched from
grass golden key.

   Chief Joy knew no bounds. Putting his key in the bag, he
began to rummage in stone
stone, a bush behind a bush, and did not notice how pretty far 
away from familiar places. Came to his senses he is on the 
shore of an underground reservoir unknown origin, but

Now so pitiful is not a barrier
could stop him. In fact,
Chief did not like water, but
Now was not up to personal preferences and, holding his nose 
ears, he fearlessly jumped into the water ...

   He was too arrogant, the chief, and would feed
he now fishes, if not the flow
air out from the torn tube, which made the main on the surface. 

      a wet tracks, even
 not otryahnuvshis he pom chalsya on, and not in vain but: in 
front of him waiting for the pain shoy closed chest. 

    With a sinking heart

      Chief opened the trunk and
looked inside - once the neighborhood again announced a 
triumphant cry - in the trunk was so long ago wanted "Whistle" 
for grenades. Unable to resist, chief raised whistle to his 
mouth and whistled loudly. Now the grenade was with him, on the 
waiting list was only talker. Examined before the end of the 
dark dungeon friends found battered the camera from the football

the ball and decided to take her with him.


   Night quietly sat down on the
fairyland, and all was plunged into darkness. Morning came
followed, caught in the path of two
strange wanderers, moving
toward the rising sun.
Two friends crossed the final leg of their journey to a place
Host chatterbox. As for the first time, the stop occurred at
the lake, is complicated
further movement. Here
Chief asked pineapple wait on the shore, while he himself, 
hoping to good luck and this time, stepped in

water. And he was lucky again: the
bottom of the pipe was held, but the crane
It was tightly closed and no air bubbles rising to the surface. 
No puzzled, Home Run

hand in a bag and took out an adjustable
key, began to organize themselves
upward path. For this case it is not
have overlooked the car pump lying on the bottom and
clutching his armpit, the last
force rushed up.

   On the other side of the grenade,
watching the water surface, sighed with relief when he saw
Chief alive and unharmed. A
Chief, meanwhile otryahnuvshis and breath, waved Garnet and 
walked away. At the other 

      bank awaited him very
 an unpleasant sight: a man in a strange
 clothes seized chatterbox for
 head and bangs it on

    Chief slumped by close and made it integral dividend 
everything about it everywhere       ripped apart. The 
individual responded a bit strange: it turned out that

he was no villain - just
championship on the nose, and the ball as
luck would have it burst. The main thought
a second, struck his forehead
and exclaimed:
 - There is nothing, you know, it's easier!

   With these words he shook
out of the bag with a pump chamber and
fast pace pumped one another.
 - Catch the ball, man! - Shouted
Chief footballer.
 - Much obliged. And before
you, a strange creature (he
Chatterbox), I must apologize.
 - And still strange for you,
people, games, - said the chief,
pivoting to get away.
 - Yes! - His voice talker. -
On this occasion, has a wonderful anecdote ...
 - Oh, shit! - Howled Chief,
remembering that without a whistle is not
has authority over the talker.

   Urgently needed somewhere to look for a whistle.

  "Somehow I have one tailor
with his pipe out of his head is not
go! It will be necessary to call on him "- he thought the main 
and as it was the only option left to the tailor.

   On the other side of the lake to him
joined the grenade and the whole
the remainder of the route they were
together. On the way they came
on a log, which is mostly from
easily jumped over, passing
here before, but now he has landed exactly in the middle of the 
logs, and heard a hollow sound, as of strike on an empty 
barrel. And then brilliant idea dawned on Main

  "There's something there" - cried
He - Granata, blast! "

   Granata not disciplined
forced to ask twice, and before the main failure appeared in
unknown distance. Deciding what
whatever the cost to make them known, Chief jumped down.
After a brief fall
He felt under his feet firmly
ground and looked around.

   On rocky ground,
near the main
lying Lost
builders of small,
but weighty sledgehammer.
Grabbed her and obstuchav
entire floor in search of more
One secret manhole,
He recalled that the knock
should not be on the rocks, and on chemuto another. Stumbling 
on an oblong stone, the Chief said:  - Of course! Egg! How do I

could forget!

   Jumping through memorable
Output from the cave, he returned to
wonderful eggs and shouted:
 - Ah! Uhnem! - Brought down the sledgehammer
on the shell.

   Maul was effective
Head of the Main - the shell into a small pieces.

   Among the debris he had dug up a new
sewing needle (fine disguised Kashchei) and smiled -
now than it was to go to the tailor.

   Portnoy has fully justified
Chief hopes: his unselfish gift, as people no doubt noble, he 
replied, no less than a sweeping gesture and gave

Its main Cossack tube.
Improved design
turned out for the main couple
trivia and shortly before it
brought the second whistle to communicate with the talker. And 
at the same while behind him came the Chief:

 - Oh, guys, I have for you a lot of interesting stories!

  "Yes, apparently I had something wrong done to the whistle" - 
thought Chief. Chatterbox persisted, trying to

fully comply with its
nick. Chief, howling,
as with pain, jumped up and ran upstairs with huge leaps -
farther west toward the unknown opastnosti ...

   But that's another story ...

Other articles:

IS-DOS - Information: The news in the world IS-DOS

IS-DOS - How is it done No 2

IS-DOS - a beginner No 2

IS-DOS - No 2 users

IS-DOS - programmers No 2

Assembler - Assembler for Dummies

Iron - Revised: Pepeklyuchatel turbo / normal for the Scorpion ZS-256-Turbo

Iron - The provinces of: presenting a sound card General Sound.

Iron - Manufacturer: Create Soft - Returning to the printed

Iron - Manufacturer: KAY - turbirovanie Spectrum - Machines

Toys - Novella: 48 irons.

Toys - on the shelves: Carrier Command.

Interview - Interview with Sergei and Andrei Zonov Larchenko

Information - The authors of the journal

Information - From the authors

Information - Help

Information - Black Box


a rest - Something: Nervous Work

Mailbox - Classified Ad

Mailbox - Letters from readers

Premiere - Digital Studio v1.12

Programmers - Basic to all.

Miscellaneous - From the history of the Amiga.

Miscellaneous - Prospects for P / O.

Systems - music editor Instrument 3.01

What's New - Overview of new products: Night Hunter, Extreme, Grell & Falla, Duck Out, Internationl Ninja Rabbits, Italian Super Car, Sly Spy Secret Agent, The Turn, Sextris.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Entry - About the authors of the magazine.
Iron - Message from the firm Nemo (about microprocessors Z84C0010PEC).

В этот день...   2 June