ZX Review #3-4
22 июля 1997

Computer novella - Knight Lore "legends of chivalry times."

<b>Computer novella</b> - Knight Lore

(C) Berezin, g.Kolpashevo.


    (The game KNIGHT LORE).

      Cases of bygone days,

      With ancient.


   This happened when not translated yet into the world 
dragons, good and evil wizards, elves and dwarfs, when powerful 
kings kept locked in high stone towers, its beauties, 
daughters, beautiful princesses, and brave knights freed them

destroying along the way witches and Kashcheev ... In those 
days, a flying carpet was not unusual, and found in the woods 
was a werewolf simpler than a squirrel.

   It was about this case I want to tell you today. You
may have heard of the brave
Traveller past times,
Sir Sabrevulfe? No? Well,
hear. This venerable sir
became famous in the centuries that
walked around and toured many countries and
seen a lot of people. Nowhere and
he had never parted with
his long sword, which
always getting him out of difficult
situations ... However, once
it still turned out to be worthless, and Sir Sabrevulf was in
such a mess ... However, all
in order.

   Once, returning from
next trip, sir Sabrevulf wandered into the thick dark
forest. And the further he walked on the forest, so thick that 
he became. And yet the night was coming - Hectic time, and who 
knows What evil could lurk in the

these bush? Did not know this and
our knight, but in vain, or else he would have walked the 
forest side, because the evil spirits and the forest really was 
full of roots to tops. However, turning back was

late, and Sir Sabrevulf stopped for the night. Chop saber
dry twigs, he built a fire and
hung above him on a spit greasy duck, a wounded the day before. 
And what do you want? 

   "Breakfast of the tourist" in those days had not yet learned 
to do. A hearty supper, sir Sabrevulf wondered what he should 
do further. Years of experience tells us that it would not hurt 
to put hours on the night. Looking around, he could not find 
anyone nearby who could have done it with this business better 
than himself - especially if we take into account the the fact 
that he was alone. 

   A Did you, dear
the reader to sit up all night without
sleep in a burning fire in the dark
forest after a long day of heavy road? Have not tried? And do 
not try. Take my word - it is not easy. That is why it is no 
wonder that by midnight, Sir Sabrevulfa overcame the same 
dream. And, perhaps he had slept till

the morning, if not light a bonfire attracted the attention of 
running by a werewolf on her way. Seeing the fire Sleep human 
werewolf scary surprise. Yes, yes, surprised. And what would 
you feel if would see something like that,

say, in your garden?

   All werewolves are cunning and treacherous,
and this also was no exception.
He even did not occur to push apart Sir Sabrevulfa and ask what 
he was doing in his woods. No! Werewolf acted differently.

Silently crept behind, he
suddenly lashed out at Sir Sabrevulfa! Meanly, you say?
Meanly. But, then he and a werewolf.
Fortunately, saved Sir Sabrevulfa that just at this
the time he rolled over, and jaw a werewolf, is
focused on the carotid artery,
closed on the shoulder of the venerable
knight. Instantly awake,
Sir noticed straight ahead
a pair of red eyes and without hesitation, he punched 
tochnehonko Intermedia them! Goon punch werewolf tossed into 
the fire, which is pretty spoiled his nice gray skin, and it 
was the object of his pride - not every werewolf could boast 
such a great skin! Well, What nonsense, you say, stroking his 
ball or Bobby on a fluffy coat. And it is no nonsense! After 
all, not a werewolf was not a good host or hostess caring or 
warm carpet in the hallway. I'm not talking about what the 
werewolf had to independently produce their own food - nobody

fed him "Peedigri Paloma!

   But I digress. As described
time werewolf last thing you want to discuss with Sir 
Sabrevulfom their sad fate. Getting out of the fire, he pressed 
his his burnt tail and ran away, deafening thicket sad

squeal. The enemy was him
not able to do.

   And our knight, smeared the wounds of
Teeth Werewolf medicinal ointments,
do not fall asleep until morning. C
dawn he left his quarters, carefully extinguish the remnants of
fire (for he was a cultured
many of today's tourists and even
never threw on halts empty cans!). K
noon he went out in the woods,
and ... then we could finish this story, but imagine what a 
surprise it was Sir Sabrevulfa when he discovered that the real 
adventure has just begun! 

   You, dear reader, may not have to know, but werewolves have 
one very unpleasant property. If bitten by a werewolf

man, that man himself
become a werewolf. Here's what happened with Sir Sabrevulfom.
Having discovered this unpleasant fact (and
He showed up with the onset of
the first night!), our knight
quickly began to seek ways and
means to get rid of
this horrible spell. Pretty soon, he learned that the best 
results in the removal of evil Enchant reached a famous magician

Melchior, who lived alone in
huge castle somewhere in the woods
Western Europe. On the same day
Sir Sabrevulf went to

   A couple of months he found
Finally, Melchior castle, situated on the broad river.
Later in this place was
built the city of Paris. But in those
times there was nothing except a vast intricate
castle. Freely penetrated inside, sir Sabrevulf took up the 
search wizard. 

   If you believe that wander through the medieval castles -
pure pleasure, it is deeply misguided. Castle Melchior was just 
full of all sorts of traps and traps designed to protect the 
owner from the unclean forces. Good man they may be, and have 
not touched would be, but one of Sir Sabrevulfa

was imposed curse - he was
werewolf! Oh, and he had the same
sweat before he got to the apartment Melchior!

   Just at that moment the magician cooked in a huge cauldron 
miraculous drug that can heal the bites of werewolves. 
Naturally, he only sought an opportunity to try out the action 
medication at some werewolf (I must say, Melchior totally did 
not recognize any preliminary experiments in mice

and rats). And when Sir Sabrevulf appeared in the doorway, 
painfully recalling how should be called a magician -

"Your Honour" or simply
"Sir magician" - Melchior, not
waiting for any greetings
directly asked:

   - Uh-uh ... Venerable Knight
case you are not a werewolf?
At that Sir Sabrevulf answered honestly:

   - Yes!

   - Oh, what luck! - Melchior
swab dipped a little brew and held a knight. - Drink!
Sir Sabrevulf drank - and immediately
thickly covered with gray fur.
The drug had no effect. Melchior chewed his lip.

   - You know, probably not enough
hydrocyanic acid. Could not
you search it here in the castle? I
would be very happy, but I'm afraid
foothills ...

   Sir Sabrevulf nodded fanged muzzle and went on to
searches. But he still left to do?

   ... In those days Pharmacy profession was not yet known, and 
some enthusiastic pharmacists like Melchior, worked without 
prescriptions blending components in the eye. So

Melchior and enrolled with the contents of the bottle, brought 
by Sir Sabrevulfom. Thoroughly mix the liquid in the pot, he 
filed a knight second drug test tube. Critically looking at the 
results achieved and twirling the tip of the gray beard on his 
finger, Melchior thoughtfully offered: 

   - Hmmm ... Something else is missing ...

   And as soon as the knight awoke,
again sent him in search of missing components. Difficult
it was a lesson, even for the experienced traveler, as
Sir Sabrevulf. But in the end, each adventure comes to an end, 
and this is the last component has been thrown into the cauldron

Last sir Sabrevulf sipped from a test tube ... and spell
disappeared, as if it had never

   Warm goodbye to the owner of the castle, the knight went to 
the search for new adventures ...

   Y-yes, such things happen here in olden times. Now too
Peace is not the one that first: tell
me, well, where you now find
live mermaid? That's just it, and in those
times they may be a minnow
catch, and certainly believe those to me, pecking, that your 
carp! Take though the same Sir Sabrevulfa.

   However, that's enough for today stories! Tell you how 
something in another time. And yet, dear

reader - before the meeting.


Other articles:

TR-DOS for beginners - Part 1.

Authoring - General Sound - Multimedia for the ZX Spectrum!

Business Card - Introducing the new electronic journal "Major Wares" (c) Codebusters & VMG

Computer novella - Knight Lore "legends of chivalry times."

New Programs - I. Roshchin. HELP_Z80. Davydov. Catalog's Base v1.8.

description of the shell of the journal "ZX-REVIEW"

Crossing Dragon - Aavlon, Castle of Dreams, Erik the Viking.

Crossing Dragon - Eureka!, Eye of Bain, Kentilla.

Crossing - Sherlock, Apollo, Shadows of Mordor, Rigels Revenge, Temple of Terror, ID, That's the Spirit, Return to Ithaka.

Retro - Dzh.Hardman, E. Hyuzon. Top 40 procedures.

Expert Tips - Castle Master.

Expert Tips - Firelord.

Expert Tips - Stonkers.

Forum Games - Insult Megademo, Catch 23, Livingstone, Rock Star ate my Hampster, UFO-2: Devils of the Abyss, Terminator 2, Venturama, The Spririts, Nipper, Sweewo'S World, King's Bounti -2, Hacker 2, Black Magic, Satcom, Star Heritage.

Forum - A. Gura. Code programmer.

Forum - A. Strelnikov. Prospects of development of ZX Spectrum.

Forum - Davydov. According to materials published in the ZX-REVIEW: Some issues related to autostart BASIC programs. Redefine Keys. How to print 42 characters per line. The procedure of multiplication HL = B * C. Refinement cloning downloaders. Mini-driver disk.

Forum - With 'Light'. Music processor ZX-Speccy.

Forum - Dmitry Fyodorov: Print images with a mask with pixel precision. Algorithm for calculating the address coordinates to within a pixel.

Forum - I. Roshchin. Sharing ZX ASM 3.0 and STS 5.1.

Forum - M. Bekarev. The calculation of the address display area of familiarity, and vice versa.

Forum - VP Fedin. Refinement Profi for conflict-free peripheral connectivity.

Forum - S. Astrov. Pseudorandom number generator.

reader-reader - V. Sirotkin. Protection program (look at the problem).

reader-reader - I. Roshchin. Display driver for the computer, "Pentagon-128.

Studies - A. Savinov: The procedure for displaying a double-height characters. Procedure "dissolution" of characters.

Studies - A. Urzha. The procedure for drawing a circle.

Studies - V. Sirotkin. Program checksum.

Studies - E. Volchkov. Improvement routines address calculation system on display file.

Studies - E. Frost. Running line.

Studies - I. Komandin. The program display screen.

Studies - I. Roshchin. Two graphic effect.

Studies - M. Lazutov: The modernization program font. Program encode / decode block codes. The effect of the attributes.

Studies - O. Smolyankin: Procedures for cleaning the screen. Output of text messages on the screen.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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