ACNews #22
20 августа 2003

Docs - a text editor AcEditor into a set of "DIY".

<b>Docs</b> - a text editor AcEditor into a set of
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

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          For those who launched the "mkace" and was frightened 


          for those who run "mkace" and was surprised ...


             for those who do not work "mkace" ...

                       ... Description.

Today set ACEdit unusual (note, yes?). The editor in the 
archive no. And it is I have not forgotten! Just a minute of 
patience, and you'll understand ... 

What is WAS ACE? There was a certain fixed editor, which
for the time being, at the request of workers hung different 
functions, as a Christmas tree. Half of the absolutely useless.

Naturally, for each user is its own special half:) And throw it 
away so as not to spoil life (like me spoil the life of 
"erasing" and "the text has been changed, save? ") - it was 
impossible. For the functions are closely related to each 
another in the code are mixed, as vermicelli. 

What is offered instead of NOW? A set of "DIY".
This source ACE + all + the desired corporate avtosborschik and 
avtozapuskalschik. Because the source code of ACE untrained 
person to understand difficult, more than 50 (!) Of various 
options and modifiers editor made the top of the main module. 
Settings, mainly take the form of flags (0 = off, 1 = enabled). 
How do I download the source code in ALASM and edit these flags 
probably sort out any. 

; Design:
invfn = 0; display the file name in the status of an inverted 
background color cross = 0; output before the advent of the 
crosshair cursor multicur = 1; cursor depends on the keyboard

WINCOL = 7; color of the windows
TITLCOL = 57; color of title windows
STATCOL = 48; color line status
STMARCOL = 50; color "block length" in the status bar
CURSCOL = 56; color of the cursor in the directory
MARKCOL = 16; color overlays
zwet = 1; coloring files in a directory to expand
status = 1; availability status bar
HIstat = 0, 1 = status bar at the top

; Memory:
PGMUZ = # 17; page for music and plug-ins
PG4 = # 14; page for 64pitch font player, and message
usePG4 = 1, 0 = 48k compatibility, but without the status bar 
and the player 

; Functions:
exJ = 1; breakdown of the block on the line
exQ = 0; access to the Quick Commander
hlp = 0; Help page
prn = 1; poderzhkoy printer
autosav = 1; opportunity to autosave
pt3 = 1; embedded player
delW = 0; deleting the words
delin = 1; deleting a row
pack = 1; built Hrust-packer
kill = 1; combination of keys 1 +3 +5 for the destruction of 
the text 

; Format:
crlf = 1; editing support CR + LF code (loaded any)
cr = 1; editing support CR texts (all loaded)
optspc = 1; possibility of replacing the gaps on the tab (in 
the SetUp) latH = 1; option of SetUp for AutoCorrect Russian N 

; Keyboard:
ua = 0; Ukrainian regime
zxw = 1; layout 0: zxword
rusdig = 1; layout 1: Russian in figures
jcuk = 1, layout 2: QWERTY by zxword
allofon = 1; QWERTY keyboard with allofonovskoy
xt = 1; QWERTY keyboard with xt or emulator
RLopt = 1; choice button Eng / Lat in SetUp
CSwait = 1; item in SetUp for the delay settings in the layout 
of a CS tab = 1; tabs and auto indent

; Loader:
comline = 1, command line support TR-DOS
startFM = 1; Startup font and music

; Disk:
testfree = 1; check the disk is full when saving
tNEBYL = 0; "the text has been modified, save?"
del = 1; button delete files in the directory (csD)
move = 1; button compaction mode disc catalog (V)
ren = 1; button to rename files in the directory (R)
brkLD = 1-click access to the Load Break
brkSET = 0; output in the SetUp button Break
sSAVE = 1; directed to the SAVE button in the S directory
ldfnt = 1, the ability to download the font button in the 
directory F savsetup = 1, the ability to save SetUp

; Hard:
m80 = 0; 512x192

How to collect the editor?
a) working method - ASSEMBLE, RUN [CS + Enter]
b) a way for novice users - a program mkace. She
ship of the same name the source, assembles it and runs. As a 
result, created on the disc AC Edit. As defined in mkace.H 
label make, then click CS is not necessary. You just need to 
wait. The process takes exactly 56 seconds.

42>>  008 40 960 02 048; print 6x8 by default
64qua <f> 008 49 152 02 048; print 4x8 by default
MIC365  011 49 152 02 801; player for PT3
HR24  006 28 672 01 390; wrapper for gluing Editor
unit75 <H> 062 00 000 15 796;
tail75 <H> 062 00 000 15 869; source
etab75 <H> 018 00 000 04 554;
ACE75 <H> 064 00 000 16 174, the main source with the settings
al42_444  064 32 768 16 384; tuned for ALASMv4.44bf mkace
mkace  001 00250 00250; avtosborschik Starter
mkace <H> 001 00000 00190; intermediate. source for autobuild

037 10 592 09 345; description editor acn22

054 01 781 09 445; newspaper AlCoNews # 22 Ritm

006 00000 01372; music for newspapers mkace is a slightly modified bootloader ALASM. Change lies in the fact that in the initial moments of ALASM mkace intercepts his keyboard for automatic dialing commands: WORK mkace; ASSEMBLE; RUN. After that recovers standard survey keyboard, ie, 100% of usual environment ALASM. Structure mkace: , 0 CLEAR 24575: RAND USR 23893: REM # 5d3b DW 0, # 50 DB # FD, # B0, "" "24575": DB # F9, # C0, # B0, "" "23893": DB # EA And the transition to 48-th mode and open the pages and start with a BASIC ; The next line. Row 0 is erased. 23893 nop nop nop LD HL, # 1303 PUSH HL LD (# 5c3d), SP LD HL, (# 5d8f) LD A, H, H, L, L, A LD (# 5c42), HL XOR A LD (# 5c44), A LD HL, (# 5c4f) LD DE, 15 ADD HL, DE LD DE, # 15be EX DE, HL LD BC, 4 LDIR RES 4, (IY +1) LD DE, # 5d3b; address line 0 LD HL, # 5d8f; address line 10 JP # 19e5 DB # D , 10, OUT # 7ffd, # 1957: RAND USR copyfn: REM: LOAD "sts56r" CODE # 5d8f DW # A00, # 26 DB # DF, "0", # E, 0,0, # FD, # 7F, 0 ,",",# B0, "" "87": " DB # F9, # C0, "0", # E, 0,0, # C8, # 5D, 0,: " DB # EA ,":",# EF, "" "sts56r """,# AF DB # D , 20, OUT # 7ffd, # 1951: RAND USR 15619: REM: LOAD "al42_444" CODE 49152 # 5db9 DW # 1400, # 2F DB # DF, # B0, "" "32765 "",",# B0," "" 81 ":" DB # F9, # C0, # B0, "" "15619": DB # EA ,":",# EF, "" "al42_444 """,# AF," 49152 " DB # D , 40 RAND USR pusk # 5dec DW # 2800, # 45 DB # F9, # C0, "0", # E, 0,0, # B7, # 5D ; Psevdoopros keys # 5df8 disp # 5da4 inkey LD A, (# 5dd0); text LD HL, # 5da5; inkey +1 INC (HL) OR A RET NZ ; Recovery of standard survey LD HL, # a88f LD (# 99fa), HL LD (# 8749), HL RET ent ; Correction and launch ALASM # 5e0b disp # 5db7 pusk LD HL, # 5da4; inkey LD (# d9fa), HL; ordinary input character LD (# c749), HL; request "scroll?" LD A, # ff LD (# c0d6), A; current disk.inache ALASM not read directory JP # c000 ent ; Copying the file name "mkace" in the command parameter WORK # 5e1c disp # 5dc8 copyfn LD HL, # 5cdd; file descriptor of the variables TR-DOS LD E, # d2;. (Text +2) LD BC, 15619 text PUSH BC; symbol for the answer to the first "scroll?" DB "W"; LD D, A; character commands WORK LD BC, 8 LD D, # 5d; '(text +2) JP # 33c3; LDIR: RET ent A continuation of text DB # A, # A, "A", # A, "R", # A, 0 ; The end of the BASIC-unit DB # 80, # AA, 0,0 After renaming mkace can load the file with another name. idea: Alexander Mayorov code: Alone Coder complete silence: Capry :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ... And soon the list will again be cleaned up:) Fear not, ladies and gentlemen! --------* List Honored Neispolzovateley AC Edit *------- 1) Sinn / Delirium_Tremens Kirill Trofimov 2:5002 / 47.14 2) Pawel / Real_soft Pawel Kislyak 2:454 / 11.25 3) Kurleson / HorrorSoft Alexey Kravchenko 2:5068 / 6 4) Vivid / BW / XPJ Alexey Malov 2:5052 / 30.8 5) Wrecker / SMK Pawel Novitsky 6) SirX Sergei G. Shelginsky Arkhangelsk Region., Severodvinsk, ul.Zh / Dorozhnaya 35-51 (818-4) 55-10-89, 8-921-670-02-85 7) Alex_Xor / PSV Alexander D. Shushkov (8172) 25-28-71, 160035 Vologda POBox 136 8) Diver/4d Alex Golubtsov 9) Capry / Stall Paul Stakhov [] 10) Noviset / Brutal_Creators Igor Shakhov [2:5050 / 109.52] 11) TimeX / Sinclair_Club Roman Timofeev 2:5025 / 32.83, / 3.168 12) Cardinal / PGC / BDA Denys Latyshev 2:5001 / 27.50 650056 Kemerovo Lenina 117 "B" -37 13) X-Mus (WildClaus) Rostislavovich Andrew Koval [] 164502, Arkhangelsk Region., Severodvinsk, Pobedy, d.66 kv.2 ----------* List Honored Members AC Edit *--------- Honorary and eternal: 1) Nikphe Aleksey Emelyanov 391420 Ryazan region., Chuchkovsky rn, p.Avangard, Ruleznaya 12 2) Mr.Event Alexander Lesovskaya 391420 Ryazan region., Chuchkovo, Kalinin, 26 (8-238) 07/10/1973 3) CyberDemon Maxim Mit'kin 2:5029 / 35.18 Ryazan, ul.Novoselov, 50k2-197 4) Basil Basil E. Loginov, 390035 Ryazan, Poletaeva ,15-5 5) John_Silver Denis E. Loginov there:) 6) TS Sergey Tyurin 390029 Ryazan, High-,16-53 (0912) 75-40-74 8-903-640-01-49 7) U # 74 Sergey Machines 443065 Samara, Pugachevskiy_trakt d.66 kv.3 8) Shaitan / SoK Maxim Shashkin 2:5057 / 21.36 (8462) 34-82-92 9) Dissonator Constantine Shaev 390048 Ryazan, ul.Zubkovoy ,19-106 (0912) 41-03-50 10) Way of the Samurai, Alexander Golovanov [] 11) Dark Raven Semen Tsehmeyster 187500, Leningrad Region. g.Tihvin Mashinostroiteley 44, kv.151 12) Disabler / DPL Andrey Gorelov 344045 Rostov-on-Don ul.Mironova 3 / 3, kv.120 13) Max / Cyberax / BDA Maxim Arnold [] Other: 14) FION Fyodor Odegov [2:5007 / 15.8] 15) AlexUzer Alexander Havzin 2:5045 / 78.7 692481 Primorye Region, Nadezhda borough, s.Volno-Nadezhda, Chapaev, 29 1916) Serg / DL Sergey Ignatov 2:4616 / 10.76 1917) Stormbringer / Cobra_Soft Valera Selev 2:462 / 162.7 79022 Ukraine, Lviv-22, PO Box 798 18) Sergei Chikalev 500:812 / 02.05 (SPbZXnet) 19) Ivan Kurnosov 2:5030 / 675.50, 500:812 / 8.10 (SPbZXnet) 1920) Nikolaj Amosov 2:5030 / 978.14, 500:812 / 2.26 (SPbZXnet) 21) Macros Sergei Gulyaev 22) Jerri / AF Yuri Potapov, 2:5057 / 21.89 (8462) 92-73-26 23) Ldir/i8/any Jaroslav Turbin (0912) 77-40-37 390000 Ryazan Pervomajskij Ave 40k.1, kv.18 1924) Voodoo / Delirium_Tremens Dmitry Voo 25) Risk / O

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