Virtual World #14
27 декабря 1997

SUXX! - Speccy will not die ... So that did not flinch you hand in choosing a PC.

<b>SUXX!</b> - Speccy will not die ... So that did not flinch you hand in choosing a PC.

           SUXX! (3)


        Hello everyone!

  STE again neugomonimy Myr
John with his delusional little thought.:) First we would like 
to skazanut this: lately very often become a bazaar

that the Speccy - dead or what
Speccy - comp for the poor. About
dead this: Speccy will not die until
until him play the pipe to sit at least one person, and
Now these people are still a lot, and not even ten, Speccy
involved thousands of people. Facts: E'97 came a lot of people, 
and if we bear in mind that not everyone can come? Get us

eg. Went only Maxwell
and Lovely. I do not think that in other cities it was better 
from Some have none at all

come). So if we take
all who were and multiply by at least 10 then get oh-oh
what a great figure. That is why the markets of the premature 
death of at least a year 3-4 and I am sure that the Speccy will 
step in 21 century with many of his fans. Personally, I think 
that Speccy - wheelbarrow for talented people:

how cool Mouzon written many beautiful pictures
drawn by hand (scan
Any fool can), but how much
programs written by talented
programmers! None pisyushnik
will not be able to squeeze that out of his
PENtiuma that could make
coders to Speccy ... Even those who
at least something to do on
Speccy (and made) by clicking on
other platforms there is something mean, and are not slow-witted
the user, playing with toys. A
those who could not understand the buzz of
work done on the Speccy and
on other platforms can not ... Was the case: I have heard
somehow have to Maxwell'a RSyuke muzonchik written by someone 
from FLASH. As far as I remember it was popsovataya melody, but 
it well written and sounded so ... Anyway, I dragged! :)

  As for the fact that MS is very popular, cheap, etc.: Uncle 
Bill Incidentally not a programmer, and

first and foremost a businessman, and all
who makes the first HARD'SOFT
foremost businessmen and concerned
its enrichment and not how
would make a good and qualitative HARD SOFT. Take all
famous! ntel, which Outside
and its founder - Mr. Grove (Our Groove does not matter to him
nothing:). He,
as he himself said, there is such
principle: every 18 months to appear with a new processor
Number of high megahertz. AND
Here the company! ntel has already been developed
processor at 1.1 gigahertz. And so the Grove is already 
guaranteed earnings for the next 10 years.

Firm! Ntel itself acknowledges that
architecture of the Pentium
not very good (short SUXX
:) And does not pull on the title samogosamogo, even if it will 
be All 1.1 GHz. Little about the MMX (

or just fly:): As everyone knows, the processor! Ntel was not 
actually designed for output video and audio applications

working with graphics and so it
spend a lot of "forces"
processor and the company! Ntel decided
This question is very simple. She
added about 50 new teams
specifically designed for
the case and called it
MultiMedia eXtensions, that
nashenskomu means multimedia
application. As always wanted
do something better, but it turned out ... Judge for yourself: 
switching the processor between the modes MMX and floating

point takes 50 clock cycles. In
most cases, this can be
not pay attention, because
switching is negligible
fraction of the time. Typically, dozens of
MMX instructions follow dozens of mathematical operations, but
implementation of programs in which
these kinds of operations are often interspersed can be very 
slow. This applies to such "particular" as a game with a 
complex three-dimensional graphics. Another case that is 
affected by reduced productivity, is a multitasking system. For 
example, user runs a multimedia application, and at this time

begins to be recalculated
spreadsheet. It turns out
that one program requires MMX,
and other necessary floating point operations. As a result of 
frequent switching both programs run slower ...

  Since the beginning of October, the Russian
television in the advertising
Campaign "PENTIUM Processor: On
tne Net / Off the Net "(" Processor
Pentium: online and offline) starts showing three commercials
"... Demonstrate the advantages
microprocessor technology
Corporation Intel ...". Clips,
incidentally, very entertaining, made by a company
George Lucas, who is known to work exclusively
on RISC-processors (Silicon
Grafix, Macintosh and nebezizvestnaya Amiga). It turns out that
Advertising "ability Pentiuma'a
breathe life into the software
software is being implemented at all
not on a platform of Intel ...

  Once a utrechka before going to polytechnic, I decided to read
"Press". In the hands of got to me
"Komsomolskaya Pravda". Opening
I noticed her interesnenkuyu Field nazvanivm under "Computers"
and decided to read. You understand that there was a market 
just about PiSyukah and that is bad for students to sit behind 
a computer more than 1 hour (bred!). But the great delusion 
seemed to me recommendations on what RS should be chosen and

what it can do:

     So that did not flinch you

      hand when choosing a PC:

To arrange a private printing press, you need:

Processor: Pentium II 266
RAM: 64 Mb
HDD: 5 Gb
Video card: Matrox Millenium

              2 (8) V, fgn
Monitor: 21
CD ROM: 24 speed
Sound: AVE 1932
Printer: Color Ink
Scanner: Any
Modem: -----

  Nichrome yourself a wheelbarrow to print pictures. Just 
explain me, why for home printing such oheritelnaya sound

card? And yes nafig stump 266
More and 2? For normal operation
come down and the stump 150 and 133. A CD
24 nafig? Not a game I play
in a super multi-tasking system
Vindovoz 95?? I'd rather have a good printer and scanner would 
have bought not any, and of excellent quality,

than pen2, CD 24, AWE 32. And the memory of 32 meters under the 
string would have sufficed. Before reading the plate, I thought 
for a good print only a good printer, but it turns out is 
necessary also 32-bit sound card

that the picture came out a little brighter. :) (I understand 
where are the MUSICAL POSTCARDS !!!!! CASH ON


  We now turn to the computers on which you can play Tomb Rider,
Doom and other toys: (original text is saved). For
do this:

Processor: Pentium 200 MMX
RAM: 32 Mb
HDD: 3 Gb
Video Card: 2 Mb and 3D FX
Monitor: 15
CD ROM: 24 speed
Sound: SB 1916
Printer: ------- Scanner: ------- Modem: 33600 External

  I have no toys are not seen, which would be requested 200 
megahertz - a maximum of 166. A 'Doom' By the way, and at 
386DX40 goes. And what They are attached to a 24-speed CD-ROM? 
8 - a full nishtyak, and 16 - it is the eyeballs. More and is 
not necessary. Aha! How to print pictures, so once

need AWE 32, and as a game, and
16 cost.

  To maintain databases, accounting, writing scientific papers:

Processor: 166 MMX
RAM: 16
HDD: 1,3
Video Card: 1
Monitor: 14
CD ROM: - Sound: - Printer: a primitive black and white
Scanner: - Modem: -

  This is where nonsense, because it
here. Fuck you MMuHa if you
do bookkeeping? Well
Okay, 166 to more quickly
spreadsheets were converted, but why screw only 1,3?
After a lot of data to be stored!
I would have picked players screw 3,
and gave them a 1.3. :)

  In short, if you look at what
that the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" How to
purchase a computer - it
full lamerstvo on their part. Y
I even do not have words to something
to say about it ...

  Sorry, I do not have access to
AMIG'e. I tried to tell you about its shortcomings.
The only thing I know (or rather
read once) on the Amiga, so
it is this: Amiga - amazing
machine. It has excellent features of its iron
But in the program, these opportunities
not used. And this is the main
lack of Amigo. I would be glad
if anyone of those who have the computer could contact me and 
refute it statement and tell chtonibud from his personal 
experience with work on this wheelbarrow.



Other articles:

Simm on ZX! - On connecting 30-pin Simm to ZX.

SUXX! - Speccy will not die ... So that did not flinch you hand in choosing a PC.

Introduction - 13 facilities did not exist in nature ... Happy New Year!

History - On Maxwell'e.

Reality?! - Optical processors.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Tusovka - Birthday List v0.3 Happy Birthday MR.John. Glitches our town.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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