ZX Konig #01
31 декабря 1994 |
Our competition - Competition of the best games. Top Ten games.
Attention, the contest! We hasten to inform our readers that in our magazine will be held regularly Various competitions and quizzes. Today we publish the terms first of them. Take part in the competition can all attend. You must fill in the mail Card (sample at the end article), the three best in the Your mind game programs and send it to the journal. Based on these postcards will be compiled top ten games (TOP-10) in Kaliningrad. The winners of the competition will be those whose options will coincide with the final "top ten". The editorial board has established for the winners prizes and gifts. Go for it! Please send your options and, possibly, the prize will be Your. Write, what other job to our readers you would like to see on the pages of our magazine. And in this issue, we propose TOP-10, based on demand for games in the studio "ITR: 1. MYTH HISTORY IN THE MAKING 2. LASER SQUAD 3. ELITE III (r.THD) 4. R-TYPE 5. BATMAN III 6. ROBOCOP I 7. DIZZY'S ADVENTURES (1-6) 8. WECLEMAN'S 9. STORMLORD II (1,2,3 part) 10. HERO QUEST
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