IzhNews #2002
04 января 2002

Aerobics - Chronology of the Russian Spectrum: Year 1995-2002 (version of Himik's ZxZ / PoS-WT).

<b>Aerobics</b> - Chronology of the Russian Spectrum: Year 1995-2002 (version of Himik's ZxZ / PoS-WT).
                           Who dares to stop us being together?

                           Who dares to say that we do not?

                           Who dares to cancel the move?

                           Who would dare to paint our color?

                           Who dares to rob us of the morning?

                           Who would dare to pull the trigger?

                           Who dares pereinachit wind?


                           Nuka! Who?

                                         Constantine Kinchev / 

         A E R O B & K A

       or lie down - stand up!

(C) Himik's ZxZ / PoS-WT

      cross began in the wilds of Izhevsk, in the years since 
the 90's. I still knew little about the ZX, but in all yuzal 
basic and drew laberinty in Art Studio. 

  As time passed, wandering and looking for me
byl created by a group of associates,
which would later become full-fledged
members of the group Power Of Sound. Many
estimate that between us there was not any
sense at all, nor when we worked
on the ZX, nor now, when everyone busy with his

  Actually it does not matter what we did,
it is important that we gave an opportunity for all
wishing to rewrite our software, make
exchange programs and simply join our
club, which has always been fun.

  Perhaps it was then that we left most
large footprint of yourself, maybe we did
something, so now there is
Team Brutal Creators. In Izhevsk, no
more than any team that
deserves attention in real life ZX.
There are other teams, but they have not yet
took up their position, and while they are in
creative doldrums. One entices Kvaka
on PCs, while others simply pulled away to
life trying to get the best possible.

  But this is not about us, not that
occurs in Izhevsk, we are talking about
continued .... Death!

  The first time the death ZX promised us in 1995
year, as many have already switched to other
platform, who on Amiga, who at the IBM-PC. But
none menie many stayed and worked

  1995 - The war between two teams, Golden
Disk Corp. and KDF Software. What happened
in those days? KDF wrote does not quite frail
music tracks in the ASM, which
Most of curse. Many
pay too much attention to errors
coders, but it did not pay
attention to their successes. Golden Disk
produce a demo Coming Soon, in which
publicly lowered the guys from KDF Soft. War
underway, and the result is the face.
GDC released the first version of Pro-Tracker, a
While KDF already reduced activity,
because of the apparent hostility of a large number
users to the group members KDF.

  1995 - War of the titans of the software market in
Moscow. SoftStar despise Kano / MKHG
(RPSG). They are very difficult to get along, because both
have a point in the market and exert great
impact on the Moscow market. SoftStar personally went to Latvia 
and the first brought to Russia full Kwik Snax-128 and F19 
Stealth Fighter. On a visit to Kano always come Max Iwamoto 
'RST # 7, which means bringing software from the Polish areas. 
Result known, SoftStar closed trading

activities, and Cano continued to live on ZX.

  1996 - Once again, bode
Death ZX, based on a sharp decline for.
Fewer demos.

  1996 - I was dumped into the army.

  1997 - In the army I got my
access to the 486-dx40, resulting in
there was a 5-th series of the program The Pusher.

  1997 - I went on vacation, came to
Club PCCC. Learned that a group of Power
Of Sound participated in by Enlight
their demos Abyss.

  1998 - retired from the Army, he began
write a 6-series program The Pusher.

  1999 - Life goes on, Spectrum
lives with us, but it still
try harass buried. The result -
emergence of a large number of electronic
publications. Wonderful newspapers and magazines.
In sharp contrast to all ceases
magazine-newspaper Insanity. Published several
games, and of several distinguished from other
system software.

  2000 - Time has shown that
Spectrum's alive!

  2001 - appears even more
number of magazines and newspapers. Appears
Russia's first printed edition of the Paragraph. "

  2001 (December) - I sit and dial
the text, but an idea of ​​how
finish your Pusher 'ASMtoPT convertor.

  2002 -? What bodes us a new
year? Will the new software?

  Conclusions can make every man, life
dictates the rules, but how can
bury the ZX-Spectrum? As you can see, this is
unforgettable platform. Today, no one
No, but tomorrow a new and none is not known
people would write a huge project, in
This will bring new life to appear
New people will be a new era.

  Spectrum will be the eternal and immutable
car of the 20 th and 21 th century.

  Perhaps in the distant year 3045, someone
reading these lines tell

  - But it's true! This story
which we do ourselves!

  Raising a glass shompanskogo and thinking
in mind the new algorithm, I wish you
all the best in the new year 2002.
Let us always united by faith in life,
the belief that everything will be on your
schedule. We'll be together forever. Yes
Be it so!

Sincerely, Himik's ZxZ / PoS-WT

Other articles:

New vyposk - Life is the platform continues, and next year will not be the last for the Spectrum!

Aerobics - Chronology of the Russian Spectrum: Year 1995-2002 (version of Himik's ZxZ / PoS-WT).

Present - New Year's Gift from the OCA - Original Computer Association.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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