Optron #20
25 октября 1998

Feedback - As written and said about us.

<b>Feedback</b> - As written and said about us.
     What they write and tell us about us

Tertius Gaudens

  Per year of life "OPTRON" the editors have received many 
letters, phone calls and were just personal conversations. So 
we decided to assemble a small collection of these statements, 
and to share it with our readers. 

              Newspaper in general

  Everything was done very soundly, and although adding local 
color (all the same Lions!) You can make it even more 
interesting, but publication has now stands out style selection 
of material and the Russian literary language.

  Once there is commitment to a sophisticated European 
elegance, then sooner or later we'll all be reading the original

newspaper with its own, easily recognizable

                           Andrew Savichev,

      komoderator relcom.comp.speccy (St. Petersburg)

  "Optron" - a real newspaper in full
sense of the word: to keep pace with the times, seeks to 
publish the latest and truthful news. And the fact that "local

color "in it is not enough - so it may be,
and for the better.

  The shell is good. Music - too: immediately
shows that it took for a professional.
Proofreading - compared with Nicron'om, Maximum'om, On-Line - 
the most literate. 

  I note particularly lighting Funtop'a: it seems
Lvov interested in it much more
Muscovites than themselves. Only here the "Funtasy" ...
As for me, this demo - the best (and, in
several orders of magnitude) of all that has been shown to 
Funtop'e, as you so disparagingly about it! 

     Gennady Shrubs, radio engineer (Lviv)

  Music in the newspaper too grates on the ear -
change your style.

              Alex, the unemployed (Lviv)

  I'll have a full set of "OPTRON"
and although the free time I have almost
No, it gradually pochityvayu. A good newspaper, Pravda, typos, 
after all, a bit too much. 

             Oleg Shubin, Colonel (Lviv)

  Frankly, seeing the first issue, I literally spat, but on the 
number of to the issue of the newspaper I liked more and


                Twinsoft, the free hacker

           (Kalush, Ivano-Frankovsk region).

  I, as citizen of Lviv, "Optron, of course,
much closer and more interesting than all the other electronic 

         Paul Makovsky, a student (Lviv)

  "Optron? So it in his home compose some swindlers. Why should 
we ask them for permission to sell this


        Representative of the company "Miko" (Lviv)

  You are doing very important work. Your paper is very 
necessary for us all. 

       Vladimir Didyk, radio (Lviv)


  I am pleased to read "Optron 17."
Especially well laid out everything seen on the

      Eugene Buder, the firm "Welcome" (St. Petersburg)


  Read "Optron" and decided that you can
help me with one problem.

               Andrew Golyahovsky (Bryansk)


  Your ability to make a collage of my sentences -
above all praise! That's only in times of
Stalin ...

    Werewolves, co-author of the newspaper RIP (Minsk)

                Category X

  Even a little embarrassing: I already have
grandson, and I can not part with
Spectrum. Therefore, "Optron regularly
I read. I would like to see more information about gaming 
programs - novelties prospects for development, detailed guide. 
And it would be good to establish interchange between users of 
this software.

                               Ivan Ferin,

         installer of radio equipment (Lviv)

  Are you kryto kodiryete to both sydit about coding? A y you 
have cum designer or director?? Very yzh y you high syzhdeniya 

  You have imposed almost all demos and asks: "What for?" and 
"What have the right?" 

  By the way, bolshinstvy comments about the quality of work, I 
totally agree, but disagree with the manner in which 
opyblikovano, but still called it sybektivnoe opinion analysis! 

                    George Valnin (Moscow)

             All life - the game

  Your short story of the game "Operation RR"
read in one breath.

              Maxim Isayev, sudent (Lviv)


  I am glad that my "Diary of Joan for the first time
"Saw the light" is in "Optocouplers.

           Yuri Zimkovich, the student (Lviv)


  This section I like in the newspaper more

               Igor Matsa, student (Lviv)

Other articles:

ZX-waggons - Overview of electronic media: Deja VU 5.

Lit. Page - Grief "Y" (Diary of Laboratory J. Scalp - continued).

Opinion - And in iron have a soul.

Feedback - As written and said about us.

Premiere headings - New Topic "Likbez - Assembler: a view from afar.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

four kilobytes - Gazeta year ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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