ZX Pilot #36
11 марта 2000

Coding - the procedure "conversion of addresses in the display area" and "conversion of pixel rows from the bottom up."

<b>Coding</b> - the procedure
                C O D I N G


   Perhaps, it is most painful issue for anyone who bursting 
with pride from the fact that He works at Speccy. For me, this 
topic at least the patient, after reading Wikipedia

in the ZX-PILOT'e # 34, signed VIRTUAL'a -
me (figuratively speaking) took the "anger" and
VEL has acted as the instigator ... In short,

   To start touch the topic "conversion of addresses in the 
display area. 


   HL - address of the upper byte of the necessary familiarity.


   HL - address corresponding to the attributes.

        SRL H

        SRL H

        SRL H

        SET 4, H

        SET 6, H

   And the reverse protsedurka ...


   HL - address in atribitah.


   HL - address of the upper byte of the corresponding 

        SLA H

        SLA H

        SLA H

        RES 7, H

   Shorter than an all-time!

   Next prog, performs conversion of pixel rows from the bottom 

        LD HL, # adr in screen

        DEC H

        LD A, H

        AND # 0F

        CP # 07

        JR Z, CONT

        CP # 0F

        RET NZ

        SUB # 20

        LD L, A

        RET C

        LD A, H

        ADD A, # 08

        LD H, A


   Immediately say, that in the ZX-Review mentioned the 
shorter, but I have not seen or tested, and this satisfies me 

   Annex (VEL! They must be!!!) Hangs another of my prog (ALASM 
FORMAT), Koya designed to survey the keyboard, not

regardless of interruptions, as well as not 
deskriminiruyuschaya SCORPION'schikov. 




   In the A-code key pressed.


   After starting the prog hangs there and waits. Interviewed 
as a simple click, so and through CapsShift 'SymbolShift, as 
well as: Break, SS + Enter, SS + Space, CS + Enter, ExtMode, 
codes Delete, Graphic, Cursor, Edit, CapLock, True Video, 
Inverse Video. In! The entire survey is performed by a table 
that can be easily changed. 


                       Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

Other articles:

News - causes a break in the production of newspapers, a list of nonresident spektrumistov visited in Kovrov.

Our Guest - an interview with the creator of famous editors Excess de Luxe Paint and Excess Sample Editor - ZK System (Konstantin Zuykov).

Our Guest - Megus tells the story of a Star Group (BrainWave).

Our Guest - an interview with an almost unknown spektrumistom Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

Coding - the procedure "conversion of addresses in the display area" and "conversion of pixel rows from the bottom up."

about different - a story about the state of Spectrum abroad.

about different - miniintevyu with Western spektrumistom coder and musician Gasman / Raww.

about different - glitches in games: Black Raven, Octopus, Dizzy 3

Hard - the problem of temporary protection discs from the record.

Topic - When it comes XXI century (not January 1, 2000, and 366 th days later).

Topic - the problem with the drive to the Scorpion ZS 256.

Topic - disassembly: a way cool if Unbeliever? Eternity Industry themselves spoiled DiHalt'99? Gravediggers at the Spectrum.

Topic - a piece of circuit cmos-hours.

Census - a dozen of the most conscious spektrumistov: Osip, Vladimir Kazakov, Sander, Kristof, Hard, Zeg, Moonk, Fatal Snipe, Spinal, Mad Rain, Crime Sphere, Dead Man.

DIY - Speccy calendar.

Birthday - congratulations spektrumistov with the birthdays.

Supplement - a short description of the application to the newspaper.

Advertising - Message on the Sale of Spectrum and programs for him.

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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