KrNews #14
22 сентября 2000

Players - the passing game Dizzy'A.

<b>Players</b> - the passing game Dizzy'A.

           To help players

(C) Nik-O 'Twin

  Hello fans of the series of games about
Dizzy! "Such as the classic greeting
in such description:). Some
time ago in our town has a new series of the game: "Dizzy'A '", 
from NDiscovery. Somehow I do not particularly interested in 
her, but my 11-year-old brother (Twin, by the way, happy 
birthday to you, Igor!) Passed her in the same breath, that's

and it is all written as if his words
as he could not write all this, and
Naturally no one else to write you can not make (Kasp, where 
are you?;), then, despite For all its exams, it had to deal 
with me, and I fear, as "love" all this case, do not feed 
bread, let me describe write:) But it's the lyrics ...

  The game has all the old: some "evil"
hurt the family Dizzy while stealing
his eternal bride Daisy, only to
"Evil" stick "Troll", and that's the whole system. In general, 
everything looks like a "Dizzy X", "Dizzy Y", etc. Only if

honestly, the music Midisoft'a small annoying.

  Okay, everybody who likes and does not
rest, this game is dedicated to ...

1. My grandfather took Dizzy "dynamite."
2. For the "home Dozy, on-screen" dead end "
take "a spade".
3. At checkout, we take a "fake buck."
4. In the "Home Seller" pay
"Fake buck" to the seller and take his
present. We go left, through a "lonely
tree "and the screen" moat "find a dollar.
5. In the "lonely tree", using a shovel, dig an underground 
passage and descend into it. 6. In the dungeon, the screen 
"underground spring ", use" dynamite. "penetrate

7. The castle, on the screen, West Tower,
take the "pick" on the way picking up a "book"
and one dollar.
8. In the "ladder" (underneath is still green door or wall), 
use the "pick", then go all the way to the left and falling on 
the screen "basement" take "diamond." 9. We depart from the 
castle through the underground passage and on-screen "back 
door" at the bottom lift, take the "rock".

10. Climb up the bridges and
screen house Denzil, give Denzilu
"Book", instead get a "player". On
the same screen casts a tree branch
"Cobblestone" and taking "foliage", we find that the dollar 
("leaves" can be laid out, then take away). 11. Move left 
across the screen, "stove" and on the next screen, find another

Bucks at this vezuha with bucks over.
12. We go to the cashier and buy a "ticket" to
moon, after going to the "launching pad"
to experiment and give him a "ticket".
13. On the moon, a local lunatic presenting a "player", he 
touched, will give "Canister with fuel, but not in a hurry to 
depart, on the screen," a local heater " increases kick-ass 
"grass" (like crap;) tear away the left-most (as it sounds?).

14. Come to experiment and give the canister, and
on earth he can give the "diamond" (type
for works) and an element, like a true Caucasian
;) Will give the knife.
15. We go to the screen "stove" for "flask"
then went down to the boiler. Reserve
beside him, "flask" and "grass" throw in
16. We rise to the top of the "soporific"
which we take in Dozy, and for the "bucket". We collect water 
in the bucket "near the" beach "and pour it into the pot. 17. 
Then go to the castle and lulls Troll "Soporific."

18. And then, clutching his hand ... (No, not
pistol, and a huge dull knife, cold as ice, its blade does not 
cut his Blade breaks ... (C) Dolphin) knife, cut off at the 
Troll "bunch of hair." 19. Sends a "bunch of hair in the boiler 
and go for the "leaves", which was left near the "home Denzil" 
taking "leaves", and send it into the pot. 20. The resulting 
"brew" put in "Flask" and refers Troll.

21. The path to prison Daisy open, happy

  In short, "Dizzy lived, Dizzy is alive, Dizzy
will live! "(from the gamer's dream-spektrumista)

  At the same time, this more or less similar to
description of the text is finished, yet!

-> Zasm3.10

 (C) Cannibal'y2k

    Recently came to my toy "Koshcheeva
chain "by Light Future Group. Enough
Pretty text game. I have described, would
its like Dungeons' Dragons with elements from
"Mirrors". The engine resembles
zerkalovsky (ala "Star Heritage"), but
only a highly simplified - you can
"Independently" decide by choosing
something or other proposal, ie no
freedom of action: you can not independently
climb on the location, use items and
etc. The program itself is doing, you just
can take one of her proposed
options ... But this does not mean that the game of
this is something to lose at all, on the contrary,
allows you to revel cool! Indeed,
As stated in the introduction to the game, you
get into the dizzying world
Fantasy: Magic, battles, unexpected
turning situations, the death at every turn,
(Not just yours!) And most importantly, where
You will not find annoying goblins, orcs,
elves and other characters of the Celtic
folklore, because the Fantasy a
SLAVIC! Good Vse still set an example
author of "12 secret book"-Demiurge Ash,
using our, Slavic folklore,
which is not worse than Celtic! Pleasantly
play the game, knowing that all the other
computing platforms in the world do not find
games based on our fantasy. (Can
at PC Russian team that released?)

    So, without going into long
monologues, say briefly: You'll be in the role of
Advanced guy who wants to become
Immortal! Whew! But for this
need to obtain "Koshcheev Chain"
Talisman evil prince Koshchey, owner of the
chain, dead now, because his death was
in the egg, and some quick-witted egg then
broke. But this is not quite

    When this game came to my house, I
spent ee passage as a whole and a half
hours, but since it is D'D, I was pampered and
came to victory in different ways, Potatoe
the whole evening and I must say, the evening was
interesting! I do not know how other people, but
I evokes nostalgia game where you have
use items - sharitsya dude on
maze, all sorts of things everywhere suet -
chro maybe something proizoydet? -D 'D on it and
D'D, so people are not bored. Thank Light
Future Group for a variety of gaming
industry. And then all struck by the logical
game. (Go back to the 95 th?) Proidya this
game, naturally, I sat down at the Modern Word,
but there before me was a choice: which is better -
write a short story or issue as a board
gamer'am? (I have an optimal
option to pass :-) I wanted to write
novella, but concluded that for this
the game is unacceptable: since it is
replete with literary texts, rip off
and a little remake write a novella I did not
was. And if this is possible at all, to such
game to write a novella, when the whole game as
story? (Check only one
description of the rooms!) Therefore, I want to share
with you the most optimal and short putem
to Koshcheeva chain ...

     * The shortest way to win *

    In the shop buy the glove, soaked
in the decoction of snake root and zele for
poletov. (The rest is optional) Leaving
from the shop, go to the children playing in
bone. There'll see a boy dressed in
Vse new, go with him to Savely. On the way
you meet a robber-kill him. (Not
Remember to save before each
fight - you never know the result
napered ...) Walking down the street, boy
leads you into an inconspicuous house there zhivet
Savely. He tells you terrible
the story of the stone that you do it
shown. The old man will accompany you.
You leave the house for you again
attack, killing the enemy, head for the
side of the lake. On the shore of a chain is visible
somebody's tracks, does not come back.
You decide not to go there and go
further. You are thirsty. Come to
pagan temple with the statues of idols, and
home - with Perun. Tired harassed
Savely, he decides to rest and come back
back. Not becoming to approach the statue
Perun, you idete further. Upon entering the building
Relax. Waking up, you can see that
opened the panel, go there. You idete
by temnomu corridor and hear in front of
a voice - put out the torch and pryachtes.
Strangers - Polovtsy. Attack them from
darkness. One of them is lost. Fight!
Take a magical verevku mertvogo
nomad-Polovtsy. Next Collapse by
corridor to the left. Take the medallion. Idem
further look into the hole. Deciding
there do not walk, continue the path to
corridor to the west. Inspect the basement,
posvyaschenny dragon. We go in
unearthed a narrow door. Further, by going to
Facilities use magic to pite
poletov, flies hall with a snake.
Trehglavym battle with the dragon. After killing him,
you climb to the edge of the site for ee
see the top of the altar with a snake nest.
Magic gloves come in handy here - you
dergaete the lever - called the passage.
We go into it. Take the missing
half of the stone plate and scepter.
Scepter disappears ostaetsya only
plate. Dostaem an existing record
and connect them, and they merge together.
It should be required to maintain
state of the game, as in the fight against
upcoming monster can not always
win. (As in combating other
characters!) Here is a choice: left or right
right. Left-death-giant beetle
irresistible. Idem right and fight with
Giant worm. Killed? Idem further. Here
we came to hranilishu Koshcheeva chain.
Going into the treasury of you see her! But not
slowly ee inspect, you contemplate
over some other putem. You
remove the two halves of a stone
plate, they take the form
rectangle, and exactly the same as
recess in the wall near the niche. Place
folded halves in the groove. Access to
amulet of immortality is open!

    Stuffing this text, I have tried both
You can describe the route is shorter, not
distracted by little things - so do not
blame me!

    At this Vse.

Post scriptum: I apologize to the authors
game just in case she was
they are even considered in the pages of newspapers. (Y
I was bad with the press ... :-(

Other articles:

INTRO - With the onset of summer.

NEWS - On the updates on the game market: "Point", "Clickmania", "Tower Pod", "Dizzy A", "Adventurer".

Interview - PARADOX'2k: VTS, Kasik, Dimon, Serzhsoft, Gluk, Warlock, Disabler, Snake, Semen.

Discussions - ZX Spectrum (childhood). Memoirs of a

Letter - News from the Cannibal from the Hot Key.

Paradox - Paradox 2000 through the eyes of witnesses.

Iron - lock port # 1FFD.

Players - the passing game Dizzy'A.

Glance - On the PC and not only ...

Novella - a secret book in 1912 (closing of the project).

Mosaic - O emulsion, the firm Scorpio and rectify the "FAST FORMAT"-a.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Outro - The authors and editorial contacts.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   31 March