KrNews #11
31 декабря 1999

Glance - A view from the platform (about the game BABYLON-5).

<b>Glance</b> - A view from the platform (about the game BABYLON-5).
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S P L A T F O R M Li

(C) Kasp'99.

  Hi everyone!

  Surprised? Thought my little column "rested in peace" (Thank 
God). An-not. We live and thrive (at least we think so), just 
recently maker game, get by the whole skukozhilsya and withered 
(Mednonogov - to you it does not apply), so play on the Speccy, 
in recent times, except Tetris-like Metris is no longer in that.

  But do you think, why did I got at the moment, with his 
rubric? Tetris is not the same apart ... Calm down, not tetris. 

  And make out, so to speak, on a screw,
I want today is very funny (at
least I think so) the game, recently appeared in our nice city 

  Her name was "BABYLON 5".

  It is made by Vladimir Trofimchuk
and ... (I do not know who he his. Probably brother)
A. Trofimchuk, based on the same
series (TV, by the way is not bad, I did
sometimes looked). Genre of games, I would
described as a logical adventyura the first person, and Nik-O 
for some reason firmly convinced that this role-playing game. 
AND because I am not very strong in the productions

these diagnoses, we had come to
consensus - a ROLE LOGICAL ADVENTYURA the first person (who 
does not agree ... do not care). 

  The action of this game itself takes place in
In 2261, the station Babylon 5 (of course). You, in turn, can 
manage four different characters: Captain John Sheridan, his 
first assistant Susan Ivanova, chief of security Michael 
Garibaldi and Dr. Steve Franklin.

  Each of these people, "voloket" in a certain field of science 
(which read themselves). Probably in my life to them is very 

  In short you are driving these characters,
go to the station, the Charité in cabinets in
cabins, taking different subjects and apply them as needed. By 
the way You can go out there and the crowd. For this we need to 
drive all in one location and how to stick to one character. In 
this case, you'll be "led" still one character, but everyone 
else will always follow him, hiding behind his broad (or not) 

  That's actually, in short, the whole story. I have to say, I 
reached into her great success (so far), because the 
chronically lacking at this time. 

  Now, actually why I think it
fun ... Yes, because it contains a variety of fun gadgets such 
as: "Come in Dr. Franklin to his cabin, and

he, the unknown, all the furniture stolen. "
Here it is, perhaps, surprised.

  Or is this chip with their feet nailed to the floor after Mr. 
Gara. He's so cool dancing twist, especially when he is trying 
to blaster palnut. I, personally, "the soul", have fun.

  And this "freaky" decoder Garibaldi ... Well, the one that 
feels "Rados a fool" and asks this same joy proinvertirovat.

  Super, just super.

  By the way it seems in this same "joy"
encrypted code from the lock to the locked door, while the 
second level of the station. 

  We have it, so far, could not bite.

  While among us there was one strong-willed
people (Nik-O), which started as a real cracker, pick up the 
code for this the door manually (at this moment, to my

data, he stopped at number 350),
might get lucky.

  In general, I hope that in this game and
on present and similar fishechki
Baubles. If so, then that's cool.

  As for her work on "Krasnodar" and the like, I can say this: 
At the "Krasnodar" she and Georgia and is working fine, only 
slightly slowing down in the derivation of messages on the 
screen (But it is possible that because it works on another PC).

  Now about her "appearance".

  What can I say: graphics-good,
though ... okay let it be a good idea. Music ... Hmm. I 
confess, was not listening ... Although now call Oleg (Nik-O), 
I ask, he This "groping."

  Rang. He said he had not heard of
there's no music or even any
sounds. And according to this, he concluded that
music there is simply no.

  Sorry. Very sorry.

  Managing arrow, ie vodish
arrow on the screen indicating that
want to do (where to go, what subject to that use, etc.). In 
addition to pointer, it can still be lupochnoe

(View item) ruchechnoe (taking
subject) and some more (not drawn
it is clear that, whether some lips (talking), or a bowl of 
porridge (a)). A as Help absence, there is only

"Doperet" before himself in the process
game. Switches it all click Enter.

  And yet, about the shipments, downloads ...
Gentlemen Trofimchuk could be and to realize something like 
this (at least, once painted windows for these options). 
Although, Nik-O then suggested that perhaps this version 
kakayanibud Last-Beta-PreReliz ... Maybe of course, but in my 
heart, I hope that this not (want to still go through it).

  And finally I would like to warn all those who undertake to 
play this game ... 


  Do not try to stick an arrow in the option
drawn where the joystick if your kemston
died (went to smoke, was replaced by the owner and
etc). Since the program does not understand this, and continues 
as a fool in love, him to wait. Convince her, while

to abandon this scheme, one can only
click Reset. And nothing else.

  Summary: Not a bad toy for the amateur
(Personally, I'll play it). I would like to
certainly worked to shipping and was
Help (although it is possible that there is already a version 
where all this is implemented). 

  On this at all today, perhaps. Until
meeting on the platform.

  Sincerely Kasp.

  date: 3.12.99.

  tame: 20:21

  ZASM editor v 3.10

Other articles:

Authors - About the Authors.

INTRO - With a new century.

NEWS - On the updates on the gaming market: BLACK RAVEN new missions, THE CEZAR, DILLER, BABYLON, SUPER LASER SQUAD.

BBS NEWS - News from the PROFI BBS.

CC'999 - Report of Krasnodar spektrumistov CC'999.

Glance - A view from the platform (about the game BABYLON-5).

Iron - FLASH-color on one m / sec.

A - An Open Letter to ODDY # 9: The story of the Krasnodar ZX scene.

HUMOR - The forgotten history.

IS-DOS - Operating System for the Spectrum.

Letter - On schedule and not only.

RuSVS - Russian versus English: bourgeois spektrumistam have to learn Russian?

Novella - 12 secret book.

Z # 80 BUG - Error fixed a Z80 (the definition of the state of interrupts).

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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