Virtual World #03
19 июня 1997

Tusovka - Humor.

<b>Tusovka</b> - Humor.


  Here again tusovka present in our a newspaper. Here
can write each! Congratulate friends, upload greetings, asking 
for help (if you needed) or simply be pinned, if you have a 
good mood. Let's begin, sir! ________________________________

 Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Finally, I
to get to my beloved company (that he ......). And now
I finally saw my favorite
ZX-WORD (that he .....). Okay, so why should I download it? ...
Ah! I remember! What to tell
Another anecdote:

 The wife asked her husband to write
cake recipe that will peredovat on the radio, as well as its
not be at home, the husband should write this recipe down on 
paper, but knob of the radio was broken, and therefore 
sometimes stray setting: a recipe passed, then

gymnastics on the radio. AND
that's what my husband got a piece of paper:

 ... Raise both legs up, sprinkle flour between them, well 
grind and pour in 0.5 cups of hot moloka.Postavit feet on 
shoulder-width apart, bend forward and Pour eggs into pan, 
repeat it 6.8 raz.Posle which lie on the floor and beat the 
eggs until Until a thick foam.

Breath when it should be
calm. After jumping on the spot Check, whether remains
shell on yaytsah.Gluboko breathe, to mix things up and put
on fire. After 10 minutes, pour
milk grind mohrovym polotentsem.Zatem dress, sprinkle
powdered sugar and serve
table ...

                 It was MR.JOHN

 If someone does not know what "black humor" here is a anecdote:

-Manager! Raises the board in 1237!
We have denied all the engines, we
lose speed and altitude!

-What are you yelling? Understood - cross out ....

               This again MR.JOHN

  Usem pryuvet ...


  So who else is going on
ENLIGHT'97? The people recruited!

                      MAXWELL / JS

Other articles:

Amiga Club - Super Amigo "A box" against PENTIUM.

UFO-mania - UFO-2, or again elusive.

Introduction - Ready demo version of the game corner.

Presentation - On the Ulyanovsk group CPM CORP (Creative Program Makers).

Tusovka - Humor.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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