Born Dead #08
19 апреля 1999

Games - Heavy on the Magic: The autopsy revealed.

<b>Games</b> - Heavy on the Magic: The autopsy revealed.

                  GAMES II: Heavy On the Magick

(C) ZS'99

             Heavy On the Magick. NO MORE SECRETS.

    Hi, PPlz!

    Let us return a little back in time. In 1986, the firm
Gargoyle Games (and more precisely Carter Follis Software) has 
released a game which many are not allowed to sleep quietly. I 
mean Heavy On the Magick (HOtM). This game is already written 
in the ZX-REVIEW (N5, June 1992; N7, August 1993; N6 1995), but 
because the questions were unresolved and as I searched for it 
for too long, then spent his thorough study, since the game 
itself and ending with its machine code. Now we can say that 
all the secrets Heavy On the Magick disclosed.

    The game, as it should have been at the time of the mound, 
accompanied booklet with colorful pictures and interesting 
introduction, a description objects, etc. In Russia HOtM hit 
without all these prichindalov, but still unopened. No wonder 
that no one could pass it.

    I'm interested in Heavy On the Magick for quite some time,
read about it in the book "500 games". In that distant time I 
did not found HOtM, and only in 1999, I was able to immerse 
themselves in mysterious world of magic. I must say that if I 
like toy, then I will not rest until it was over and would not 
know all its subtleties.

    So, it started with the fact that I lost a couple of times 
and it is compelled to immortalize it (changing only 1 (!) 
bytes). After playing a couple of days and passed only 2 
floors, I dug into it Internet'e is the description of the 
game, which is annexed to it in 1986! It contained a beautiful 
fairy tale and a couple of tips for beginning players. On 
English, naturally. Even with this description and my excellent 
knowledge of English it was moving slowly. 2 days I picked up 
the keys to the eight door, found out three passwords and 
gained status ZELATOR, who could not manage to raise, though,

search in HOtM by STS, it became clear that the status
About They also mentioned in the ZX-REVIEW N7, August 1993, N6 
1995. After another a couple of days I was brought ZX-REVIEW 
mentioned above. By the way, nowhere no information why the 
game is 10 Status. The thing is, that THERION, the magician has 
entered into AXIL'a in the dungeon of the castle, had ten 
degrees of fear! Statuses are acquired, entering the certain 
rooms, not to some sequence. From ZX-REVIEW I learned not so 
much. Immediately struck me that writing about some

description, 21 monster, 280 objects and more about some obscure
things! All indications are that the people were wrong
informed. Although even with the original description of the 
game rather difficult to understand.

    I will describe what 100% sure what was described 
incorrectly, or not described at all.

    Actions occur in the castle's dungeon Collodon's Pile in
location Graumerphy. Rooms in the castle 256, And on his own
Optionally, you can get 254 of them in one go for
arrogance, boring or stupid, in the last room
legally unable to enter, but about it later.

    The first thing you need to take a magic book - GRIMOIRE. 
And no Under what conditions do not spread it! It affects your

Life! According to the description, GRIMOIRE contains 
information about monsters demons, traps, deceptions, and 
puzzles. In the game it is only source of spells.

    Interesting things written about EXPERIENCE - experience. 
It is said that getting experience (it can be lifted only by 
killing monsters) can be raise their status and then become 
available items that not available at the lowest status. In 
fact, all subjects available even NEOPHYTE'u. The truth is the 
subjects that are not so easy to carry. They need to be 
exchanged for other, seemingly similar subjects. For example, 
NUGGET be exchanged for NOUGAT, SHELL on EGG, PELLET on BALL 
(the same in the ZX-REVIEW N5, June 1992). But there is Some 
actions that can be accomplished only ZELATOR and above, for 
example, to communicate with demons. And the last door you can 
open only becoming PHILOSOPHUS, because ASMODEE subject only to 

    In the game of 10 monsters that are actively attacking and 
can strongly enough to cripple or kill. This SLUG, TROLL, GHOST,

Most of them are destroyed by pronouncing a spell BLAST
(Sometimes a dozen times), some can be killed without 
attacking. For this need to be in possession of some items: 
GARLIC for destruction VAMPIRE, PELLET for SLUG, NUGGET for 

    There are 4 passive monster, who waylaid by: FIRE,
WATER, HYDRA, RABAK. They can go saying a particular phrase
or having a certain item. Water can speak: "WATER,
FALL ". This suggests the APEX (" Speak the water "). RABAK 
Requests to name his middle name - DRAGON, by what he says is 
already warmer " (Not "me warmly, as in the ZX-REVIEW N7, 
August 1993), and the dragon You can use the water - "RABAK, 
WATER". FIRE pass from by CLASP, a HYDRA with SNAKE (and going 
to the HYDRA slow down, or bump into it - it's too slow).

It was found out by many experiments.

    In the game there are 6 demons.

    - ASMODEE - The Great Destroyer, and his number 122 in the 
House of Mars; he looks like a Basilisk; its color - Green, his 
plant - Nettle; admires red gemstones.

The only action he can commit - is to break
door. Its mascot - RUBY (not surprising:)).

    - ASTAROT - community spirit, and his number in 1376, he 
has many faces. He passes through the rock, and his character - 
Fire Sword: it smells Wormwood protects Orchid forty, bows 
before Shine Tourmaline. He can take you anywhere in the

dungeon. We only know his name and carry
Talisman - SWORD.

    - BELEZBAR - Lord of Flight, and his nature is deceptive 
and he can open any deception, and his number - 20 in the 
firmament Stars, he worships Amaranth and Musk, he appears as a

locust; worships frightened Turquoise. Knows all
details about all objects in the castle. Talisman - MANTIS.

    - MAGOT - Soothsayer, who knows the location of
Hidden Treasures, it looks like a Baboon; its color - yellow,
and the number - 443 in the Kingdom of the Air, he craves the 
smell and Galbanum worship secretly Topaz and Halkedona. He can 
tell where look for any of your subject. Its mascot - SUNFLOWER.

About them, according to the description can be found in 
GRIMOIRE. Ho, Again, nothing like this in the game there!

(Some information on the demons is a translation Inlay Card 

    WARNING! You can set all the demons of the question 4.3, 
and then he losing patience, and here we go to hell! The 
presence of a mascot in room required, and the demon appears 
just above it! 

 - APEX also applies to the demons. This is the kindest,
talkative and annoying a daemon. He kept trying to help.
Sometimes it ends up fatal. Knows exactly how many
necessary for the selection of all the keys (keys 12 and doors, 
too, about They all told in the ZX-REVIEW N5, June 1992) and 
receive two passwords to the door. With APEX'om can communicate 
without restriction. 

 - AI - another daemon. His need to cook! The boiler (CAULDRON)
naturally, on the third floor. Interestingly, all its components
(SKULL, ULNA, THIGH) lie on the fourth floor. He only
prompts the password to the door - LAZA. But, in fact, should
say - LONG. Again, an unfortunate withdrawal of protection?

    Just a couple of words on the boiler. In the ZX-REVIEW N6 
1995 was hypotheses about other potions. After numerous attempts

cook in the pot is something else no special success. After
Some combinations of subjects computer muffled Vis. Why?
I have no idea! Perhaps this is due in no qualitative removal
Protection (I have two broken version)? A cook or some other way
get SKELETON'a failed. And even BELEZBAR nothing about it

    In the same issue ZX-REVIEW have been proposals to use
poisoned subjects. Explain: the poisoned subjects created
for the fact that life would not seem raspberries! In other 
words, difficulty passing game. That's it! Benefit from them do 

    And now, in my opinion, the most interesting element of the 
game! Zero room! It is located on the fourth floor, at the

south-east. It is no entrance, but there is an exit (WEST), 
which raises thinking about the possibility of entering into it 
(I failed, and it's probably no one can). The room is 
completely dark. However, with STS failed to paint it. :) There 
are items that you use for other purposes. Ie corpses

GRIMOIRE, SCROLL'y, etc. It is interesting that there from the 
beginning Games already have one dead body. Maybe this is a 
SKELETON? In the ZX-REVIEW N7, in August 1993 about the zero 
room, there was something written. When vykladyvanii subject in 
this very room, he multiplies. All true! When AXIL raises in 
any room of the subject, the last disappears from a room in a 
zero! That's when everything becomes clear. 

    In HOtM can use the five spells. Everything about them
discussed in the ZX-REVIEW.

    And now the fun part! Final game is not! But there are 3
exit from the cave. Once in the room with the release of the 
screen starts twinkle, AXIL begins to produce some movement 
(someone called them dance), appears in "WELL DONE AXIL THE ABLE

YOU HAVE MADE IT TO AN AXIT "and ... everything! Inscription 
translates something like: "Well done, Aksil very capable, 
you've got it happened! Forward! On the way out. "Probably very 
few people know that AXIL had the nickname THE ABLE - Able. 
Sometimes he teased "Aksil nor that we can not. "[from the 
Original Text Inlay] 

    Now, a little translation firm instructions. After
it becomes clear why the game such a rather strange,

--- -

    "In the near future there will be new adventures for AXIL'a.
They will be presented in two forms:

 - Continued Heavy On the Magick, which will be fully
compatible with the present and will continue to be one of the 
three exits from the game.

 - A new adventure in Graumerphy, which will occur in
new location, new characters and eccentricities Graumerphy.

    Both games will be able to download the state of AXIL HOtM 
with items in his bag. Naturally, the continuation of game can 
be be ordered only Gagoyle, and official

Distributors! Perhaps to be released book with a description
Graumerphy and its inhabitants.

    Projects for the future.

    Continued Heavy On the Magick: Collodon's Pile - lock on

    The Tombs of Taro - terrible and dangerous catacombs in the 
vicinity a dungeon.

    Paradise Reglossed - where things are not, than
they seem. "

--- -

    Perhaps the above projects were initiated, but more
complete information about them is not.

    If anyone knows anything about the sequels Heavy On the
Magick, please contact me by phone in Samara (8462) 58-86-08
(Sergei), or write to e-mail:

    That is, in general, and all I wanted to tell you. I do not
became a full description of all subjects and inhabitants
dungeons, as well as ways of passing game, because
plan to release the most complete and comprehensive electronic

Other articles:

Coding - compression of images (screen to text).

Game - 12 Mystery books. Mission: Tips seasoned witch.

Games - Heavy on the Magic: The autopsy revealed.

Games - A game that is waiting for the whole world.

Entry - NATO planes, "Stealth."

More news - O Complex Compo, Black Raven, 2 newspaper renaissance RIP.

Spite of the day - FreeDom! Price stage.

World Amiga - Amiga eyes RRA (Part 4).

News - New: PT v3.4 r (Final), First Associacion, MMA CD-ROM.

review software - Review Magazine Demo Or Die # 1.

Application - Doxycon'99 - Invitation intro.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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