ZX Pilot #26
31 июля 1998

Our Guest - Wolf Soft Group of Magadan.

<b>Our Guest</b> - Wolf Soft Group of Magadan.
   Our guest


   The last outpost of the Gulag,



   (Special for rulezzz newspaper "ZX-PILOT")

   First of all I want to thank the Chief Editor
"ZX-PILOT" Pavel Petukhov for the opportunity of a little
tell us about our group. And now that you can
read this tiny zametochke.

   So, in this tiny zametochke you can read ...
#$'%'''(')( B )[><%#el [... Excuse me, suddenly naletevshaya
magnetic storm twisted bits in the glorious character generator,
sverhmoguchem text editor called "ZX-WORD".
So you read so far that note, I am focusing on rectifying

       * * * * * * * * *

   Where is the home to community spektrumistov, popularly 
referred to as "WOLF SOFT GROUP"? Find a place easy enough to 
take Globe Russia, and slightly bulging eyes, found in

north-eastern hemisphere frozen into ice under the metropolis
called Magadan.

   A little on it. Indeed, snow and ice here
in excess. That's now April, and the city one by one
falls snowstorm. Frosts are just ferocious, indications
thermometer not cite for the simple reason that, among
readers "ZX-PILOT'a" may be nervous people.
The only way to combat the cold is the use of
firewater (inside), and then the resultant temperature
calculated by a simple formula: = Tobsch Tmoroz + 40 °, which
tolerated more easily.

   The most gigantic buildings in the city are four
five-story building, one of which housed a branch
St. Petersburg Institute of extinct peoples. Rest
housing - single-storey houses, commonly traditional Russian
people called "villa with private facilities on the street, but 
came ethnic groups such as the Chukchi these things are called 
"chum", "yaranga," and so absurd. 

   Like charred skeletons left after the ancient
sacrifices are numerous barracks - the remnants of the Empire
Gulag, surrounded by barbed wire under stress 6000 Volt,
and towers with a cheerful hour, shooting without warning
(Nothing better to do). Most of the city's population is
servicemen - soldiers and officers of the Interior Troops, and 
Zeki special settlers. There is still a "vanguard" lovers eat

rotten meat - Chukchi, Yakut and other drunk. Special settlers
forbidden to leave the city before the end of the settlement.

   Like most local lifted, I have sled dogs (huskies);
this is us - the main form of transport. Are richer, those
dissected on deer, elk and even used as
kind of a taxi. Boss rides on ATVs, "the new
Russian "too prefer the" iron horse ".

   So many weapons, pretty much everyone. Nothing
done, you want to live - to know how to shoot. This is still 
north, it is necessary also understand that the "masters of the 
Arctic are among the most ferocious predators of the planet, 
and simply fill face brute growth at 4 meter will not be able 
even to all the world champions in karate and boxing, together. 
Sifting through garbage tank, a polar bear - sight in the city 
quite familiar, especially in winter. 

   Summer with us is short, like a flash, even snow on the tops
volcanoes do not have time to melt, but nonetheless remarkable, 
because a lot of wonderfully vile can see. The city of tundra 
podstupayut pack polar wolves from noise theirs fight with bears

inhabitants of border regions are guaranteed a bad dream. The 
taiga scatter the web (in the half-fingers thick!) huge, up to 
a meter in diameter tarantulas; catch seagulls goats. And where 
only hides a nasty winter, how to survive in the cold? Here

Mystery ...

   What are seagulls, you ask? Magadan on the beach
located. The resort, however.

   Well, on our campus steep I told you, the readers, it's time 
and pobazlat about computers, about the affairs of the Spectrum 
of Lamentations. WOLF SOFT GROUP was formed in late 1996 was 
originally in it, besides me, 2 programmers. Started a journal 
issue entitled "SPECTRUMLAND". Everything went fine, done a 
couple of room, when suddenly there was PE: Encoders my one 
night chose not entirely true intonation in conversation with 
well very white bear, and he, reptile ... in short, do not have 
these coders have. 

   I was left alone, but were found after the composer - BACH 
XXI, and the artist - DRAGON. The first music you have great 
happiness Now hear. He wrote in ASM'e and STPRO, now PRO

TRACKER yuzaet (more precisely, PRO TRACKER'y, as currently
divorced their vast number of versions). If his
presence pronounce the word "rave" or "techno", became
very "friendly" companion. Best of
Spectrum-compatible believes Scorpion; however, we are all here
mercilessly exploit precisely this "miracle creation" Sergei 
Yurevich (Zonov who, if anyone did not guess right away).

   By the way, but do you know where all come from a rave? No?
It's simple:

     Nota two, one string

     My Chukchi country! ..

   Long, long time - half a year yet - winter nights,
for many centuries, passed from one generation to the Chukchi
Generation reyvovye composition. And under the Soviet regime, 
when Each tent was telly, Vidic and IBMe PTse with your 
Internet, not has become a problem to bring these masterpieces 
to the not so strongly developed residents of the European part 
of Mother Russia. 

   From the artist was a little bit easier. Since in our
deep conviction normal computer magazine to be
graphically illustrated at the level of ... cool, if shorter,
DRAGON daubed simply colossal amount of any-difference
pictures, and color and black and white for the next issue. For
work he is not very long philosophizing, used the "ART STUDIO",
and was happy as an elephant. Sketched quickly, as required, 
and I have been produced for final finishing.

   Trying to dispel the deeply entrenched in the minds of all
Spectrum-reanimators groups felt that a joint
creativity is possible only if staying in one town
(And who is just come up with? Probably was an idiot), I drew
gradually a few more people, some other experts
profiles. Two and now does not interrupt the work, another 
person in group is not a member, but works on an order for the 

   Everything was good, but problems exist, and considerable. I 
do not knowingly at the mention of DRAGON'e wrote everything in 
the past tense. Once he bought a condom called Pentium 166 MMX,

Our artist decided to use it to show the class schedule. AND
Show ... The resulting matrix of some greenish stuff with
bearded uncle looked solid, but still not enough
that they can be to other uncles (no beard). Now
DRAGON is far away from Magadan, and his social status
aloud to say there is no desire. And since we always rested on
work (and will balk) on the schedule, those who can do something
draw on a modest Spectrum screen, please call
attention to our reklamku in this same issue. Maybe that
was the result? The benefit is from a possible
cooperation, and not only material. Imagine that
for whatever reasons, the State arranged you a free trip
in our region, and for a long time. So, so someone who is, and 
we'll have a very warm welcome, and help all in our power. His 
people must be everywhere, but ...

   The letters fit seamlessly, smoothly arranged phrases stunned
blinking cursor in the editor, and writing can be long, but
time and an honor to know. It remains only to wish all the users
Spectrum, who were able to finish reading my article to the 
end: not jump to conclusions, do not throw the baby class 
Speccy. Throughout the world: no other PC, which was

invested so much good feelings, love and warmth, as in
Spectrum. And know this: in Russia are now many spektrumistov, 
but Still not as much as the rest of the world, despite

that you have a long and persistently asserted the opposite in 
all sorts of "ZX-REVIEW", etc. Spectrum is not only not dead, 
but every year at the He added fans, I can assert, as

knowledgeable person. And so be it ...

Other articles:

Introduction - The history of the Proxima & Proxim.

TOP TEN - Desyatochka best games.

Our Guest - Wolf Soft Group of Magadan.

HINTS - CHEAT menu at the Black Maria. Passwords to levels in X-REVERSY.

Creek soul - I can not remain silent.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   28 April