ZX Pilot #22
14 апреля 1998

Fantasy - A Tale Strugatsky "Way to Amalthea (continued).

<b>Fantasy</b> - A Tale Strugatsky

Continued. Start see # 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

  2. Planetary Blame silent


   When "Tahmasib" stopped tumbling, Dauge unhooked from
breech and dragged the unconscious body from the Yurkovsky
fragments of the apparatus. He had not had time to notice that 
broken and that survived, said only that broken lot. Rack with 
ferrule twisted and tumbled holder on the dashboard

radio telescope. In Observatornaya compartment was hot and 
smelled strongly of burnt.

   Dauge got off relatively easy. He immediately dead
grip grabbed the breech, and he only made the blood
under the nails and strong headaches. Yurkovski was pale, and 
ever He had purple. Dauge blew in his face, shook his shoulders,

patted him on the cheek. His head dangled helplessly Yurkovsky 
and himself he would not come. Then Dauge dragged him to a 
medical compartment. The corridor was terribly cold on the 
walls sparkled rime. Dauge Yurkovsky laid his head on her 
knees, scraped from the wall a little bit of frost and apply a 
cold wet fingers to his temples. At this point, it found an 
overload - when the Bulls started retard "Tahmasib. Then Dauge 
lay on his back, but he felt so bad that he turned on his 
stomach and was led by a person frosted floor. When the 
overload is over, Dauge lay a little more, then got up and took 
Yurkovsky under the arms, walking backwards, dragged on. But he 
immediately realized that until he sickbay do not get so 
dragged Yurkovsky the wardroom, hoisted him onto the couch and 
sat next to wheezing and puffing. Yurkovski terribly hoarse.

   After a rest, Dauge got up and went to the cupboard. He took 
the decanter water and started drinking straight from the 
bottle. Water ran down the chin, throat, flowed over the 
collar, and it was very nice. He returned to Yurkovsky and 
sprinkled from a decanter on his face. Then he put the jug on 
the floor and unbuttoned Yurkovski jacket. He saw the strange 
branching pattern on the skin, running across the chest from 
shoulder to shoulder. Figure was similar to the silhouette some 
strange algae - a dark purple to dark skin. Some time Dauge 
blankly stared at the strange picture, and then suddenly 
realized that this is a consequence of a strong electric shock. 
Apparently, Yurkovski fell on bare contacts under high voltage. 
All instrumentation planetologists worked under high voltage. 
Dauge ran into the medical bay. 

   He made four injections, and only then Yurkovski discovered
Finally, the eyes. His eyes were dull and looked pretty
pointless, but Dauge was very happy.

   - Phew, damn, Vladimir - he said with relief - I do
thought it very bad. Well as you can stand?

   Yurkovski moved his lips, opened his mouth and wheezing. His 
eyes become a meaningful expression, his eyebrows moved.

   - Well, well, lie - said Dauge. - Do you need a little

   He looked around and saw the door of Charles Mollard. 
Mollard stood holding on to the jamb, and swayed slightly. His 
face was red, swollen, and he was all wet and cover up some

white icicles. Dauge even thought of it is steam.
Mollard was silent a few minutes, turning a sad glance from 
Dauge at Yurkovski and puzzled planetary scientists looked at 
him. Yurkovski stopped wheezing. Then Mollard strongly swayed 
forward, stepped over the coaming, and quickly shuffling your 
feet, get close to the nearest chair. He was wet and miserable 
looking, and when He sat down, the cabin was a wave of 
delicious smell of cooked meat. Dauge poked his nose.

   - It's the soup? - He asked.

   - Oui, monsieur, - sadly said Mollard. - Vermishell.

   - And the soup? - Asked Dauge. - Good-o?

   - Good-o, - said Mollard and began to collect themselves of 

   - I love soup - said Dauge. - And always interested in

   Mollard sighed and smiled.

   - No more soup - he said. - This bil is very hot soup.
But this Bill does not kipyatok.

   - Oh, my God! - Said Dauge and still laugh.

   Mollard laughed too.

   - Yes! - He shouted. - This is Bill's very funny, but very
uncomfortable, and the soup was gone the whole.

   Yurkovski wheezing. His face contorted and flushed.
Dauge anxiously turned to him.

   - Waldemar much hurt? - Said Mollard. Stretching his neck, he
with cautious curiosity looked at Yurkovski.

   - Woldemar electric shock - said Dauge. He is no longer

   - But what happened? - Said Mollard. - Beat so uncomfortable 

   Yurkovski stopped wheezing and sat down, scary rock was
dig into the breast pocket of the jacket.

   - What happened to you, Volodya? - Distractedly asked Dauge.

   - Waldemar can not speak - quietly said Mollard.

   Yurkovski quickly nodded and pulled out a pen and notebook 
and began to write, jerking his head.

   - You take it easy, Vladimir, - muttered Dauge. - This 
immediately pass.

   - It will pass - confirmed Mollard. - Come with me, too, 
beat well. Bill is very high current, and then everything went.

   Yurkovski gave the notebook Dauge, lay down again and closed 
his eyes. 

   - "I can not talk," - hard to make out Dauge. - You do not
worry, Volodya, it will pass.

   Yurkovski impatient jerk.

   - So. Now. "As Alex and the pilots and how the ship?" Do not 
know perplexed said Dauge and looked at the hatch in the 
wheelhouse. - Fu, hell, I everything forgotten.

   Yurkovski shook his head and looked back at the hatch in the 

   - I know - said Mollard. - I'm going to learn.

   He rose from his chair, but the door was flung open, and the 
wardroom stepped captain Bulls, huge, disheveled, with 
abnormally purple nose and a blue-black bruise over the right 
eyebrow. He looked at all ferocious little eyes, approached the 
table, stared at the table with his fist and said:

   - Why did not the passengers in shock absorbers?

   This was said quietly, but so that Charles Mollard stopped
joyful smile. There was a short heavy silence, and Dauge
awkward, crooked smile and looked away, and
Yurkovski again closed his eyes. A case-it does not matter "- 
thought Yurkovski. He knew Bykov.

   - When the ship is discipline? - Bykov said.

   The passengers were silent.

   - Boys - Bykov said with disgust and sat down. - Bedlam.
What happened to you, Monsieur Mollard? - He asked wearily.

   - It's soup - willingly said Mollard. - I immediately
I'll go clean up.

   - Wait, M. Mollard, - said Bykov.

   - KX ... De we? - Croaked Yurkovski.

   - Falls down - briefly said Bykov.

   Yurkovski shuddered and rose.

   - KX ... succeeded? - He asked. He has been waiting for 
this, but still started.

   - At Jupiter, - said Bykov. He did not look at 
planetologists. He looked at Mollard. He was very sorry 
Mollard. Mollard was his first true space flight, and waited 
for his very Amalthea. Mollard was a remarkable radiooptikom.

   - Oh, - said Mollard - in Jupiter?

   - Yes. - Bulls fell silent, feeling a bruise on his 
forehead. - Reflector defeated. Control of the reflector is 
broken. In the ship eighteen holes.

   - Burning shall we do? - Quickly asked Dauge.

   - Do not know yet. Michael said. Maybe not burn.

   He paused. Mollard said:

   - I'll clean up.

   - Wait, Charles, - said Bykov. - "Comrades, you are well
understood what I said? We fall into Jupiter.

   - Got it - said Dauge.

   - Now we're going to fall into Jupiter all our lives - said

   Bulls sidelong look at him, not looking up.

   - X-good ska azano - said Yurkovski.

   - C'est le mot 

Other articles:

Our news - New version of the shell of the newspaper.

We will understand? - A description of all missions of the game LASER SQUAD.

Fantasy - A Tale Strugatsky "Way to Amalthea (continued).

about different - Logo ZX-SPECTRUM.


Announcement - What will happen in the next release?

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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