ZX Pilot #05
18 марта 1997

DUCK NEWS - On the latest games that are popular in Moscow: SEX INTIMY, ALLTIMEDOOM.

<b>DUCK NEWS</b> - On the latest games that are popular in Moscow: SEX INTIMY, ALLTIMEDOOM.


   Hello, my dear readers of this free to distribute the 
newspaper. Our older readers may have noticed absence of my 
column in the previous issue. Ask me excuse me, I have 
collected and sorted the information received by us. For 
people, for the first time keep in mind that your computer a 
newspaper or read my last (also first) report, report that in 
this column is published we received "from third hand "and not 
having any documentary evidence information, in other words, 
gossip. I remind you that a source information can be anyone - 
bring your ears to our office or pass through their friends, we 
will get them and be sure to publish.

 Sources of information strictly confidential, for objectivity
 Account of events NOBODY is not responsible, each SCE
             SHEET NAME AND FACTS chance.

   To begin, I'll talk about the latest programs, the most
popular in the capital of our motherland and Moscow soon
expected in Kovrov.

   According to rumors, one of Moscow's hacking grupa produced
software product "SEX INTIMITY", immediately became a bestseller
and colloquially called "Sex in the Computer. The program is 
very easy to use: you type (this is not what you thought!)

your name, age, gender and sexual orientation, and the computer
begins to print information on the screen, showing how he
(Or she) is happy for you. His monologue is punctuated by 
digitized sounds of "Oooo-CU", "O-O-OOO!", "I orgasm!" and so 
forth, This will show you a scanned photo

appropriate orientation of your content.

   Seeing the undoubted success of his brainchild, the firm - 
the manufacturer took up a new project - "SEX INTIMITY 2"

intended for the owners of modems. His fans are waiting
sex on the computer. They believe that sex with a modem large
future and it could displace not only the sex of the computer, 
but phone sex and even (!) sex in general.

   Permeate the entire country rumors Spectrum options
IBM - ovskoy game "DOOM". Our Moscow source in his letter
wrote to us that finally made a complete (!) Version
game. Its author - unknown FOLK from LERESOFT. Thanks
the original data processing algorithm, it takes a game
small for a game of this type of volume - only eight disks
with loadable levels. The game has not yet gone on sale, so
as the author wants to protect his diskette from unauthorized
copying, and even (!) viewing. His game he called
"ALLTIMESDOOM", which can be translated as "thinking about 

Other articles:

Our news - Answers to questions from readers.

TOP TEN - Desyatochka best games.

We will understand - Full description of games QUAZATRON & MAGNETRON.

DUCK NEWS - On the latest games that are popular in Moscow: SEX INTIMY, ALLTIMEDOOM.

DUCK NEWS - Club Pentagon. O virus LTSG-89 (PRESTOR), sewn into the Pentagon computers ROM & Scorpio.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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