ZX Pilot #02
24 декабря 1996

Contest - Competition for the best virus continues.

<b>Contest</b> - Competition for the best virus continues.


Hello guys! Revision of the electronic newspaper "ZXPILOT48" 
continues competition for the best VIRUS. There are already 
several candidates for the best title of the virus. Once again 
I remind you the conditions of competition. Viruses are only 
accepted in the format of the game VIRUS 2. If you do not This 
wonderful toy is ready for competition VIRUS, have any 
questions or problemma, then with this you can contact the 

Other articles:

Our news - On a computer conference ENLIGHT96

TOP TEN - Desyatochka best games.

Review - On the new programs: TANK WAR, DARKMAN, SUPER CARS.

We will understand - Description of the missions the game LASER SQUAD.

We will understand - Describes the game NORTH & SOUTH.

We will understand - A detailed report on the passing game CRIME SANTA CLAUS.

DIY - Print yourself a calendar for 1997.

Contest - Competition for the best virus continues.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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