Impulse #02
31 декабря 1997

Charts BBS - Graphs of BBS.

<b>Charts BBS</b> - Graphs of BBS.
                        Charts BBS

                                                       (C) DELTA

    At some time REALSOFT BBS sysop had
stop for a while the job, but soon he began to work
still graphics.


  "POWER" BBS Oleg Power hackers group / Pro hackers dynasty

 Thursday: 22-00.00-00 SECRET, SECRET_1, SECRET_2
 Saturday: 22-00.00-00 DELTA, 4_DELTA, 2_DELTA, TO_PHG
 Sunday: 22-00.00-00 Accept Mail to "IMPULSE".




  "RealS" BBSPavel Real software / New private corporation

 Tuesday: 22-30.23-30 SECRET, SECRET_1, SECRET_2
 Wednesday: 22-30.23-30 PAWEL, 4_REAL, 2_PAWEL, TO_RS
 Friday: 22-30.23-30 Accept Mail to "ECHO".

 DRIVE: AB Open Registration will


    Frankly, a few weeks I did not include its BBS'ku,
and you know I liked it. I liked not to prepare disks
like not to look at the clock, like not writing messagi
to which someone does not answer, like working for myself. More
some time, I hold, and if the nick back to normal
mode, then again I'll include ee.Po I think happens with REAL'om
the same thing.

Other articles:

Entry - The new wrapper for the newspaper.

Charts BBS - Graphs of BBS.

Bottle rosin - The controller for BZ128 Computer "Byte".

Programmers - Quick procedure drawing a circle.

Programmers - Fast Decruncher to packer Data-Squeezer v4.x.

Programmers - Correct handling of disk errors that occur when accessing the TR-DOS by # 3D13.

Story - Novella to play "Pulp abbtstvo" (La abadia).

AMIGA4EVER - On the Amiga scene.

Story - The story "The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" (Chapter 3.4).

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Conclusion - Conclusion.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   3 December