Nicron #114
06 ноября 1999

Feedback - contact the publisher.

<b>Feedback</b> - contact the publisher.

 ∙ ∙
              Nicron issue:

    Alex -unpublished-/MDF-Hacker - Honorary Founder
            and the first editor in chief

   Vladimir Bulchukey / Wlodek Black - Acting Chief Editor
     technical editor, special correspondent

           Viktor Monakhov / Faraon - Gaming theme

             painters and decorators:

        Artem Belozerov / Real Heysten / Diamond group

          Eugene Golyakov / Spencer Winset / Diamond group

           Dmitry Kalinkin / Re-Animator / Diamond group
               Alexei Antipov / Goblin

   The author of the shell - Dmitry Nesmachniy / Merlin / 
Diamond group 



           ZXNet: Wladimir Bulchukey 500:95 / 462

          tel. (8-095) 462-89-02 Vladimir Bulchukey

     Or through the BBS, to accept mail for the newspaper Nicron

     (Secret name of the file:> NICRON, with any extension).

 ∙ ∙

  Computer Nicron newspaper distributed free on

  electronic communications networks, through custom and BBS

  any other technical means. Commercial

  distribution is not allowed and encouraged.

  Use of materials - only with the consent of the authors.

  At a reprint of the information link to Nicron required.

            Newspaper Nicron always be found at:

   All rooms Nicron on Virtual TR-DOS - the largest

         TR-DOS archive in the Internet:

 ∙ Links Nicron comes with 03.10.96 ∙

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

Spectrum - Vladivostok: Club 8 bit "

Events-demopati Chaos Constructions - 2000. Information, rules, contacts.

Story - Mirror.

Humor - Seven tips to combat viruses.

Entertainment - puzzle.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
Iron - Kempston mouse.
Studies - O. Smolyankin: Procedures for cleaning the screen. Output of text messages on the screen.

В этот день...   27 April