Nicron #95
02 июля 1998

Humor - Slang of modern youth.

<b>Humor</b> - Slang of modern youth.
      Soon the story affects ...

(R) STEVER (Oleg Malakhov)

Material from the scientific student conference on "Slang of 
today's youth", held at Moscow State Open Pedagogical 
University (MGOPU) in April 1998. Authors Transcriptions: 
TRINITY Natalia and Trofimov Sergey. 

Reprinted with permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

            LOCATION Preface:

  To be honest: when underwritten text reads at the conference, 
the audience literally rose to their ears. Laughter 
periodically interrupted speakers, and they often had to stop 
allowing students to move away a bit. Even Professor sitting on 
the podium for a long time could not stop .... 

                        Oleg Malakhov.
                        (Student MGOPU)

              Fairy tale
        about her brother Ivanushka
        and sister Alenushka

    A modern retelling of the classic
            Russian folklore

  Gerlach and Meny! Funny! There MAZ gruzanut your teen bazaar.

  Lived were two monsters, they were two Child - chuvikhi 
Alyonushka and cake Ivanushka. Soon the monster threw the hoof. 
Fell into the minuscule sestruha Alyonushka and brother 
Ivanushka. Dumb, they hang out, and flooded sister Alyonushka 
money nadybat and brother with me hooked. 

  They already trailed in Trifigischevo, and then punched 
Ivanushka creepy sushnyak:

- Damn, sushnyak hammer!
- Breakup, brother Ivanushka at the well water will ponosastey.

  They trudge trudge, the sun does not shine like a child, well 
as much in Kukuyev. Heat strain, potnyak acts. Draw a cow

Hoof - up to a fig in it some water.
- Sister Alyonushka! Sushnyak malignant got, I umumukalsya! I 
am the bread of the hoof. - Dumb, brother zherebenochkom become.

Brother was killed Ivanushka. They scratched on. The sun is not 
a child shines, well as much in Kukuyev, the heat intensifies, 
potnyak acts. Draw a goat's hoof, to fig and more into it a 
little water. - Oh mama, Rodi me back sushnyak zadolbal. I will 
drink from the hoof. - Do not pull this Vodice. Kid portray.

Fraernulsya Ivanushka, drank from the hoof and depicted a kid - 
such a hemorrhoid has turned out! At that time, was driving a 
cool woodpecker in life - Sharapov, he near the arrow was 
packed. Prosek picture and get to the bottom sister Alyonushka:

- What are you, fucking killed this? Che, Get what?
- Oh, fork! Addle my bazaar drysch.
Yes, and it drove him to his Fennec. Then the woodpecker said:
- Do not dirt! Go to marry me - in short, fuse it to the 
chicks. - Will cool chick and a goat with a hooked. 

  Alyonushka brains and his strained marriage to Sharapova came 
out. They do not live in Hilo, and a goat with them 
pritusovalsya, Hawa Alyonushka with one dish. Once this 
woodpecker (ie Sharapov) ejected from the house. Then pulled a 
malicious aunt - a witch. Pritusovalas under the windows and 
let a rotten market pressure, Gerlach Alenushka shipping:

- Choir - he says - lyachkatsya, goat gums zhahat, went to
proshvyrnemsya river.

  Pauwels sister Alyonushka on a rotten market. Priperla this
vicious viper Alenushka the river, landed on his neck and 
hemorrhoids threw it into the water. And she, a clear pepper, a 
Girl Alenushka come to mow, the same outfit and realized 
tusanulas from Sharapova in the hut. No this is not a chip 
rides, even the merchant stormozil. One kid does not 
lohanulsya. Was killed by sestruhe, misses her: no hawala, does 
not drink. Jackals pozhiznyak the bank and the market: - Oh, my 
little sister. View on the shore, draw. 

  Caught up with this Mulk echidna and let's get to the 
Sharapova: Soak Soak da goat. Sharapova, like, a toad on a goat 
choking, yes viper yet divorced him on this Fennec. Toad come 
jiving, fires, kettles, knives to grind - all things muddy. 
Goat rides all the garbage, and to Sharapova: - Before you glue 
the fins, let me go to the river to rinse the intestine. - Come 
on, be thrown pig! - Posted Sharapov. Kid rushed to the river: 
let the snot smeared, sister Alenushka vytseplat:

- Alyonushka, sestruha my draw, draw in nature. Boilers, fires, 
knives - all things mutyatsya. Dunk me, damn it, they want to. 
Alyonushka caught up, finally, as Bazaar: "Oh, brother 
Ivanushka dumb me. In total I sediment. I have been here for 
buggy. A toad flogs kid vytsepila one bream and perplexed: "Go,

hooked on the goat and adjust to me. "Scored bream as little 
goat with sestruhoy Alyonushka bazaar. warmed ears, let 
Sharapova dripped about it case. Tightened tusovka nemeryannom 
to the river, cast net and Alenushka depicted on the shore. 
Removed the piles from the neck, to treat grass, and drew 
Alyonushka cool chick, ponosastey than was. A kid caught a buzz 
and spread through the pumpkin detsel and depicted her brother 
Ivanushka. Toad same vicious hit on great grandmother, been 
killed, and threw the hoof. And there was zaschipatovsky 
seiche. And I was there, Schmal smoked, swallowed the smoke, 
but not for detsel not hooked.

Illustration (c) Alexey Antipov (Goblin)

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Humor - Slang of modern youth.

Humor - Korpusok. A brief guide for children to assemble a home computer from illiquid.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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