DonNews #16
22 марта 2002

GFX'y - ... very funny, even information came from MICK-but from the DPL.

<b>GFX'y</b> - ... very funny, even information came from MICK-but from the DPL.
... Very funny, even information came from MICK-but from the 
DPL. So funny I even wanted to put it in the Field

"Humor." But then it turned out that it MICK
all writes in all seriousness ...

         TIPS Experienced GFX-EPA.

(C) Mick / DPL / XXL

   Here I like gfx-er I want to give some advice with which 
without more skills in graphics, you'll be able to draw a 
picture or sprite, or something else at a fairly high level. 

   A desire to tell you these methods
appeared after I played in
games such as "Caesar", "Bomber Man" and
many others, where the graphics leave much to be desired. with the last assertion is fundamentally disagree!

   Well, let us ... For a start I'll just
I say, chto we need so that you can
tear off his mighty back of the chair and go get everything 
right before starting. 

   A transparent film (such as the one in which
     toruyu tsvety zavarachivayut).

   2 gel pens (black) or

     something that he wrote the film.

   3 paper and pencil, or some

     kartinku with which you will transfer

   4 monitors, TV (this is with what you

     reading this newspaper).

   5 computer (this is, by what you

     chitaete this newspaper).

   6 diskette "BGE 2.41" or "BGE 3.05".

   Once you got hold of all the FTP can be started. To begin, 
you should take the picture, which later you want to overtake 
on the screen. You mozhete if you want to paint it on

paper, or to ask about this person
who are good at it. If
You hotite redraw the picture that
is bigger or smaller than desired,
then there can be vospolzovatsya copier,
increasing or umenshiv picture on it.

   Once the image has the desired size, I suggest to fix it
table with tape and then apply and
fix the film. Next take a hand in a black gel pen and start to 
gently move the picture on film. If there are shadows in the 
picture, then they must also be drawn. Once you've done, Upload 
BGE and make the function "RGB" black ink, white paper. Now you

can otkolupat film from the table, and stick it to the screen 
so that it does not climbs up on the curb. Once you

consolidated tape syadte poudobnee or
as you sit most often. And start
lines trace the image. The length of lines
Do as short as possible, so that the image
was smoother and less demanding further refinement. When the 
picture is completely encircled with a clear film screen. If 
you want to mashtabirovat or stretch / shrink the sketch, then 
sovetuyu to Use no windows, and plaginom rabotayuschy with 
vector graphics, moving your bitmap image into vector. The next 
step need to smooth pod lupoy all irregularities.

And when it vypolneno then as needed start doing grayscale 
saturation of pixels (the best place to do it chunk). After 
doing this, and long and painstaking work can begin

paint a picture, but not before nuzhno
optimalno adjust the picture by attributes. This is done using 
the window-> rotatsiya. But first you need to include the net 
(personally I can only see it when a white border

color). Now that the picture painted,
were small cleanup. Their best to do
about a week that is when you are to finish
the picture is better not to hurry to her stand, and look for 
the following defects day, and so within seven days.

   And another tip, if you draw
picture, where one color gradually poured another, then one 
color to make ink, and other paper.

   Many thanks to the authors of BGE, the most
better graphics editor for Spectrum, as well as Sir Clive 
Sinclair and izobretatelyu pencil to paper - all without these 
people, this article would have been futile waste of bytes. forgot to thank, the
who invented the polyethylene.

PSV MICK next issue will tell you about
how to write a decent (though rather short) tunes, using ADCs 
and recorder.


Other articles:

INTRO - Brad what else.

PARADOX 2k +1 - a belated report MICK-and, of all atrocities and distorted what was going on last PARADOX demoparty.

PARADOX version 2 - the information that we have managed to stole from the magazine FUTURE TV.

PARADOX version 3 - such as the one and all.

911 - reanimate Dizzy ...

HARD - if your PENTAGON not dead yet, then you do not need to read it =)

GFX'y - ... very funny, even information came from MICK-but from the DPL.

Credits - who worked on the numbers, contacts ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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