Nicron #61
06 ноября 1997

Humor - school jokes.

<b>Humor</b> - school jokes.
      Where does childhood? ..

Photo: (c) Wlodek Black,
Scanning: Del (Alexander Nekrasov)


  In recent years, the name of the 91-th school became 
increasingly appear on pages NICRON-a ;-) and not only, and are 
still welcome fact is what prompted me to raise the idea of 
​​the dusty archives (. Zip :-)) quite good in terms of a text 
file containing ... school "fun"! Do you think that once school 
- academic, since there is not anything funny going on? ;-).

Those guys! 8-(). Incidentally, even the adult is useful from 
time to Time lapse into childhood. It is scientifically proven! 
Looking "Pharmacy" on Tuesday? Clearly, not watching - all are 
healthy. So be is still healthy, in skazanul! On the air, that 
is, in a newspaper - smehopanorama ;-) 91-th school ... 
:-(((... Oh, that is (:-))))! 

  Text and photos are published with permission, so to speak, 
the authors .. 

  Meet: Anton. Very good man, and if I start
telling in this sense, there will be a long time. Funny episodes
his participation had taken place 3-4 years ago (he is now 
studying in 9 th class). The computer, "Spectrum," we - just 

            Anton. Photo 1997.

Anton and Nick decide who that will carry out film equipment: 
Kohl first takes a heavy power supply, then puts it back

takes elektroudlinitel and says:
- Anton, I'd rather take the cord.
Anton looks first at desyatikilogrammovy autotransformer,
then at Kolka, swinging the end of an extension cord, and 
finally finds his voice: - Well and cords out of here!

Anton plays in "Boulder Dash 4. It remains to take the last 
diamond. But for a moment before approaching the target the 
coveted diamond disappears. By Cabinet spreads verbal reaction 
Anton: - B#$%!, "Oil-Diamond-Invest "!!!...

- Give it to stradalniku!
- By rydalniku?
- By rygalniku, deaf!
- Get away to the left, not the Vaska zashibet!
- Right now you do hara-kiri in the neck!
(Anton, Nick and Vasya play in "Fist 3").

... On the screen popped the inscription: "Program: PSSST".
"Ph-Es-Es-Es-Te" - read by Anton. And then "read":
"Bitch, bitch, bitch, bastard, beast!".

- Volodya, let you buy us all ice cream, and we later you

  give up! - Anton asked, looking at me gently and unbearable

  pitiful ...
- Yes, I have a purse full of all only a trifle!
"All full of small change, absolutely all ..." - Anton muttered.

In an educational film about the culture of Ancient Greece was 
made: "... the figure of Apollo, the manager of four horses 
...". - It is better to "nine" Zhiguli ... - Dreamily, "Anton 

... To be continued.

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Information - "round table" Festival organizers FunTop98.

Tips - the hidden functions of SONY digital player and a slight glitch in AOH'e.

Events - MTV: Prizes.

Humor - school jokes.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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