Nicron #53
11 сентября 1997

Miscellaneous - a poll of Muscovites on the age of the city from "MoMar"-a.

<b>Miscellaneous</b> - a poll of Muscovites on the age of the city from
               "MoMar" he gets the word ...


  Hello again!

  Return not only to sysops, but simple (wow simple ...) 
pupils. And together with them and student's factory newspaper 
91-th school - MoMar. By the way, now, first performed her full 
name. Please do not shy away ... 

  Swept through the capital a week ago, a dazzling feast
however, no reason has eclipsed the correspondent of the 
newspaper. Elijah went up to Day of the city with a few 
unexpected side - with numbers in their hands. And that's what 
happened ... 

        Well, how much
             Moscow years?

(C) IL (Ilya Vaisman)

  Of course, it was a great mystery "MoMara," but now, when
many of the already guessed, I will tell you about it all: 
Hometown "marazmatik Moscow is Moscow. I am sure that 
disclosure of this secret will cause many debates and 
controversies that do not fall The many years to come, but such 
is the profession of a journalist - to excite the minds of 

  I told one of the most intimate of each employee
"Momara" at your own risk, not just so, the disclosure of the 
main secrets "Momara" was only the prelude, the main story 
starts here. Sociological Service Momara "was interesting, How 
old this year marks Moscow. Interviewing passers-by the central 
streets of the Russian capital, present here a detailed report 
on this poll. 

  To begin with, that Moscow was struck by the abundance of 
pedestrians. People on streets of the center was so much that 
it even blocked traffic on the Tver and some other main 
streets. Met people who have obviously been made to upgrade 
their ears or noses, were people with dual upgrade'ami. Another 
fairly large group people probably belonged to the category of 
children of William Tell (This can be easily identified by the 
arrows, which were included in one ear of these people and 
protruded from the other). Due to the abundance passers-by were 
asked an incredibly large number of respondents. 

  The most frequent answer was (56.25%) believed that Moscow 
this year, 850 years. Truly, the original opinion! (The 
epicenter of this outstanding views appeared Small Znamensky 
lane at the bottom Part Znamenka). This view was expressed most 
confidence in all possible options.

  By 6.25% typed versions of "more than 850" (again, these 850 
")," approximately 950 "," approximately 1050 "and, finally, 
just" a lot ". (N.B. I I think that the reader noticed this 
strange attraction to the figure 50 at the end: 850, 950, 1050 
... Something to think about). 

  Sufficiently surprised by the sociological service "Momara" 
intelligent-looking elderly couple, on which the answer to this 
question was followed by a strange laugh. Another lady, 
middle-aged listened carefully to the question and thinking 
about for a moment and replied and did unexpectedly: "I'm not 
alone." But most of all employees our sociological service 
surprised respondent, who stated he did not know our magazines 
(apparently, he has spent decades gdenibud in the Caucasus 

  Need to recognize that many people refused to do
meet our sociological service, apparently having our employees 
for the supporters of a sect or Distributors timeshares.

  Here's the full picture of the views of Muscovites about the 
age of their hometown. If we take the arithmetic mean of the 
significant responses then get something in the region of 900 
years. With devyatisotletiem, Moscow! 


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Miscellaneous - a poll of Muscovites on the age of the city from "MoMar"-a.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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