DonNews #21
27 марта 2005

INTERVIEW - Fatal Snipe answer questions C-Jeff'a.

<b>INTERVIEW</b> - Fatal Snipe answer questions C-Jeff'a.


(C) fatal snipe / fnm 'c-jeff/bw

c-jeff> Hi, Denis! So, today I
I will torment you, globally, so questions ^). To start us 
introduce ourselves: name, age, marital status. 

fatal snipe> Heloo wsem! Represent:
Pokalyuk Denis, 21, working, studying, and do not intend to 

c-jeff> That is, conduct, so to speak,
ordinary everyday life *). Well.
I have long wanted to know what means
your nickname? Fatal Snipe - this is something hard
and sharp, as I understand it?

fatal snipe> In 1996 I was 3 nick
to fatal snipe. First there was the PDW soft
(It was fashionable to create a nick on the first letter
with the name, last name, middle name), then
Devil - 2nd nickname, but he did not last long
(Appeared as I was fond of at this time
Satanism, magic and stuff like fishing tackle)). 3rd - Snipe 
soft (in my room, I pasted on the wall with different inserts 
gum, one was from the transformers and the name of robot was 
... Snipe). Fatal I added to nick, so to speak, grew up. Well,

the end result - Fatal Snipe.

c-jeff> How old to Speccy? How did you
"Him" to meet?

fatal snipe> First Speck's father gathered 90m
year. It was the Baltic (48k, tape-loader,
tv-set). Later (1993) rewrote his dad
128 + AY, but I naturally wanted to
more! At that time (1995) ZX I sold
quickly and only six months (!) bought
Scorpion. Program I bought at the market,
there and met with other

c-jeff> And where is that Scorpion?

fatal snipe> It is on my windowsill.
Sometimes (if needed), I turn it on.

c-jeff> When you started writing ay - music?

fatal snipe> begins in the Baltic Sea in
Wham'e. On AY writing since 1996.

c-jeff> You are a famous musician
on the spectrum - the stage. Say that you
speccy music in general, and that you
speccy in particular?

fatal snipe> Only on the Speccy, I was able to express 
themselves in full! I did not immediately novice musicians. 
Dabbled as an artist and an encoder, but after so many years do 
not regret this direction. A music for the ZX for me 
personally, played a huge role in my life! I love her! 

c-jeff> Wow! Since we're talking about
music, then tell me - what music ZX authors
do you like? And also, what do you listen to
at all?

fatal snipe> On the ZX I like the tracks
written quality!
A lot of musicians and all not remember;).
Myself listening to techno, jazz, d'b, breakbeat,
trance, garage (2step), house, hardcore
(Electronic), acid, trip-hop and many more

c-jeff> Hehe, we actually listen
Similar things ~). By the way, in your tracks
very well hear the influence that you
listed above ^). Well, let's talk about your group. Tell us 
about today Fenomen. What do the members of the band will ever 
release to the speccy, well, standard - what is the fate


fatal snipe> Fenomen died for the ZX back in
2002: (. It is doubtful whether we do something unreleased in 
the next 582 years;). We are already on PC and this is our 
reality! But none of us does not regret the time spent on

ZX-Spectrum platform! I do not want to say
Speccy that died just for us, he is no longer
interesting in terms of creativity. No idea
there, but bring them to life is none: (. Perhaps we will 
participate in 512b intro, music and gfx compos at different

patyah, but alas no longer count already
late: (. And what about oxygen: a source
and music, if anyone needs - write!

c-jeff> In general, the percentage willing to deme? Much if not 

fatal snipe> There are about 15 effects,
mzyka and some graphics.

c-jeff> Since we are talking about Fenomen.
Spell, its current lineup.

fatal snipe> myself don `t know exactly;).


  Fatal Snipe - PC, ZX msx;

  Dart - PC code, some gfx;

  Mad Rain - PC code;

  re: Flex - PC msx;

  Zeg (last six months, nothing from him

  Las (see above ...);

  Crime $ phere (opened the site for sale
Wallpaper and tarpaulin boots, but the URL I do not know)

c-jeff> Crime $ phere - something familiar ^)
he is an artist?

fatal snipe> Crime $ phere painted mainly for the intro, 
something in the games and utilities. He was our organizer to 
99 years ... then retired and ZX simply

no longer interested in terms of translating
All of his ideas. Now he is abroad and is developing its 
insidious web site .. ;).

c-jeff> Ah, yes, exactly ^). I recently looked through one of 
your releases, and again made sure that everything is so 
qualitatively done that right ... uhh!

fatal snipe> Our intro, I think, in his
time was one of the highest quality
on the Spectrum - each of them was the original, but some of 
the toys have been without brand images and music that, in 
fact, spoil the overall impression. 

c-jeff> Well, let's talk about your
activities speccy. As I understand it, you
discharge activity is not going to. This

fatal snipe> I'm on Speck score is not going to just grow out 
of this machine is not I can for sure!

c-jeff> And the music? Do you write speccy-music now? If yes, 
whether you plan to exhibit at the party or somewhere else? 

fatal snipe> All give their time writing music on a PC. On the 
ZX did not write with October 2003: (, but will participate in 
patyah (write specifically for chipmod Speccy and party 
zarelizhu, _), and if anyone ask for anything thread - also 

c-jeff> A stock? If you got the tracks in
Stock contingency? For example
I have about 100 ~), but half of me
just ashamed to show, though in a narrow
scope of their already heard ~).

fatal snipe> Not bad! Something that is found in
I ... somewhere around 10-15 total; (.

c-jeff> Also not a bad thing. In general, I want to
say that very'll wait for your music releases, including the ZX.
Btw, how do you modern speccy - a scene?
That is what you like about her, and that
no. And anyway, how do you release the last time?

fatal snipe> Backstage watch regularly.
Check my ZX sites, download software. On
Currently, users ZX, I feel so
seems to have become less active in producing quality software. 
Before - yeah! But now everything is wrong. I'm not talking 
about everybody, there are certainly people, but their releases 
come out with Every year at least :(...

c-jeff> Since you apparently has been filed
create your freelance toy releases that you can say about the 
crack-releases today? What do you like it or not?

Personally, I sometimes pobeshivaet, when they do release some 
previously relizhenoy game in much worse form. 

fatal snipe> infuriates me most,
when a different brand toys hanging
the same intra!

c-jeff> It's called "riveting" ^). Frankly, I do not quite 
happy with it. In the end, intra - is a specific

cover a particular release, and shave under
one size fits all 10-20 games - it does not matter.
Although, who knows what situation it is in
Indeed ^). Well, change the subject. Now
has already established itself all over the chaos
constructions. Do you plan to visit
this event?

fatal snipe> I'll go for sure! I do not know how
the rest - I shall be there!

c-jeff> Wow! Hence, finally, I love you
see live ~). Well, lastly, tell me
something our readers. Maybe some
coming soon shalt ^)?

fatal snipe> Coming soon: Chip-Album on
CD-ROM (processing my latest ZX
works in the PC sound editor'ah). Expected release date - the 
time of Chaos Constructions '04:). Just going

compacts give all comers (but they will
A maximum of 20 pieces of branded, with autograph)
in exchange for a bottle of beer). That's all! All bye! Write 
to me at!

c-jeff> Thank you for taking us to his
time. It was very interesting. See you at the
chaos constructions.

[Ca. Ed. Interview was conducted in summer
2004. Prior to
Chaos Construction 2004.]

Other articles:

INTRO - A year has passed and we are again with you.

NEWS - News from around the globe.

PARTY Z0NA - Impressions of a spektrumista CC'04.

INTERVIEW - Fatal Snipe answer questions C-Jeff'a.

THEORY AI - The arguments about the construction of artificial intelligence in games.

REPAIR - We continue to repair the Pentagon ...

Bill Gilbert - The story of the famous Hacker.

PROJECT - On creating a game project DUNE.

NASTALGY - Memories of the ZX ...

CREDITS - who worked on the number ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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