Nicron #21
21 февраля 1997 |
military enlistment office - the list of diseases that are grounds for exemption from military service.
° ° The list of diseases which are the basis FOR EXEMPTION FROM MILITARY SERVICE ° ° ° CALENDAR OF DISEASE AND PHYSICALLY DISABLED ° Author of the text is not known MENTAL DISORDERS Mental retardation. Epilepsy. Manic-depressive psychosis. Schizophrenia. Mental disorders in organic diseases of the brain. Mental disorders in acute and chronic poisoning, infections. Psychopathy. Neuroses, reactive state. Mental disorders in brain injuries. DISEASE AND EFFECTS OF INJURIES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord. Implications infectious (bacterial, viral), and infectious-allergic diseases of the central nervous system, organic lesions of the brain and spinal cord in common infections, acute and chronic intoxication. The effects of trauma brain and spinal cord. Congenital anomalies (malformations), progressive organic disease of the central nervous system, as well as myopathy, myasthenia gravis and dr.Posledstviya injuries peripheral nerves. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system and their consequences. Internal Medicine Psychophysical infantilizm.Sostoyanie after acute Infectious and parasitic diseases and intoxications in the presence of temporary functional disorders. Chronic infectious diseases that are difficult to treat. Endocrine and metabolic disorders. Diseases of the blood (anemia, agranulocytosis, hematological malignancies, gematosarkoma, limfogranulomatoz, hemorrhagic diathesis, etc.). Traumas or acute exacerbation of chronic intoxication and exogenous influences. Pulmonary tuberculosis, pleural and intrathoracic lymph nodes. Residual effects of myocardial eksudativnogo pleurisy of tuberculous etiology do not require hospital treatment the patient. Chronic diseases, malformations Development and persistent residual symptoms after acute illness lungs, respiratory tract, pleura netuberkuleznoy etiology. Bronchial asthma. Diseases of the heart muscle, pericardium, coronary arteries, valvular, aortic, and congenital malformations, accompanied by the general disorder or coronary circulation. Hypertensive heart disease. Neurocirculatory dystonia (hypertensive, hypotensive, cardiac or mixed). State after acute diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as circulatory disorders or heart rhythm of a temporary nature, not requiring hospital treatment patient. Abdominal disease. Inflammatory and degenerative kidney disease. Diseases of the joints, muscles, tendons, infectious, infectious-allergic and exchange-degenerative origin. (To be continued)
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