Move #10
04 сентября 1997

System - The Organization-mail C-DOS v1.32.

<b>System</b> - The Organization-mail C-DOS v1.32.
System. Organization-mail C-DOS v1.32


    In this article we will talk about the new version of C-DOS.
Presented below, the material will be useful both for sisopov so
and users.

    C-DOS v1.32 has undergone significant changes. It
organized a pretty good post treatment.

    First of all, to change some options.

    In option MENU:
 ZX-WORD - call a text editor, return to C-DOS through
menu item File;
 PASSWORD - the password to access personal mail files, input
the user before connecting to BBS'koy;
 SETUP - preservation of the initial settings.

    In option MENU / REGIME / SERVER:
 SELECT USERS - If this menu item is enabled, the C-DOS 
operating in mail mode, or - as an ordinary C-DOS.

 SPECIAL PAUSE - pause for about three seconds, which waits
server after communication with the user. During this
time the modem is not responding to calls, or rather, no
false positives modem. The necessity of this item was
associated with features of circuit C-DOS modem (see the 
revision Dr.Livsy in this issue of MOVE). For Moscow this modem

paragraph should be turned off and at # 5D41 - in
Basic-loader must be 0. Attention! In CDOS v1.31
encountered a problem relating to the inclusion of "branded" 
bell procedure. It is fixed in CDOS v1.32.

 SECRET FILES - You can create up to 15 secret files.

    Notebook MEMORY PHONE option to change radically

    MEMORY now has two different on-line appointment. They
constitute one email box to a specific user.

    First line: ******** NNN-NN-NN, where

******** - User name (8 characters).
 - 9-th character - a label for the SELECT USERS
NNN-NN-NN - phone. (All of this - as in the old notebook.)

    Second row: PPPPXXXXX ZYY-YY-YY, where
PPPP - user password to access their mail files. If
first character in the password - minus "-", that user has
opportunity to view the catalog BBS'ki and upload files to it,
but drained of any kind was impossible to file.

XXXXX - the first characters in the name of the mail file 
(active characters), their number is regulated by a sysop:

Z - is a number from 1 to 6, which determines the number of 
active symbols (X) in the name of the mail file, and "#" is a 
Number active characters. To avoid errors, the site of Z should 
be required number.

Y - the numbers that determine the number of mail files of the 
second kind. 

So, pay attention! Introduced two types of mail files.

 Personal mail - "#***** NN ", the first symbol - #" (prison).
 Subscribe - "@ MSSSSSS", the first symbol - "@" (the dog).

    The names of the mail files of the first kind start with 
"#". That - personal email. This file can be downloaded only 
the user registered under a certain password and has

specific name of your mail file.

  Zip file: #***** NN - access by password.

"#" - A sign of the mail file (first character). "#" Is 
included in the number of active characters;

"*" - Active characters in the name of the mail file. Active 
characters mail file issued by a sysop (For more information 
you can read the following numbers of MOVE.);

"NN" - inactive characters in the name of the mail file. Can be
any at the discretion of the user. Their number depends on
the number of active characters in the name of the mail file. 
With these additional characters differ more postage

files of the same user.

    The second type of mail file "@ MSSSSSS" - a subscription,
conference, well, or whatever, at the discretion of sysop.

    Access without a password.
 "@" - A sign of the mail file (first character);
 "M" - digits 0 to 9;
 "S" - all characters in the discretion of the user or sysop.

    With the file "@ MSSSSSS" can work only those users
are marked with sysop in MEMORY.

    The differences between the files "personal mail" and files 

    File "personal email" (#***** NN) can be downloaded only one
specific user for a password. For the rest - the secret.

    File "subscription" (@ MSSSSSS). Such files can be 
downloaded as any one specific user or group

users without a password. For the rest - the secret.

    And finally, so to speak, for better digestibility,
small example.

    User Peter calls on the 2 nd BBS'ku (BBS "DONALD") and
agrees with the sysop that the password is "Door" (password
You can enter any characters, like Latin and Russian
letters). Sysop, in turn, registers the user and
According to him the name of the mail file - "02099." 
Furthermore Petit none be able to download the file "02099", 
because Only Peter knows the password. All mail files addressed 
to Peter, and come to this BBS named "02099." (For example, # 
02099al.W, # 02099GP.B, etc.) Name of the mail file is listed 
in a notebook in the list user BBS. Knowing this, one might 
say, a personal Petin address can anyone who wants to throw him 
a letter, without worrying that someone else will be able to 

    Also, say, Peter wish to subscribe to four
file topic. Then sysop tells him that the files from themes
interest Petya under names beginning with
"@" And have such a number: "@ 1", "@ 4" @ 6 "," @ 9 ", and also
register it on these themes.

    The result: a user Petya joined
BBS number 2 under the password "Door", his personal mail file -
"# 02099" and its interesting topics for discussion, he will be 
able to find in files with names starting with the characters: 
"@ 1", "@ 4" @ 6 " "@ 9 (@ 1 - SPECCY, @ 4 - Game, etc.). Such 
files can merge even those users who, just like Peter, have 
signed on these topics.

    In a sysop MEMORY it will look as follows:

 Pete 249-60-09 - the name of the label and the phone Petit.
 Door02099 614-69 - - password, name and length of the name of 
the mail 

                          file, number of files, so.

    Finally, the latest innovation regards file HISTORY +.

    In it, in addition to sent and received files are marked
attempts to download sensitive files, as well as others' mail.
Instead of length in this case shall appear dashes "---".

Attention! All found bugs and glitches, as well as suggestions
to further improve the C-DOS'a inform the Editor
MOVE or Alexander Nikiforov at Fasa BBS: (017) 271-15-83.

Other articles:

Echo - Review of letters from readers of the newspaper: Beard, Space5, DarkMax.

System - The Organization-mail C-DOS v1.32.

Algorithms - Subroutines associated with the output on screen: the transition to the previous character on-screen at the transition to the next screen line, go to the previous screen line, how to determine the address attribute for a given character with the coordinates XY, transition to the next row attribute. Rapid procedure for multiplication.

Iron - Galvonicheskaya junction with the telephone line in the C-DOS modem.

Mosaic - Spectrum on the Internet.

BRAVO to rest - Short Stories: The bus, Ode to a mosquito.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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