Move #09
02 августа 1997

Letter - Letter from Maxim Golikov (DarkMax).

<b>Letter</b> - Letter from Maxim Golikov (DarkMax).

(C) DarkMax Brest

    Hi, Minsk! Hi editorial MOVE!

    You wrote Maxim Golikov from Brest!

    About me: I am 17 years old, on his
Byte'm already 5 years old, began to encode not
a very long time, but have learned a lot, though
are lacking in at least some

    Therefore pleased to read your
articles about assembler. I would like to
to correspond with someone who can and
wants something to teach.

    Yesterday the first time called in Minsk on
modem! After the first dial-up so
glad that connect'ilsya all
BBS'kami to 1.30. Very glad to find
on one of BBS'ok MOVE # 08. Generally MOVE -
a first class newspaper, which I
saw. From MOVE I learned a great deal of useful
information for you - THANKS!

    Was dismayed to learn that the creative
MOVE team declined, so would
help than I can: it's like anything
materialchik. Read in LPRINT11, that
connect from Minsk to Brest
happened. If you want, call!
Perhaps will connect. Naturally,
first negotiate with me voice. My
Telephone: (0162) 239-705, Maxim. Call from
9 am to 23:30.


    Well, very happy for you, Maxim.
Thank you for your support. We will always
try to provide the readers of
opportunities as much as possible valuable

    We also want to thank all those
who have already sent us the completed questionnaires. We
conduct this survey in order to accommodate your
suggestions on how to be in the MOVE

Other articles:

From the Editor - On the regularity of the newspaper.

Nets - can agree? Why do I need an external mail?

Review - Sensation! DOOM on the Spectrum!.

algorithm - On addressing Spectrum screen.

algorithm - One useful trick with ^ (an algorithm for the circle).

Mosaic - Where are they? What happened to the people who wrote branded games for the Spectrum.

Letter - Letter from Maxim Golikov (DarkMax).

truth about hackers - as it is. Who are the Hacker.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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