Move #04
17 апреля 1997

Nets-2 - Minsk network edition "BBS Top". Evaluating the "hidden" users on BBS.

<b>Nets-2</b> - Minsk network edition
               Nets - 2

(C) Arny MDM 243-57-94

   More than four months in Minsk ZX
there is a dial-up network. Of course users but not much and 
with such a Number People are already having problems. ;)

   All, at least Minsk users ZX networks known issues "bbsTOP".

   The appearance of the publication "bbsTOP" edited by "gay 
guy" initially caused light shock, because It was just a word

file which contains most of the "messag" from the servers and 
each carefully commented. Then there were other rooms and gone, 
gone. As a result, "network people "outraged.

   Each person has their own methods to achieve fame. Take, for 
example, "KING OF TIME ". Naplodilos great many

muzykalok-gadilok. Of course, it was with something
poprikalyvatsya. But mostly, it pinned the "King." Apparently 
the author of "tops" chosen just such a way to achieve fame, ie 
through the scandal. Special Labour is not downloading "messag" 
with BBS'ok, pasting them into the bargain inserting

spiteful comments to understand what hints.

   All these "tops" scare users
from servers. I want to say that the people in
basically only downloads the bend, leaving no more than any 
"traces" of their presence on the server, ie absolutely no 
communication between users. Although the topics for 
teleconferencing inordinately. (Teleconference - sharing 
between users el.pismami BBS about these or other topics). And 
just serious "messagi" to each other, few

leaves. If you previously at the disk server
slaughter of 400 or more sectors
el.pismami, now on the strength of 100 sectors and this 
increases the holders of modems on the ZX. User is now thought, 
whether to throw a letter to one or another server, knowing 
that the "beard" all opublekuet in their "tops". 

   Okay, let users, and reduced
active communication among themselves on the servers, but you 
can also at least some "progressive" or description of 
something, throw on the server after the "merging" with your 
disk drives server. Some parnyagi contrive for

one go download the whole CD with the server
(About 50 minutes), leaving nothing behind. Although at its 
BBS'ke try to satisfy all possible users of the application. 
And take at least FATALITY BBS. Sysop This BBS'ki almost always 
puts on a server that sort of something that is brand new and 
interesnenkoe downloaded from INTERNET. And since almost all 

   It is clear that the user lands on the
server and saw there a lot of "tasty" wants it all over again 
to "eat". But Dear, think about the other guys who are trying 
in vain to call on server, where there sits "starving"

user. Well downloaded the sectors 300 - cheating, share it with 
others! I recently recently had to quickly throw on a single 
server confidential file. And what happened? Oh, nothing,

two hours to get through! As a result, he spit on everything 
went to sleep. 

   Just noticeable impulses of some users
call to the server under false numbers. Not to understand what 
they fear? On many BBS AON stands and the calculation of these 
"stealth" occurs easily. This will

only one reaction sisopov - password and registration. Although 
attempts have been registered, but they failed miserably, lost 
disk necessary information.

   By comparison, the above phenomenon, the following general 
well worthless. After all, there are on each server file which 
specifies the timetable for all ZX BBS in Minsk. Bred not very 
honest people who call in to turn on the server

or the middle of the night when sleeping and BBS sysop is not
work. Well at least some of the later apologized. Well, no man 
knew the schedule as Just connect your modem, you can 
understand. But sorry, not all at once! Happen overnight

five calls. While AON'a I do not have -
it comes down to them from the hands. But a little later,
just going to include these owls in
black list. Believe me is not very nice
middle of the night jump from a telephone call and hear in the 
tube all sorts of "peak to peak." Y Everyone has a family and 
so the sysop at the midnight phone calls and did not only 
midnight, there can be problems. 

   But now, the most ticklish. Of course
"Tops" which was written above, many do not
perfume. But sorry, the network is not to propagate to all 
servers and netsenzurschinu assaults. If you are such fierce 
and steep parnyagi that are ready to tear off and shove in

her abuser most valuable part of the male body anywhere, then 
it is better to call Moreover bedolage home and tell about all 
that about think of him.

   Many complain that it is often stuck on the server. Of 
course C-DOS is not very progressive nice and weird in it 
enough. However, in some cases C-DOS "hangs" because of

users themselves. Someone has a bad connection to the server, 
knocked errors to user tired of waiting and he shakes "reset". 
After such withdrawal is a server for a long time thinking 
about it. But you can get more culture is "Brekanuv" go through

"END". Although I think that without my comments is all they 

   And of course we all know that disks
not unlimited, but some are trying to upload to the downtrodden 
to the eyeballs server drive their "messagi. One such smart, 30 
minutes in a row made attempts to upload their files to disk 
"B" server, and disk-space is quite nebylo. 

   Some sysop apparently too lazy to back up files and display 
information file on the disk server. Think about the user! Not 
to complicate the life of nick! 

   Well, and user - not to complicate the lives of sysop.

Other articles:

Foreword - replaced by an editorial team.

Schedule - A list of running BBS Minsk.

Nets - On the Minsk ZX-Net.

Nets-2 - Minsk network edition "BBS Top". Evaluating the "hidden" users on BBS.

Iron - whose computer is a brand name.

conversations - New section, which discusses the concerns of users. City Mednonogovsk in the game, "UFO. The enemy is unknown." Additional lives in the game "Prince of Persia".

Description - Description of the Game "MOVIE".

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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