Move #03
15 марта 1997 |
Schedule - A list of running BBS Minsk.
SCHEDULE BBS (C) Alexander Nikiforov Hooray! A miracle happened: the third issue came out of our nepereodicheskogo (and judging by the release dates - monthly) computer publication called MOVE. Over the past month happened quite a lot of changes in paper BBS: closed SHARK BBS :-(, changed schedule BLACK NIGHT BBS, and Arny conducts user registration his BBS, that is, each registred user receives a personal identification code that he introduces instead of your phone number (This eliminates all sorts of tricks, because the perpetrator will simply denied access to the server). Well, that's the main news, but now a couple of tips. Before something to upload to the server check disk space, and if it does not explicitly enough select another drive (on the servers where there are two drives). This is me to the fact that on my server and on the ARS BBS some individuals have tried to write something with the apparent lack of free space, and that fun trying to do it several times (could even see why the server disconnects them). Second Board in general, is a continuation of the first: before you send something to the server, it is worth second disk drive to check the server for the file (Ars me three (!) times recorded a new work schedule of the server to disk A, although it I had to drive B). Well, after reading all the above you with a clear conscience can read the schedule BBS: ARNY BBS 243-5794 (Sergei) 23.00-05.00 schedule: 21.25 in March, 4,12, M O V E 18.26 April or in the file Arny ****. W theme: total REGISTRATION Secret Files: SECRET, USERS Arny_BBS, registr Drives: A, B ARS BBS 249-9753 (Arseni) 22.00-07.00 Chart: Fri, Sat, as well as MOVE in file Ars **/**. W topics: general, iron secret files: secret, SECRET, for_ars, ars drive: A BLACK NIGHT BBS 242-0942 (Alexander) 22.00-24.00 Chart: Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun or in your BLACK / **. W topics: general, music Secret Files: SECRET, 2_SysOp, for_BBS, 2_XTMG drive: A FASA BBS 271-1583 (Alexander) 21.00-22.30 schedule: Fri, Sat, as well as in in file fasa ****. W Subject: general secret files: secret, SECRET, for_bbs Drives: A, B NO NAME BBS 249-4353 (Ivan) 21.00-22.30 Chart: Tue, Thu, Fri, and in the same file INFO ****. W Subject: general Secret Files: IVAN1, IVAN2, IVAN3 Drives: A, B STINGER'S BBS 234-9717 (Alexander) 22.00-24.00 schedule: Thu, Fri, Sat, and MOVE file St_ ****. W topics: general, iron secret files: secret, SECRET, for_bbs, 2_sysop Drives: A, B * Characters in the file name means the date create the file. MOVE mark means that the server accepts mail for MG modem Newspaper MOVE. To do this, name your file FOR_MOVE. This is a secret file for the data BBS. Any changes or additions to transmit for FASA-BBS as the ZX-WORD-file or verbally, by phone 271-1583 (ask Alexander).
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