ZX Time #09
21 июля 2002

Showdown - a short description of a very original game Night Shift (night shift).

<b>Showdown</b> - a short description of a very original game Night
Shift (night shift).
                  Disassembly. Night Shift.

Alexander Sizenko

    Bring to your attention a short
describes a very original game Night
Shift (night shift). In it you carry out the role of workers 
engaged in the production of toys. After loading the game you 
asked to choose a control. Apart from the five main keys here 
are involved two additional (plus Reset and


    1) SELECT TOOLIES: the choice of special
Action from the menu at the bottom of the screen;

    2) SHOW ORDERS: show plans to release products. 
Overfulfillment encouraged financially, but keep in mind that 
the marriage financially punished.

    Toys (or dolls) are composed of two
parts: body and head. Must
strictly abide by them to firstly have the same color and 
generally if the color of toys in the plan is not white, the 
production of another color is rejected, and secondly

were not reversed (upper torso at the bottom of the head or two 
heads, two body). 

    Further recommend looking into a small DEMO. Here you can 
visually see some elements of the game situation. 

    The playing space is
a side view skroliruyuschey up and down
maps showing the manufacturing
shop. You control the workers (or working - meaning the same), 
which can run (just run, because go time!): keys left and right,

jump: Key fire, perform a special action: key down. At the last 
stop on the details. 

    In order to select the desired
You press a special action key
SELECT TOOLIES; choose: left, right;
and reiterate: the fire. Here they are:

    1) Ball. Allows you to quickly climb up. Fire: stop the 

    2) umbrella. Similar, but omitted.

    3) Match. Ignite anything eg
gas burner.

    4) Wrench. Something to spin
in the mechanisms.

    5) Trap. For lemmings: Creatures
strongly disturb you. There are two types: slow-witted (just 
confuse you feet) and harmful (can disrupt

debugged process by
toggle switches, valves, valves). Outwardly, they are no 

    6) vacuum cleaner. Effectively destroys
lemmings, allowing the chasing them on
wilds of the production facilities.

    7) Hand (by default). No comments.

    Note. In the absence of traps
or vacuum recommend lemmings just
kicked (down + left / right).

    Number of special actions,
except the hands, is limited, but you can
replenish its stock of selecting the appropriate picture. 
Sometimes it comes across more time (hourglass) and just the 

    At the very beginning of the game you're in
the lower part of the shop. Notice
four light bulbs near the door. Red
color, they signaled a breakdown or
failure of one or another mechanism.

    We now describe the basic elements involved in the 
production process and at the same time their repair. 

    1) boiler room (next to the bike). Producing steam provides 
the work: the basic engine block, vertical conveyor belts and 
gears. Powered by coal fed to the transport tape from an 
unknown source. 

    Damage: No coal feed.

    Repairs: we sit on the bike (the button down) to overclock 
the stalled tape (keys from left to right), and then ignite a 

    2) Power of main engine (in the middle at the top). 
Provides processing of raw materials and production of the main 
building material, for example plastic. 

    Damage: knocked the safety valve.

    Repair: choose from a menu of special
Action spanner approach to the valve and press down.

    3) Burner (upper left
angle). Heats the water tank, providing a system of steam.

    Breakage: the burner is not lit.

    Repairs: ignite.

    Damage: water in the tank does not boil.

    Repairs: amplified to the maximum flame
torch (hand move the lever located
right), bring to a boil and then set the flame effect in middle 
position. Between these phases break repair about 5 seconds.

    Damage: triggered safety
valve (steam goes through a pipe).

    Repairs: reduce the flame to a minimum
(Give cool) and then set in
average condition.

    4) feeder of raw (upper
left corner). And so everything is clear.

    Damage: Do not rotate leading tape.

    Repair: approaches from the right side and
make a pushing motion (down + left) connects the two lobes to 
the gearbox third.

    For the first level (or watch)
production is as follows.
The material in the form of small cubes falls
to block the main engine on the conveyer belts, which can 
change its direction of motion with the appropriate switches. 
In one direction the material is simply throws in the trash 
(such action may sometimes be necessary for higher level), and 
the other enters into a new technological phase, falling into 
the area of ​​casting (forms This is located here. Cast billets 
on conveyor belts fall into block painting, and then again after

a system of conveyor belts (some of
which can be regarded as a line
delays) are served on site assembly and
then stored. With increasing levels
add new technological elements that require their attention or 
control. We list them in order of appearance: 

    - Control block painting (over
three large, multi-colored tubes).
The device, resembling a drain tank
toilet - a RESET color (Required
to do before you change colors). Three large
valve - the extrusion of the corresponding color (as visually 
seen on the tube). Attention! When mixing colors start with a 

    - Warehousing (bottom). Each type
products should be placed in a suitable container. Control: 
Switch right. Note that if you do not have time

properly store finished products, then you are simply fined, but
next level pass.

    - The block of paint will need to include two large cranes 
(Turn off the valve by hand), and fans (switchable). 

    - System control of finished products
(Left of the bike, just include
right position).

    - The storage unit will
counter. Will need to switch "wound" the necessary number of 
detectable products.

    - Vary in length vertical
Conveyor belt (a lever in her same). Programmable number of 
cast billets from 1 to 5 (at the top in block casting). The 
current number, separately for the torso and head can be seen 
on a vertical board with strokes, but I can be jumping on the 
spring nearby. 

    - Can be run Precedence
supply molds (separately for the torso and head). Along the 
edges are visible shape to change. You can switch

replace them

    - Left and right of the block casting plugs appear similar 
to the block flow of raw materials. They need to be brought in 
working condition: pushing motion connects the three segments 
together, otherwise the material falling from the basic engine 
block will be "split" on the transport tape.

    - The block of main engine will be water supply system 
(upper right corner). The amount of water flow in tank 
controlled by a gate and displayed Valium (left) and intake of 
water is regulated by toggle and displays analog indicator. The 
point that the system is not "choked" or

on the contrary, was not left dry. For this
handle risk and the indicator in one instance, an average of 
state. If water in the tank is not, then let her go first

(Maximum risk).

    - The basic engine block will also air supply system (on
top). Need to be somewhere in a
once per level to rise to the top and
to pump air into two air balls up to a maximum of inflation. It 
does this by bouncing on a triangular blade. 

    Several recommendations for the game.

    In the early to "run" on
transport line correcting all the technological conflict, and 
then on top of run production.

    Periodically, to avoid stopping
boiler room operation, you must sit on

    The game itself is a continuous stream of dynamism:
You constantly need to run several shops all at once, something 
to enable-disable, change, push, kick etc. In addition, at 
higher levels there are lemmings, vile creature, who are eager 
to turn out all Your efforts, and a bandaged the subject is 
clearly negative mood against you.

    You have to go through 30 levels
smoothly increasing hassle. After
passage of each will be displayed
sprite (in pictures) password.

    What are the disadvantages of this game? I wish that all 
the switching in the system were at once voiced, otherwise it 
is impossible to know how to make the lemmings his "dirty deed" 
(you can hear only the RESET color). 

    At DEMO, we have seen our hero
greets her barefoot (FRANK FOREMAN), but nowhere in the game is 
not involved (?). 

    After Level 8 show the transition in
another building, and all but FINAL CAT'a
(Going by car )(?). Oh, and another key,
up anywhere (!) is not enabled (?).

    Finally I want to say that the author
this description was playing with a version of the game was 
made in the city of Luhansk. Its main difference is the 
presence of branded music. Happily otdezhurit! 

                 - - -

    From the Editor: Thank you Alexander for
then he gave a reason to open a new chapter
in the newspaper. I hope the "Showdown." will
section constant, and Alexander - our
A regular contributor. Many thanks for

    Playing "Night Shift" is attached to the newspaper.


Other articles:

From the Editor - the wedding of the main readktora and other events.

Review novya - Press: Generation Z # 01, Body # 37 - # 3a, Lamergy, Psychoz # 6 - # 8, Buzz # 1920, Chart # 3, Depress # 0 - # 1 , Nicron 124, NetSpec info # 1. Soft: RIP v0.21, Alasm v4.44, Real Commander v2.3.

New Spectrum - Development of a new clone of the Spectrum is almost complete.

Showdown - a short description of a very original game Night Shift (night shift).

about everything about everything - Music of Led Zeppelin.

about everything about everything - "Damn the place of Russia."

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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