C-Net Week #12
27 февраля 1998

attempt at writing - "Segadnya I drank beer, therefore, is not so bad ...."

<b>attempt at writing</b> -
 > S T O R Y 2 <

                                    MDM 625-18 / 500:0152 / 1.13

Filename: FOX_DAY!
From: FOX/13
To: Who is not afraid ...
Subj: Segadnya I drink beer, therefore, is not so bad ....
Date: 13.02.1998 (Friday 13) 16:10
-------------------------- Prolog:

Today we have with Wolf'om at least three reasons to drink:

 1). Today is Friday 13, ie the number of my network address.
 2). Today, Wolf is no longer mayor in the academy.
 3). Tomorrow, after all, a holiday ...

-Wolf, and, Wolf, let me beer ...
Nahri you a beer, let's write!
"Without beer?!
"Without beer.
"Well, you know, then I will not give you a herring!

 The conversation was interrupted phone call:
-Ale! Yes, I have. What does? Beer gushing! ... Before, bye.

-Do you greetings from Bro, he ruined the last disk!
-O my god! Fucking control! I'll kill you!
(Wolf choked on his beer, a Foh began izlogat events today ...

      Full glitches, or "And I do not meow-meow-meow-meow ..."

             (Today is definitely my day ...)

... This day have Fox'a nezaladilsya from the very beginning, 
from the moment when peacefully rulivsheesya MEGADEMO "Dream", 
and burst into wild unforgiving call the damned alarm clock 
demo immediately capsized and potrepyhavshis, podohlo in 
predsmertyh convulsions ... 

    Fox, looking at the demo has nothing to save, pressed the 
RESET ... Fumbling through the menu, he found the item "Open 
your eyes and your eyes gradually opened up. Bugs were held, 
and now is visible room on the nightstand ticked radosno Nahal 
alarm. It is obvious happy results of their work, but Fox did 
not share his joy, and therefore throwing away the alarm clock 
a withering look went to the sink, where washed away the 
remnants of glitches, washed sensors brushed and combed gnawed 
tambourine ... 

    Hastily align the sofa, he would have to go eat my yogurt
with a loaf of bread, but there was a family heirloom, an old 
and fat cat Robotron, and with wild cries fell upon Foxa, 
trying to prove that breakfast Foxa-nonsense on sravvneniyu his 

    Despite the respectable age, the cat did not learn
decent manners and arrogance and cynicism of the cat Boris 
advertisement and he was not fit to hold a candle-cry rang out 
again, obviously mom Foxa, leaving a job, not feed your pet, so 
as not wanted him to wake up ...

    Fox looked at his furry asshole, knowing that if he
now will not let him eat, then in its modulator-de-calculator
little is left ...

    Get drunk, spat out the remains of a cat nedozhevanogo 
"TSITIKETA, and emitting a nourishing belching, made such 
disregard expression "Person" that Fox'u wanted to run into a 
cat anything harder ... -Meow-meow-mmmyau ... myauuu-y ... , 
Choked the cat, and how knowing that he is not in danger, he 
climbed onto the couch. Stretching and covered the face fluffy 
tail, which is constant despite its age, perfectly preserved, 
he repeated the phrase most disregard tone.

    Vowing to get even with the cat later, Fox quickly
devoured, he went to the academy ...

    Or rather not go, and flew off, so before classes start
there are less than half an hour.
-Here is a pancake! I have not learned the verse! - Thought 
Fox, and why? In memory began to surface those hours that he 
sat behind a computer, No, he did not regret about it, eh! Foxu 
remembered nihilists muzzle arrogant cat-that's who's cool! No 
problems, just meow-meow-meow! 

    All sick of it! Today, I am all too meow, all-ee-er-myaya-y!

    Filling up in class, Fox did not hear the usual noise, all 
that is something bison. Well, to die, so die ...

    Began the lesson, the teacher of Russian literature old 
named "Rat" opened a magazine, looked at the class, and in 
anticipation of a bloody massacre, tsinichnoo asked:

    - Well, someone has learned? The answer, she was only 
mertavaya silence in which it was possible to hear, with some 
mad clock frequency of the processor works in the brain of his 
neighbor ...  - What, no one has learned?! - She asked, though 
her question was no sense - it was all clear ...

 - Boris! - Has caused it.
 - Mm-mm ...
 - What is it? In love?
 - Yes! (Dura, she prompted him to answer!)
They all stared at the row of girls, and a poor student in the 
meantime trying to think of something clever, but it's not very 
good ...  - It was to be self-writing poems, can you read?!

 - During the break ... He muttered, and got rid of two, got in 
trouble other alterations. Now he will probably come up with 
poems posochustvoval Fox, but remembering that he had a number 
three in the magazine, became sochustvovat itself.  - Vitin! - 
The rat hissed, splitting look of your favorite TEACHERS.

 - Mm-mm ...
 - And you love? "
 - Mm-mm-...- we mym ...
Fox did not know what he would say in his place, but I knew 
that if he say "- I went to the funeral of my friend's hamster" 
or that any type, "I went to the village to scratch the horse's 
mane Bodulayu", then can occur one of two things: either the 
rat will die of a stroke, or dies sex class in no wine students 
...  - Two! Sit down!

 Pause ... Silence has become even more unbearable.

    Fox was about to tell you how miserable it exploded server
last night, because the burned out there is such an important 
part as swab, and the only copy of verses in the format 
ZX-WORD, was destroyed, not only is it the whole day running 
around the shops and markets, search this UPGRADE'a, but 
everywhere there were some brooms and broom to Pentagon'u not 
connect, but the shaman ... 

    Version was beautiful, and most importantly no one except a 
couple people would not have realized, moreover, it can be also 
spared, as the Rat would advise where I can buy a mop ... In 
general, the choice was made, and Fox stood up, declared:

 - In fact ... (Fox reached the most touching moments, but
Rat suddenly interrupted him ...)
 - Two!
 - P-Why?!
 - You Kashubovichem me sick!
 - What? Asked Fox, oblique glance at Kashubovicha, which
on the face was painted, that nothing he did it.
 - He had the day before psihanula mouse, and ran off 
somewhere, and then fell from the ceiling and turned his neck, 
but without a mouse C-DOS MODEM calls can not, and comp will 
not start because ...  - No myfki not Rulez! We recall 
Kashubovich.  - Yes, no rulez, and the pan is not formatted!

Fox was in the precipitate! For a moment he stood there, 
thinking about where he was the day before yesterday on Russian 
literature, meanwhile humming in class increase, and that 
definitely did not lose dignity, Fox portrayed most pofigeynuyu 
face what can only draw your boundless imagination (he had 
learned about the cat), and landed at the table ...

 ... Dear readers! never try it again!
 Meow-meow, meow ... -Muttered Fox.
 - Darevich! - Continued the Rat.
 - Meow-meow! Meow! - Fox growled louder.
 This was something new! Meow in class is better than dumb
nadlyudat as rat tear one after another.
 - Are you that language is swallowed? Two! - Rat brought 
another deuce. The student sat down and lounged in a chair, 
said:  - Myayayayauuu!

 -?? The rat has already begun to worry!
 - Myauu! hehe oh my! Myauu!
 - What is it?! Hush! - Dolben! Why not learn?
 - Meow!
 - Two!
 - Myauu-MSV-mmyau!
In short, the more rats tried, the more in the classroom
violated Chislon-alkaline balance. The less it looks like
per class. Rather, a cat orgy.
 Rats patience ended, and still had half a magazine ...
 - Meow-meow!
 - ???!!!!!
Watching what he's done, Fox was choking with laughter-out
cat was right! It can be seen on this he lived to this age!
Still, cats, clever animals!
 - Meow!
No, now it looks like nebylo class! Even the girls, and they 
roar with laughter as the rat nervous.  - In short all the 
deuce! Could not stand it, and making the most terrible Face, 
went into the magazine.  -Myayayayayyuyayyau! -Almost 
hysterical howling someone. 

No, it had to be seen! The teacher got up from the table, but 
the buzz plavayushy as a virus, passed in the opposite half of 
the class.  - What is it, at the end of it all! Boris!

 - I do not know, Maria Otupeevna!
 - Yes, I you do not ask! Not mychi!
 - It's not me!
 - Who?
 - Meow!
Yes! it happens talc on Friday 13! Rat flew out of class,
and zbezhala to an unknown destination ...

 A minute later, she came to the classroom.
 - Here, Svetlana Antonovna mess in the classroom!

... But the class was dead silent ...
 - Well, we shall understand in the lineup, has threatened to 
cool. Classroom gone Rat bent over magazine:

 - Read your assessment?!
 - M-meow ... Quiet and neuveryanno handed someone ...
 If everyone knew exactly what cool is not necessary under the 
door, there is little would not it, but, so as such uveryanosti 
There was no laughter avoided, but rozham Fox realized that the 
situation now explode.

 Fortunately call exploded earlier.

 After a lesson in raportichke appeared Record:

 Russian Literature: M, I have to but we get by and at the 
river on to the e! ! ! 

 Behavior: The whole group is unsatisfactory.

Dear readers, it makes no sense to write about what was on the 
line, but one thing I will say: The cat was still wrong! At 
least, I I think ...

 Meow possible, but only on Friday 13!

 (Moral of the story is this: meow-meow, a quasi-quadratic, 
meow-meow, quasi-quasi ...) 

                                 Regards FOX.

Other articles:

News - Grodno nabiravet network speed, the news of Doors and EMS.

Opinion - Differences beta EMS 0.4 to EMS 0.1 beta.

attempt at writing - "space ballad about Robozhope and a thermos (continued).

attempt at writing - "Segadnya I drank beer, therefore, is not so bad ...."

Schedule - the network is already the third week is continued strange things. Schedule of BBS.

Rectime - come to an end of the twelfth edition.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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