Speccy #06
31 августа 1996

Style - Programming: on the internal structure of the program, ie, We now turn to algorithmic basis.

<b>Style</b> - Programming: on the internal structure of the program, ie, We now turn to algorithmic basis.

 Dear readers, let me introduce you to a new
editorial staff
"SPECCY", resident of the town of Abakan,
well known to many sinkleristam, Feskova Kuzma Vladimirovich. 
After a short negotiations on a completely voluntary basis, he 
agreed participate in the creation of the magazine.

 A little history: To the Editor
magazine has repeatedly been requested to open column
which would gradually, step by step, together with readers 
would have created the game program.  With the Chelyabinsk 
programmers There was talk on this subject, but

further conversations it was moving. While ....( see above).

 Kuzma Putin decided to start from the beginning. Field,
he opens will be called "style." request to all,
anyone interested in this section
letter is being sent to the address below.

      662613 Abakan,
 st. Lenin Komsomol,

         d.3, kv.16

        Feskovu KV

 In the future this section will
fully formed in the city
Abakan and published in the

(C) 1996 Fes'kov Kuzma

    Do not confuse fashion with style ...

                    TV-6 "Style"

   Let me introduce myself, my name is Fes'kov Kuzma. And I
offer you today a new heading - style. Style, it is not
style in fashion and style programming. The more so because 
today it is not a luxury, but the main difference between the 
programmers from each other. For example KSA known to us style 
of "fast" programs, all known Nikolai Rodionov -

style design of its programs
(Pointer Interface), although
Today, his style became
style for a variety of other
programmers. I think that digging in the memory you'll find
many more examples of "fashionable" programming. You can argue 
long on necessity of style in programming, but if you 
definitely want to stay in the annals of the Spectrum, the 
style is what you need!


   I am here reminded of a long and
boring science lessons when
teacher lectured us on the basics of programming, talked about 
what such an algorithm, etc., etc.. I listened and all my mind 
was indignant at anxious waiting the moment when we finally bit 
of the computer. And now, after years, I sit and write these 
lines, me and a huge computer

area of ​​the application of my talents ... And I wonder, but 
it worth trying so hard to the computer? Maybe it was necessary 
to first understand the basic? 


   Today we'll talk to you about
the internal structure of the program,
We now have a basis for algorithmic.

   What is
program? Try to imagine it as a living organism (which, 
incidentally, quite close to reality). Years parsing foreign 
programs and writing their allowed me to identify some features 
of the life of the organism as a program about which you should 

   Looking into the wrong program
(Especially domestic authors)
I have been extremely difficult to sort out somewhere that. And 
all because the procedures are and intertwined with the main 
body program. This of course can

serve as a kind of protection, but
Seems to me that Sia is able to properly protect and defend 
themselves from the author himself, as found in

such a "hell-node error is extremely difficult. Look at your
early programs, I think
You are now hardly able to
understand them.

   And so, I offer you the following action plan for writing 
the program: 

   1.Prikinte on a sheet of a small scheme of your program.
First, it helps you to concentrate on its individual
sites, and not to take it entirely, which is extremely 
difficult. Secondly, you never get stuck in how the program 
will interact with each other. ------------------------------- 
SAMPLE. Take for example a small files of that only and will be 
what to print on screen sprite. Look at her



coordinate address data sizes
you print GOVERNMENTAL sprite sprite

to screen

drawing sprites

   As you can see by looking at this chart, you can easily plan 
their work, do not spray their

attention to some minor points. This so-called principle of 
structural programming. We are moving

from cattle to a private, reaching
with the minimum indivisible
part. Note, inseparable, in
Currently, despite the fact
that the division of the program easier
comprehend it, not worth it to get involved, as in the pursuit 
of structuring you can do so elaborate scheme,

that will not be able to trace the relationship between the 
procedures and return to the starting point. Is there out of 
this situation? Of course there is! What prevents you select a 
specific procedure and took her by the program structure. Let 
us return to our example. Clearly, that block drawing of the 
sprite " represents a rather

volumetric procedure, which can be selected and structured:

Drawing sprites

print cycle print cycle
in height in length

   As you can see, this approach
allows you to very effectively
   2.Napishite first, all the procedures, and then to head the 
program, which should only the right time to cause the desired

subroutine. DO NOT DOWNLOAD
main program parts that can be identified as sub, except for 
those moments which require speed.


   Let's finish this our
today's conversation. Upload
assembler and review your
programs that are probably already
is in your piggy bank, try to make their structure.

   As an example, as well as
in order to create your style to your attention today Turnout 
program interface. 

   All comments and suggestions to
new column send me an
at 662613 Abakan, Leninskaya str Komsomol, 3,
kv.16. You can also send a small program that would have 
contributed to the formation of national identity programmers, 
your style! If you are interested in the story of

kinds of programming, writing and
I'll talk about other species. All in
Your hands.


   The program interface pointer. You are probably not been 
seen darting briskly arrow on the screen, which, running up the 
options menu, lit it. You are invited to a similar program 
today. I will immediately say (to avoid gossip), which is taken 
as a basis for program Ricker VV, published in the book 
ZX-Forum'1. I cite here the entire program,

but if you have previously typed
this program, download it and
rewrite the program to re-
START, as the changes affected only her. And just to add 3 new 
procedure.  But before you give this program, I'll give you her 

Analog Interface

START: main program

Drawing a selection
menu arrow

verification wipe survey
hit the arrow keypad.

   Of course, for each sub, you can draw a separate scheme, try 
it yourself. START LD HL, (CRDS); Take

        And the coordinates O

        The arrows.

        LD A, 255; Writes

        , Number 255 in the number of op
        ; Function, which suggests

        LD (OPC1), A; that tends
        ; LCA on an option was not hit.

        PUSH IX; Further, all

        , As in the program.

        CALL FORM


        IN A, (31)

        PUSH AF

        CALL BFSCR

        POP AF

        LD C, A

        LD E, STEP

        LD D, 254

        LD HL, CRDS +1

        BIT 0, C

        CALL NZ, PL

        BIT 1, C

        CALL NZ, MIN

        LD D, 190

        DEC HL

        BIT 2, C

        CALL NZ, PL

        BIT 3, C

        CALL NZ, MIN

        BIT 4, C

        RET NZ

        CALL COND; Call

        ; Validation of
        ; Of falling arrows.

        CALL BAR; Call

        ; Procedure painting
        ; Erase option.

        JR QO
; Hit test POINTERS
        ; Carry the address data.

        LD A, 1; Writes

        ; Number of the first option in

        ; Auxiliary

        LD (OPC), A; changes
        ; Nuyu.

        LD HL, (CRDS); In HL those
        ; Kuschie coordinates arrows
        , Ki.

        SRL H; Since

        , The coordinates of the arrows in

        ; Pixels, and the program

        SRL H; works

        , With familiarity, we divide

        And the coordinates of 8.

        SRL H

        SRL L

        SRL L

        SRL L
COND1 LD A, (IX +0); In A

        ; X coordinate of the menu.

        CP 255; If

        , 255, the data Concha
        , And were not on hand

        ; Options.

        RET Z; Exit.

        LD D, A; Test
        ; It hit on X.

        LD A, H

        CP D

        JR C, PROPOPC; If le
        ; BEE option, skipping

        ; It.

        LD A, D

        LD B, (IX +2); In Regis
        ; Triangle B the length of the options in

        ; Familiarity.

        DEC B

        ADD A, B

        CP H

        JR C, PROPOPC; If

        , The right option, skip
        ; Eat it.

        LD A, (IX +1); VA

        ; Coordinate Y.

        CP L

        JR NZ, PROPORC; If you do not

        , Coincides with the current

        ; Coordinate Y, transmission
        ; Kai

        LD A, (OPC); If all

        ; Test passed, then

        And we found a number of options

        RET; downloading
        ; Eat it in the A and exit.
PROPOPC LD DE, 3; transition
        , We arrive at the following data

        ; Options.

        ADD IX, DE

        LD A, (OPC); Number

        ; Current option increases
        ; Vai 1.

        INC A

        LD (OPC), A

        JR COND1; Again

        ; Check.
BAR LD L, A; After

        , Exit procedures

        ; COND in the register A number

        ; Option, or 255 if

        , The arrow will not hit.

        LD A, (OPC1); Put
        ; Does A number of the previous

        ; Options, compare it

        CP L; with the new

        And if they are equal, then

        ; Paint is not necessary.

        RET Z; leave.

        CP 255; If

        ; Arrow left with options that

        , New paint is not necessary,

        JR Z, BAR5; but should

        ; Repay old that

        ; Does BAR5.

        PUSH AF

        LD A, L; Writes

        , A new number in place

        ; Old.

        LD (OPC1), A

        POP AF

        CALL BAR1; Erase

        ; Old option.
BAR6 LD A, (OPC1); in A but
        ; Up new options.

        CP 255; If it is

        ; Not an option, then the paint is not

        ; Necessary.

        RET Z; leave.
BAR1 DEC A; prepare
        ; VKA to shading of the new

        ; Options.

        LD H, 0

        LD L, A

        PUSH HL

        POP DE

        ADD HL, HL

        ADD HL, DE

        EX DE, HL

        LD IX, (TABLE)

        ADD IX, DE
BAR3 LD H, (IX +0)

        LD L, (IX +1)

        CALL FILL; procedure
        ; Pa FILL paints,

        ; Or erase option.


        LD (OPC1), A

        JR BAR6
FILL LD A, L; The next
        ; Ing line calculates

        ; Address option in the Attributes

        AND 7




        ADD A, H

        AND # 18




        OR # 58

        LD H, A
LOL LD A, (HL); Take

        ; Byte attribute.

        PUSH AF; The next
        ; Ing line invert

        ; Option interchanging

        AND 7; INK and

        ; PAPER. BRIGHT do not teach
        ; Tuva.

        SLA A

        SLA A

        SLA A

        LD D, A

        POP AF

        AND 56

        SRA A

        SRA A

        SRA A

        OR D

        LD B, (IX +2); In Regis
        ; Triangle B the length of the options in

        ; Familiarity.
FILL1 LD (HL), A; If op
        ; Function printed on the set
        ; Gotsvetnom background, the

        ; Cycle

        INC HL; should

        ; Insert rows, starting
        ; Nye Tagged with LOL.

        DJNZ FILL1

ORSH DEFB # C0, # E0, # F0

        DEFB # F8, # FC, # FE

        DEFB # FF, # FE, # FC

        DEFB # 1C, # 0E, # 0E

        DEFB # 07, # 07, # 03
XORSH DEFB # C0, # A0, # 90

        DEFB # 88, # 84, # 82

        DEFB # 81, # 86, # B4

        DEFB # 14, # 0A, # 0A

        DEFB # 05, # 05, # 03

        LD C, H

        LD B, L

        LD A, B

        CALL # 22B1

        LD (STS), HL

        LD DE, BUFFS
RB0 LD B, 15

        LD C, 2
RB2 LD A, (HL)

        LD (DE), A

        INC L

        INC DE

        DEC C

        JR NZ, RB2

        POP HL

        CALL DAD1

        DJNZ RB1


        LD A, H

        AND 7

        RET NZ

        LD A, H

        SUB 8

        LD H, A

        LD A, L

        ADD A, 32

        LD L, A

        RET NC

        LD A, H

        ADD A, 8

        LD H, A


        LD (RB2), HL

        CALL SCRBF

        LD HL, # 127E

        LD (RB2), HL


        AND 7

        EX AF, AF '

        LD IX, ORSH

        CALL FORMS

        LD IX, MS3

        LD (IX +0), # AA

        LD (IX +9), # AB

        PUSH IX

        LD IX, XORSH

        CALL FORMS

        POP IX

        LD (IX +0), # B2

        LD (IX +9), # B3


        LD HL, (STS)

        LD E, B

        EX AF, AF '

        LD B, A

        EX AF, AF '

        DEC B

        INC B

        LD D, (IX +0)

        JR Z, MS21

        RR E

        DJNZ MS2
MS21 LD A, (HL)

        LD (HL), A

        INC L

        LD A, L

        AND # 1F

        JR Z, MS4

        LD A, (HL)

        OR E

        LD (HL), A

        INC IX

        CALL DAD1

        LD A, H

        CP # 58

        RET NC

        DEC C

        JR NZ, MS1


        LD B, E

        JR Z, END

        INC A

        DJNZ L0


        LD B, E

        JR Z, END

        DEC A

        DJNZ INP

        LD (HL), A

START1 LD (TABLE), HL; this from
        ; Individual procedure to
        ; Thoraya sets the coordinates

        LD A, (HL); arrows

        , So that it falls

        ; On the first option.

        ADD A, A

        ADD A, A

        ADD A, A

        LD D, A

        INC HL

        LD A, (HL)

        ADD A, A

        ADD A, A

        ADD A, A

        LD E, A

        INC HL

        LD A, (HL)

        ADD A, A

        ADD A, A

        ADD A, A

        SUB 4

        LD D, A

        LD (CRDS), DE


        , Will address the table.
OPC NOP; Number

        ; New option.
OPC1 NOP; Number

        ; Old options.
TABLE1 X, Y, L, X1, Y1, L1, ... , 255

        ; Data menu.

   To work successfully requires:

   Make a table describing
menu options in this order -
first coordinate of X, then Y,
then the length of the option in the familiarity.
X and Y are defined in familiarity.

   How to practically use


        The text menu.

        CALL PRINT

        LD HL, TABLE1; In HL

        ; Address data table

        ; Menu.

        CALL START1; Writes

        ; It in a variable TABLE

        , And centering the arrow.
L1 CALL START; Challenge

        ; Procedures arrows.

        LD A, (OPC1); to A by
        ; Burghers option number for

        , Which before pressing

        , Was shot arrows
        ; Ka.

        CP 255; If A

        , 255, the arrow on the menu

        , Was not hit and we again

        JR Z, L1; draw

        ; Arrow (you can respond
        ; Vat to another).

        CP 1 Next
        , Check for any op
        ; Tion was an arrow and

        CALL Z, PROG1; do

        ; Go to is the signature
        ; Rogrammu.

        CP 2, Number NOT

        , Depends on the way to
        ; Options when printed on

        JR Z, PROG; screen

        , But depends on the compiled
        And Noah table.


   After pressing the shot option
remains lit, but it is not always acceptable. To force the 
clearing options after the command CALL START must issue the 
command CALL BAR6.

   Not seldom a situation where we do not need to light option
but got to know whether
pointer to where we need to

        ; Interest table that

        , Consists only of code

        , 255

        LD (TABLE), HL; enters

        ; In a variable.

        CALL START; Call

        ; Sub arrows.

        LD HL, TABLE2; In HL hell
        ; Interest in this table

        ; Description.

        LD (TABLE), HL; Writes

        ; It in a variable.

        CALL COND; We are looking for but
        ; Action options. After the release of

        ; Number will be in A, but not

        CP 255; in transition
        ; Variable OPC1!!!

        JR Z, PROGRAM; Next

        ; Process number

        ; As you like.

        CP 1

        CALL Z, PROG

TABLE1 DEFB 255; Empty

        ; Table.
TABLE2 X, Y, L, 255; Infusions
        ; Schaya table.

   At this end, let
CEE narrative. Glad if someone this information helps.


Other articles:

From the Editor - Opening remarks from the editors, the authors of the magazine.

authoring program - description of the program, "Universal Editor sprites.

Programming - the effect of page turning the text on the sine.

Tusovka - a letter reading rooms: ICE'DI GRIZ on how to mark the anniversary of Chelyabisnkaya group Omega HC, Vladimir Anshukov a decline of interest in the Spectrum in Russia.

Style - Programming: on the internal structure of the program, ie, We now turn to algorithmic basis.

Igroskop - a brief overview of the gaming that have appeared in Chelyabinsk: Freddy Kruger Live, Mortal Kombat, Zybex Remix, Gorodki, Atomic Robo Kid, Turbo Skate Fighter, Gremlins 2, Robot, Mercs, The Big Slease, UFO 2, Twin, Pledge Night, Trinia, Randex, Hunter, Talisman, Killed Until Dead, Supertetris, Miner, Tarzan, Final Fight, Go Bear Go, Rings Wars, 48 UTYUGOV, Prince of Persia, etc.

Igroskop - Computer c super great graphics "Midnight Resistance"

Iron - scanning device for the ZX Spectrum.

Multrolik - contest for the best multrolik.

Muzoboz - an overview of 8 music demonstrations: Fable Dream Demo, Black Galaxy, Opium Demo, Miles Mix, Chess Board, Mr.Key Gift, Rave Time Xtasy, etc.

Muzooboz - a brief interview Anton Shumakova / Ironman.

Muzoboz - interview Musicmaker'a Velichutinoy Tatiana.

Advertising - Free Advertisement.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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