Micro #22
09 августа 1999

AD & D - History Ragnata, magician Jason cleric and Shata (part three).

<b>AD & D</b> - History Ragnata, magician Jason cleric and Shata (part three).
       History Ragnata, magician Jason

             Shata and cleric.

             History Ragnata.

             (Part Three)

  I suddenly imagined how this "Knight"
digging in the treasury or library Sarlaka, started, ran and 
climbed ayoun upstairs. So it was - the door led to the 
magician and the Sleep Laboratory has raked prey. I shouted:

  Yes, dangerous, do not climb! - And seized with
Wallpaper potions and a ring. Nothing more
light, we looked at each other and he waved
rope at the door. I nodded and walked away deep into the 
laboratory, with interest considering the dishes. Another 
explosion Knight swore, but he looked alive. We

rushed to another door, he tripped and
spat at his feet - at Rosa, who
again climbed to not have to and received from the trap. I 
grunted and spat too. This bard did not broke down and 
immediately died. "There he and the road, "I thought he ran 
past Knight who was rummaging in the chest in a private room


  I already knew that it would be on the fourth floor: a 
library! So it was only a another hole on the fifth floor. 
Swept past Sleeping, taking a pair of scrolls. I ordered

Servant to throw a rope to the top. Yes
choke you own scrolls, take you
his princess! Books - that's what I was
needed. I grabbed the one that lay open
on the table. Lights magical shades invisible to mere mortals, 
pleasing to the eye and soul. In order for this study will be 
required years ... But I'll be back here, in this zasyadu

tower and will read and increase their strength. And then get 
out of the tower and ... 

  My dreams were interrupted by a roar overhead, swept past me 
Danin, Sat and Conan. I followed them. 

  On the fifth floor of the door was knocked
room in which sat on a chair tied Princess Liss ... Well, that 
is, Viscountess, but it is not so important. She was charming 
and we all started to apologize, so long go, ask about it state 
of health, etc. Finally, I for mimicry Liss guessed it untied. 
Princess spit out the gag and screamed:

  -All silent! - And then continued in a lower tone.

  -The situation is urgent. Sarlak stole me to learn the secret 
of which is maintained by our family for several centuries. He 
is, unfortunately, failed. In three days way north from here 
there is a ruined temple Jeddah. In its vaults are sharpened 
demon. Yes, you killed Sarlaka, but his each has had to begin 
the process of liberation. If you hurry, you can still it stop.

  -Why do we need this? - Conan asked.

  "You have heard that such a place? - Said
him I .- That sorcerer, say, was a friend
Sarlaka? By the way, what's his name?

  -You are right, and his name is Rannon - answered
Princess .- In addition, my father will thank you, doubling the 
promised reward for me, if you stop that mage. 

  Vobschem it was this that decided the case. We argued some 
more, but this time sleeping knight nice chatting with the 
princess. Thus, we emerged from the tower and I hung a Whisper

the door to the library and on the front door.

  There's one more time. We conflicting feelings were on the 
meadow over the corpse of the Silver Rose. I would prefer to 
leave it as is, but Shat asked him to resurrect. The corpse was 
nearly sent to a castle lord, but then Knight recalled that he 
found a scroll Revitalization Dead. He gave Scroll Chatou, he 
read it - and the picture alive! A pity ...

  Then it became clear that Knight is so
nice talk with Liss that is now left
with her and Danino. "For protection." I wonder how she will 
treat him snoring. Incidentally, I learned his real name -


  We stood over the little stirring and bard
decide what to do. Sat inject into it a little prayer, and Rose 
came to: 

  "What was that? ..

  "Well, we won. Now we have to go kill the demon.

  -What demon?

  Comrade enlightened.

  "Only I would not like to communicate with the maniacs who 
strive to engage in each quarrel - I said.

  -And what do you suggest?

  Suddenly, Rose suggested a clever idea:

  -It is necessary to conclude an agreement, contract.

  A bond like?

  -There is a magical methods to check integrity?

  No, maybe Sat? ..

  He shrugged his shoulders:

  -Of course, I pray ...

  While he was praying on the edge of the field, we worked out 
an agreement. Everyone decided to help threatened in each other 
and, of course, not attack on its own. My condition was that

that if they want to attack someone, then
must notify me and give me time
leave. I've had enough of maniacs. Rose remembered her things, 
and I also asked loot back. At that decided to do.

  Shat back somewhat embarrassed and said that the agreement 
will not be able to help. Then the bard a long time to persuade 
him to give things, but in the end, persuaded. 

  So, off we went. The day passed quietly,
and at night I begged his last duty and while he began to 
decipher the seized book. The title was promising: "The demons. 
Call and obedience." But the first chapter, the theoretical and 

  Prior to that, we drove through the undergrowth, but
middle of the day went to the steppe, covered in late spring, 
thick grass. Appeared proposal to go into invisibility, that we

done. True, we immediately began to face, not seeing each 
other, but then guessed tie a rope and ride horses jib. The 
first went to Shat and Conan, I third and fourth bard. This was 
true when the head of the column had entered into a swamp. 
First stop Shat, then Conan. Me and Rose managed to get the 
horses, and leading in general, could drown if I

not called for three giant beetles, which they got on solid 
ground. Beetles drowned. I was hoping they would come to some 
orcs that will help get the horses, but life was more 
surprising, than perfect. Two horses we lost,

but, however, on the moor we are far
would not have left.

               Cleric Shat.

  It is considered that at the last moment
whole life passed before the path rises
eyes. Nonsense! Can recall only a few moments. While beheading
flies in the air, the body moves by inertia,
and blood to the brain ...

  First memory ... Blurred faces of parents, the creaking of 
the gate of the monastery and the abbot of fatness. It is 
foolish to blame the father and mother who gave me to grow up 
in 6 years. Poverty, the constant raids and robberies of local

nobles have left no hope for survival. I think that gave me a 
convent parents do not grieve: for them it was

the only way. Student, I was able to quickly memorize spells, 
but constant learning prayers at all discouraged to think with 
your head. 1933 held at the monastery turned me into a

monk who can handle the stick, but
prefers to pray. Lessons from the philosophy
given me confidence that the only evil
can save not only our people but also
the whole world. With these ideas in the 39 years I left my 
home to the sacred, to find his master and benefit (material) 
is not so much myself, how the monastery. So traveled for about 
a year for DARK EMPIRE, with holly-symbol under clothing, club 
his belt and I was twenty gold on neutral territory in front of 
the tavern "The Alligator."

               The first day.

  In the tavern was a lot of people. Closest to me were 
farmers, celebrating some festival. With them table sat a man 
with blond hair, out from under nahlobuchenoy strange

hats, and turned the pegs on the guitar alternately touching, 
then one, then another string. "What Want It? "Deft maid was 
already beside me. "The room for the night, a cup of water

and bread. "" Two Coins. "I gave money and
workers immediately disappeared. I went to the farmers. Wanting 
to move to pity, I said: "Give a poor monk." At me in amazement 
looked, but then laughed as maid brought my food. Sitting there

I silently began to eat. Blond man in a hat
was a simple bard. A few coins he was willing to sing and "Hymn 
to the Mages. Wanting to instruct him on the right path I asked 
him to play up the guitar to farmers, and I prayed to God. But 
this was a missing person. Clearly mocking

me, he started playing "Rankan", and
in such a fast, dance tempo, I
barely restrained so as not to smash a guitar. "You
took the wrong chord. You have to play in the minor, "- has 
restrained anger I said. In response, behind the doors of 
taverns something buhnulo. Soldiers povskakivali from the field 
and the crowd and swearing rushed to the exit. There with a 
sword in one hand and a guitar and the other was the bard.

Without hesitation, I took a stick and stood in
fighting position, ready to repel any
blow. However, soon the soldiers began to return. Seeing their 
faces, that nothing terrible has happened, I put down his baton

and got eat up your bread. Supper, I went upstairs to his room.
Fervently prayed, lay on the bed and with
sigh of relief fell asleep.

  I woke up at night from unexplained noise. Carefully looking 
out the door I saw running down people. Capturing the bat, I 
went down the stairs. For nearly later I heard a voice behind 
him: "What happens here, Father? "" End of the World "- I 
answered, and walked into the corner to the table, behind which 
a drym-dabadam were soldiers. Sitting on the

bench, I began to look on the bright opening
door. Suddenly, the opening was lit, shadows flickered off and 
the magic lightning blinded me.

  Hard to go back, in this
mir.Prav was one of the returnees, when
great Susii brought him back to life: "What
# "$? you brought me back to earth? What rubbish
it's your world! "

  Opening my eyes I saw a black shadow.
Strange, but its outline seemed familiar. When my eyes adjusted 
to the darkness, I realized that for me the bard. Ringing in 
ears had stopped and I heard voices! They agree among 
themselves to mutual assistance and the partitioning of 
treasures! (A bad omen to share what has not.) Someone (voice 
rang out of thin air) was made thought of the queue. Afraid to 
get into the best end ("Who's last?" Record. Your

Room 132. "), I shouted:" And how many of you
here at all? "" Troy. "" Three plus
Bard? "- again I said." No, with him. "Well
Well, all was not so
large. Voice and the bard between steel
submitted. Jason - the one that started in
I have a lightning; Ragnat - saved me from certain
Death and the Silver Rose, already known
I bard. "Shat, Shat my name."

  Companions were solved as all get out well, I did at that 
time was looking around and noticed a few human remains. After 
going through all the swords lying next to the corpse, I took 
him alone. It differed from the other decorations on the 
handle. Since the sword I can not hold, then value to me he had 
no idea, but I liked his marbles. But, since

"Dig" them to local conditions was
impossible, I had to take all mechugu.
Meanwhile, the invisible with Rosa decided to get out through 
the top of the well. The poor bard. So she could only fall 
pear. Poor had to constantly podlechivat. After

third attempt to get decided not to tempt fate and donochevat 
here. Rosa left standing on the clock. Worth close

eyes and sleep overcame my mind.

  I woke up again from the noise. At this time
I was awakened by snoring. I rubbed my eyes indignantly stared 
at the sleeping bard. Make I do not have time. For me it

made invisible (s). Bard has become (
not in the literal sense) in a rag doll,
which is that there are forces a coward. Blessed
smile quickly left his sleepy face.
Naturally, no one nobody wanted
good morning. Although, after a time Ragnat
proposed meal to the diet. Mean
breakfast all the same added strength and confidence. Feeling 
better, I suggested to treat. It turned out that apart from 
Bard and a treat no one. The better. Who knows?

what would happen next.

  Companions, consultation, decided on this
time to go through the door. Here are just sat down in it 
"fireball". Not wanting a second time become the toast, I took 
the corpse and shield having covered them walked away from the 
door. Then came the decisive moment. I closed my eyes.

Soon he heard the voice Ragnata: "The Holy
father, you're stuck there? Come here! "I
went. The door was open. Caught in a small room, I saw one
corpse. Nothing relevant to my
value, he did not have.

  In one of these rooms we were greeted by nine skeletons. I'm 
confused, but Ragnat whispered: "Holy Father, and you can 
tyurnat dead? "" Can "- I muttered Ista

pray fervently. Prayer has a beneficial effect (for us). All 
souls skeletons have calmed down.

  In the labyrinth, we found several frescoes and
altar. On the murals depicting some moments of ancient history. 
Me they not prosvyatili and Ragnata too, since he

constantly muttering: "Holy Father, you are
does not say anything? "" No, "- all the time I answered and 
Ragnat left me alone. Soon we came upon a Kobold. Fortunately, 
by that time had all been invisible. Chase (if you can call it 
that) was funny. Escape from kobolds, and then for the kobolds, 
again from them. You never know what could it end, if not Rose, 
who decided to take the fight. Rose so skillfully began to wave 
a sword that kobolds who survived, took to their heels. We 
them. And kobolds driven into a blind alley and asking for 
mercy. Even promise to tell what they know about this place, 
but on condition that we not touch them. I would not touch 
them, they give us a sword (obviously not a simple ), Which 
according to them, "a family thing." When the kobolds and 
Ragnat almost concluded an oral contract, I could not resist 
saying: "I would Metchik all still took." At that Malyavka 
immediately replied: "Either you have not touch and we will 
take you to the surface or ... "I said nothing and the contract 
was concluded. 

                Magician Jason.

  Magical attack began suddenly.

  A bright flash burned incorporeal sleepy obscurity. With 
malicious hiss rose Wall inexorable flames of hell and the 
atmosphere exploded in the agony of hundreds of screaming 
throats. Over the fire to levitate the two magicians. They are 
widely spread out his arms, hands that spin, emitting deadly 
flows of energy. Far above the expanse of the steppe flew 
unrelenting wail. 

  I blinked a couple times and quietly
smiled. I recently experienced a great comprehensive mayzh, 
whose action is not yet over, and now, so I was absolutely 
indifferent to all these magical delights "children." Under my

mayzhem and my Staff. And I looked with satisfaction at the 
ring of his left hand. If Staff and might go wrong, then with 
something to Ring, I do not exactly fall.

  Magician Sanctum, the leader of our group,
consisting of ten people, two crossed
their staff, vzmetnuv powerful lightning.
Immediately the earth shook and the three fighters
fell flat on his back.

  I heard the familiar words spell Appeal - actively operated 
one of the enemy wizards. 

  Shook the air and distorted magic
tissue, when the background of single trees,
pretty decent distance from us, dawned blurred outlines ten 

  And to me again rolling vseoglushayuschaya
mayzha wave, bringing a fair share of optimism and belief in 
luck. In addition, a hysterical.

  Slowly, though reluctantly, manifested
eerie silhouettes, while I unraveled Mad Hurricane Death.

  I went into a fit of laughter and unhealthy
could not even distinguish between ordinary fighter
of a vampire. Under the influence of mayzha they became
for me on one litso.

  Faster spinning my staff, all
is rapidly becoming his motion,
merging into a single, well-controlled
avalanche spells. I cursed everything
all around, not really thinking about consequences.

  Have you ever seen anything like vampires torn to pieces? So. 
One of the magicians literally dismembered. Infernal

beast flew over in a panic, people running
and roared angrily. Contrast, they were
nothing, just Sanctum tried to compose something. Seemed to 
come Armageddon. 

  My Magic Wand properly perform its
work, methodically crushing everyone, even friends. Because 
then it seemed to me the enemy. 

  Oh, this mayzh!

  I did not notice that in the pursuit of enemies
found in the ruins of ancient decayed. Old ruins of a forgotten 
city ... - What secrets they might hold? They say that

here is the Temple of the Old God. AND
precisely here, according to secret chronicles
Skelosa, is a treasured ring Chernoknizhiya.

  When kakafoniya horrible sound remains
far behind, and embraced the dark area around the ruins, 
creating, elusive from me down into the well. He stood out

scary black pharynx near oslizloy piles
stone blocks directly from the far
walls of the city.

  Connecting levitation and not for one second
hesitation, I rushed into obscurity.

  -Zaksharimella-and-a!! - I shouted, spreading
hand in hand and quickly sank to the mine
well. And then there was a fabulous thing:
in the middle of the way, I completely lost over the
levitation stone and fell down.

  Landing was more than successful. I have absolutely no pain 
felt. And for a moment not interrupted by the attack.

  In the dark corridor, lit only ghostly moonlight, rushing 
sudoozhno 5 low shadows. I ruthlessly Schmal their

of Staff.

  And then the narcotic haze of sleeping with my
eyes, and I saw that it was not the enemy. But it was too late. 
Militant enthusiasm left me, when a fighter reached for the 
door handle. 

  -No-em! - Frantically yelled, Sanctum, and I realized that he 
has in mind. Now I could save only Ring of Wishes. In the past, 
I immediately whispered command and to the harsh, too real Fire 
Flash swallowed my nature, had noticed teleportation Sanctum.

  Then came a dull nothingness ...

  I woke up at the gates of some fast food:
Name blur before my eyes. Played in a fog, and if it were not 
for the people of taverns, not terribly proznavshie about my

appearance, left to lie on the road. AND
knows how long.

  Pain in the head and the transition squaw teleport tunnel 
plunged me into trouble inaction. I was thinking about nothing, 
if you can so to speak.

  However, this did not prevent me superficial,
corner of his mind to catch the events occurring around them.

  I felt much better on
site of the second floor tavern - a narrow
corridor with several doors. About me is
kind of a creature with the head thrown over the surface
hood, so that his features barely
make out. I knew that he paid for my bed and felt it was no 

  -Wait for me here - the man said
hoarse voice, and disappeared behind the door.

  At the same moment I heard a commotion on the stairs
and soon saw a bleary-eyed, sly face bard. She approached me 
with a hysterical giggle. 

  -A friend - proclaimed Silver Roza.Ne wish whether you wish 
to join me company and play at dice?

  -Absolutely - I threw without a hitch, and
immediately about this sorry: I had to talk to a stranger. I 
knew that he offer something more serious than an ordinary game 
of dice. But, unfortunately, late.

  -I'll wait for you downstairs! - Cried the bard
and sped away.

  I shrugged my shoulders when the room went

  -Well, how are you feeling? - He asked indifferently .- go 

  -You know - I began vaguely .- I
I'll go down a game of dice. This
as it is impossible to relax and bring me
in a sense.

  While the man, something moaning, trying to answer, I 
leisurely walked down the main hall and took place at the 
table. The game had just begun and I am not difficult to it to 
connect. Played five: three soldiers, the bard and myself. 
After two or three visits, I realized that the bard and one 
soldier mahlyuyut. This led me to the wild delight! I felt for 
his staff, ready to teach a lesson harder, but then spotted the 
three merchants in a dark corner. They stared nastily and

something whispered.

  "They're - dead!" - Flashed through my

  I stood up, dropping the stool and walked upstairs to his 
little room. I matured plan reckless actions.

  -So, as long as you do not remember anything and to somehow 
get back on my feet, I I suggest you some company under my

leadership, which promises a great income - said stranger named 

  He caught me and dragged to the top
damned conversation. Here I am, playing iskustno amnesia, 
learned that his name is Ragnat here, he realized that my name -


  -As far as it involved the Great Power?
- I asked my favorite question, though he
this and did not know.

  -Absolutely not involved - was a clear answer.

  "And where are we if not a secret, going?

  Ragnat laughed.

  -In a temple, south of here - he said at last .- In an 
abandoned city. 

  I flashed his eyes and pondered. It was
very similar to the one place where I had just been
visited. Even without detailed descriptions. Me
did not like. Ring Chernoknizhiya should
be mine, and no one the right to own
more. In addition, there was still Sanctum. I
was sure that he is alive.

  "The destiny of the dead" - I thought, and said aloud:

  Tomorrow, with the last light of morning
stars, I'll let you know my answer, what would he

  Then he turned and quickly left.

  On the stairs I met the unfortunate bard, and 
unceremoniously, as some might appear, grabbing him by the 
scruff of the neck, said: 

  -And do we not potraschit merchants, "friend"?

  -Potraschit, potraschit - zalebezil bard
moving her wrinkled little hands.

  He was wearing wide-brimmed hat, and I
could not see his face. All
there were some strange and secretive.
It irritated me, but I do not pluck the hat
wanted - something in the bard, I have been
sympathy. May void of understanding greed?

  On the way to the dining room bard went into invisibility.

  -I think it would be better, - he explained
.- The suddenness of the emptiness and everything. Well
you know ...

  However, we did not find the merchants. I saw only
rows of empty tables. Only for one
them at the counter orders bubbled smashed soldiery. Gray, 
zamyzganye stormtroopers - I immediately recognized them at 
dice. At the shallowest, who muttered something a dream, was a 
powerful, blurred eye bruise. 

  -Bushman - I chuckled with prezreniem.Nuzhno go look outside.

  -It is true - the voice of pustoty.Idem see.

  Hate pnuv foot twisted
the front door, I stumbled into the yard.

  Tavern "The Alligator" was at some otshibe in absolute 
roadside virginity. Something like what I expected from this 
klopnogo barracks. 

  On the right were the crib. Thence strongly
reeked of manure and stinky plebeian later.

  Sticking out towards the nose, I confidently went to a pair 
of carriage, looking out over angle. In the dark, stirred some

mobile. Obviously the driver spent the night here.

  -Hey, paskuda! Merchants have not seen? - I yelled louder.

  -Who are you? - It looks like this wretchedness, was filed in 
my meeting with sleep yet quite sure where he is.

  -Shut up, dog! - I barked. - Here I am asking questions. 
Where merchants from the tavern? 

  And it is here that the farmer woke up finally. His partner 
subtly slid off the cart and they both drew their rusty swords.

  I mockingly rasmeyalsya them in the face, although 
enlightened, that without the drug will not do. Where are these 

  -Hey, compassionate! - Connect the bard of
nowhere .- This case can be settled. You'll have
do not be offended.

  Towards a pair of monsters flew two silver coins. Zvyaknuv 
timidly, they spun at the feet of peasants, but they did not 
even budge. 

  Bard - bastard! Get the wind up!

  Suddenly, from the tavern appeared two traders. The very ones 
that I have been fortunate seen an hour earlier. Apparently, 
they spent the night in One of the rooms upstairs. Oh, how we 
bard did not occur until then! It was necessary to check out 
the room before you go to massacre!

  "Venerable Sir" were surprised
by our presence, but I already sensed how it all might end. And 
do not mistaken. In at least how it is

was to begin.

  Silver Rose unleashed the full force of his
impact on one of the merchants, and had fallen out of
inviza. I noticed movement on both
the other side of the environment, has launched one of the
my toys in the second. So, slegontsa.
However, the effect of the action has surpassed all 
expectations. I was amused by cool, like-minded focus on 
lightning and blocked just tavern owner came out with a 
crossbow in hands. I do not know who he wanted podsobit,

but guess that's not for us. So much the worse for

  Inside, where the lightning has already flown to break the 
two bodies could be heard a couple of hacking-death screams, 
and then I smelled crackle festering flame. Obviously,

lit tavern!

  Then, through the dry sound of blades, I left
in inviz and rushed into the main hall to
meet face to face with the new danger.

  Erupted in the middle, like dry chips,
Interior busily hosted four
frightening form of orcs. With the arrogant
grunting, they dragged some forgetful old man in a monk robes 
to the far stairs. Three soldiers so to the end and not

kick in, and vainly fought the fire. A
rear neperestavaya chopped, piled
Silver Rose and a good crowd of our
old friends of the peasants.

  Like I shmalnul bard spell
Increase, and when he grew in my
eyes to the gigantic size, he saw
that the case had gone much better.

  But then came a sepulchral voice from the

  -Come on, my servants! Squeeze those young men!

  I turned back and saw the traveling
squaw fire burly orcs. Me they could not see, as well as I 
could not see who sat down on the stairs (for some reason I

thought Ragnate), so rattling swords
monster rushed to the bard.

  It looks like it took seriously turnover:
burning tavern at any moment could fall on my head, and ways to 
escape were cut - on the stairs in the doorway of the magician 
and utter crowd ragged, whose bread do not feed them, give me 

  It is time these spells.

  I left one last wish. First, I have spent on sexual abuse is 
very noble and charming beauty, the second as you know, for 
salvation from the tunnel of an ancient temple. After the third 
ring must disappear forever.

  Once again, I soberly assess the situation, to gather his 
thoughts and gave the command: 

  -Bring me the bard ... - View slid
by forgetful grandfather. I smiled and added. - And this old 
pepper to Temple the ancient city of ...

  Before the spell took effect, I realized that I already was 
something wrong. And it is not surprising. Often desires are 
fulfilled is not quite so, as we would like; there is a set of 
circumstances which separates the very essence of a commandment 
with reality. 

  And with that, nothing can be done!

  All three of us were in the old well,
but I felt that it's not all,
No wonder because the spell of Desire brawl.
Somehow I am feeling the seventh felt that
There are four guest. But who is he?

  I looked displeased empty, devoid of the Ring, finger, while 
a great bard izulenno fumbled a pass. 

  -This is where we are? - Wheezed he saw his grandfather lying.

  -Calm down, sir, - said
I'm cold .- We are there where I asked that we
deliver. In the Temple of the ancient city ...

  "We? .. Deliver? .. In the Temple? .. Why? ..

  I'm in no hurry to respond swiftly and examined the corridor. 
The old feeling came over me. I saw four charred corpses.

Only four!

  Hence Sanctum really teleport and it was not tricked into 

  I have carefully examined the remains of the dead and
found some interesting things. For example:
I have not given up on 13 magic cards, a pair of
dice and some drugs in
paunchy vitro. Of course, self-other and
zolotishko was there. In total some 90 coins. All this is 
carefully housed in my in a backpack and more until you worried.


Other articles:

Foreword - a story about the gathering of fans of AD & D.

AD & D - Ragnata History (Part One).

AD & D - Ragnata History (part two).

AD & D - History Ragnata, magician Jason cleric and Shata (part three).

AD & D - Diary Bard Silver Rose.

AD & D - The history of the bard, the story of Conan: Diary of the Silver Rose.

AD & D - Songs. (Part One).

AD & D - Songs. (Part Two).

AD & D - Songs. (Part Three).

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   30 April