Micro #07
04 августа 1998 |
Prohodilka - a step by step walkthrough Mirror.
Mirror. Spanish-use vz.-take br.-throw, put Rev.-pay gov.-speak osm.-view Dimension. plate, App. plate on the circuit, osm. dver, osm. lattice, br. tarelku, OT. Shard, App. fragment on a rod extension. rod, App. rod on the circuit density. chain, wait, App. rod on zamok, wait, App. chain on the goblin, go to door, App. chest on chest, osm. trunk extension. flint to go up, osm. area, dimension. torch, go down, go down, go to dark passage, App. flint on the torch, App. chain brevno (or ego there), App. chain on the hook, App. chain to chain, go into the hole, go to reke, go into the river. (End of 1 st part). After each move (almost) have a rest. Replenishing energy: Go to a tree, App. tree on derevo, OT. fruit, App. fruit on the fruit. Go to the forest, go east to the house troll, waiting to go into the barn extension. box, br. box dimension. barrel (nothing at sebe without), br. barrel, osm. burrow density. powder density. Box, App. barrel on the barrel, App. box on the troll, go to door, go into the woods in the forest to find a pitcher and take it, go to the river, App. a pitcher of water, App. nA water jug, App. powder on pitcher, go to the forest, go north to the spirit, gov. with the spirit, ask about the memory extension. sheet, go to the dead trees (the forest of the bridge, and then permanently at zapad), App. pitcher in a tree, gov.derevo, "From Lord Black of ...",. leaf tree, osm. boulder density. rope extension. scroll, go to the spirit, to give the scroll spirit, go to the waterfall, App. rope nA stones, App. rope to rope, gov. waterfall choose the right words, go into the passage, App. a pitcher of water, go to 2 posts, App. pitcher on the left column, go to the waterfall to fill a pitcher, go to the posts, App. pitcher on the left column, go to the cache, osm. stash osm. cache density. crystal, climb upstairs, take the rope, take the fruit, go to the spirit, to give Crystal Spirit, go to the troll, App. crystal on the troll, osm. house mgr. fruit on the window, osm. box dimension. fruit density. arrow App. Troll on Troll dimension. crossbow, go to the snake (go across the bridge, App. crossbow on the snake, App. arrow on the crossbow, at this point you should have 96% of the energy-charged crossbow jug (without water), fruit, rope, flint, go to Arch. (End of 2 nd part). In this part of the walk should be cautious, because energy rarely zdes mozhno vosstanovit.Vot several ways. 1) Wait for the fire as soon as it fired up 2) Use. pitcher to pitcher (filled vodoy 3) Eat fish (odnu!!) Throw everything except the fruit, go to the eagle, br. fruit density. Stone, go down, br. stone, to go to the stairs (from the place where the head of any side will verily stairs), go nA ladder, osm. Dam, OT. Mushroom (but not there!), br. mushroom, go to the stone, dimension. Stone, br. stone, go up the stairs, dimension. Stone, go to the hole in the ceiling, br. kamen, go to the eagle density. firewood, going to recess for doroge take all App. firewood on a niche, App. Flint on firewood, go to the stone, go to stairs, drop everything, to bring the logs here, br. logs, dense. rope, App. rope logs, App. raft for the raft density. crossbow go on the raft, go to a rock, osm. monster, App. crossbow on sheyu monster ashore, throw the crossbow, swim to the monster dive (to go), App. chest on chest, come up, dive, extension. sword, swim to the wall, dive, App. Sword in the algae, come up, swim to shore, dense. pole, App. sword in pole, swim to the monster, go into the tunnel, App. pole on a pack of fish, App. pole on the pack fish to swim to shore, have a pitcher with water (use a pitcher of water), sword, pole, to go to the stone, go into the hole, go to the 1 st web, App. Sword on the Web, App. pole on the web, go to the raft, sail to the source, App. pole nA fluid to swim to shore, dense. kremen, go to the 1 st web, go to the people, osm. people give a pitcher a girl with govorit devushkoy (not to withdraw from the Labyrinth) App. Flint on a pole, App. pole on image, go to the raft, you should have interpretation flint, dive, go to the pass, come up, go to bereg, go upstairs, Spanish. Flint on a niche to go into the water, dive, go to prohod, come up, go to the spider (downward from the 1-st web), you should have a sword and a flint, App. Sword in the spider, App. Sword on the web, go to the hole, App. Flint on a niche, go to stone, App. Flint on a niche, go to the eaves (Cherez the 1 st hole in the web), go to the eagle, with afford to have fish, crossbow, flint, pitcher (Empty), a mushroom, a sword, gov. with an eagle, to ask drive to the triceps Castle, to give the fish povtorit try. (Konets third part). Energy recovery: a look at kolodets (Spanish well at the well). App. crossbow on the ledge, App. crossbow on the crossbow, OT. crossbow, going down and down (the well), App. Sword in the striker, go to dver to speak with the statue, osm. sarcophagus, throw Vse, OT. plate, App. plate nA plate extension. shield extension. rope, by the way the inscription on the wall translates as: "Come into the world of shadows, look at" Come to the central tower, App. nA shield the ball, App. Sword nA creature, go to the top, take the rod, go at the bottom (the door), App. rod on the door, App. hook on the rope, go to the most top, App. rope + hook on the crossbow, App. rope + hook on the stakes, App. Crossbow nA Tower, App. verevka on the rope, go to the plant, App. Sword in the plant, App. Sword in the plant density. flower, 3 label similar 1, although written in an unknown language ,2-I inscription is deciphered as: "will open the floor the way to the fire, the flame will dispel the spell of darkness, the world stop the old war, and evil will go into zerkalnye worlds ", near the frame with the plant inspection of the floor, overlaid with various items (Sword, crossbow, a mushroom, a shield, a pitcher, flint, tsvetok) Mirrors on the floor neizvestnom language Go to the closed door, App. Door to door Come back and take the sword (you can eat a mushroom) Go in the door, br. sword, speak with the knight, "I give myself ...", go to the backdoor, App. flame to flame, go to the mirror, App. mirror on the mirror. (ALL). __________________________________________ 08/05/1998 Brothers Wisniewski.
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