Spectrofon #19
31 марта 1996

Debut - A detailed article about the problems in the game's debut "Rebel Planet ".

<b>Debut</b> - A detailed article about the problems in the game's debut
(C) Andrew Shkolnikov, 1995.

               REBEL PLANET

         Adventure Soft (UK) 1986

            TR-DOS: Yuri Vasin

   Another wise and fair Evil Empire ruled the galaxy. 
Arcadians - reasonable two-legged reptiles - captured

supreme power, enslaving dozens of races and
thousands of planets. And among other things - our good old 

   But when people could stand to have their
oppress someone other than themselves? And now
Numerous organizations of the Resistance
appear on the enslaved planet.

   The resistance movement is growing and growing every day, 
and is already beginning to appear, that vicious reptiles that 
and look kick outside the Galaxy. 

   And here Arcadians Strike Back.
With ease, which would have envied Dart
Vader, they divide the rebel forces. From
forces of resistance remain pitiful remnants,
gone deep underground.

   Only one result was given bad
attempts to rebel: he managed to find out what
Arcadians are different from other races. Their
homeworld Arkadion installed a huge computer-Queen, guiding 
expansion. Queen rallies Arcadians, battle plans, directs 
punitive troops to pacify the discontented. Each

arkadianets supports PC constant telepathic communication, the 
worst punishment for them - off from this communication. If you 
kill the Queen - the expansion will stop and Arkadianskaya 
empire fall! 

   Of course, to get to the Queen mad
difficult. Whole armies of guards and the mountains of weapons, 
sufficient to blow up the entire galaxy, meet all the desperate 
outsider, entering the sanctuary. Yes, and from the forces of 
resistance remained only a handful of disparate organizations, 
mortally afraid of betrayal and not even trust each other.

   But then guide the largest of them
- Earthly organization "SAROS" - dawns
idea, long known Gal-Corp (remember
Tau-Ceti?): Where there will be an army can
single pass.

   And the brave volunteer armed
an ancient weapon - a laser sword - after
stormy farewell sits on the last spaceship Saros "Qaeda and 
sent to his death cruise. He is to visit two of the planet, 
before it attempt to strike the final blow. They

it should liaise with the Resistance and put together pieces of 
a certain pity them with information about enemy planet. 

   If he loses, the Earth is doomed!

                  - - -

   Of course, you were a volunteer;
and the whole story - exposition adventyurnoy
play "Rebel Planet" firm Adventure Soft
(UK), and specifically Stephen Ufnovski. If
who have forgotten - this was the same man who wrote the famous 
"Kayleth". (She published in spectrophone N1.)

   Rebel Planet was written before
Kayleth and has nothing to do with the novels
Asimov - I have her entourage quickly associated with "Star 
Wars. As Kayleth, Rebel Planet - adventurous, even

detective fiction with a light touch of the mystical. 
Incidentally, does Ufnovski not to fixate on one genre: he 
later wrote a game "He-Man" - such utter fabulous fiction or 

   As for the Rebel Planet, her story, like her younger sister, 
a very dashing tightened.

   For example, attempts to find approaches to the disguised 
rebels and enter them in trust - it is real spy novel!

                  - - -

   So, you start the game in the cockpit of a small tourist 
ship Qaida. On the overview screen in front of you unfolds a 
panorama of the galaxy. But look at all this splendor is sad: 
You realize that the planet's swirling around

myriads of stars, or have already submitted themselves 
Arcadians, or fall in the very near future. Of course, if you 
do not do the job of Saros. With such optimistic thoughts you 
get out of the cabin, so little wander around the ship.

   But before we get acquainted with the ship,
note the strange device,
fastened to your wrist. This limkom - communicator for 
communicating with a computer Qaeda. On it are four buttons, 
labeled PS, SS, IH and OH. 

   Button PS - it's Personal Status; if
press it, limkom tell you your level of energy and protein in 
the blood. 

   And, both decreases in any
action, especially when unpleasant events like the arrest. When 
the level becomes dangerously low, disgusting limkom starts 
beeping. To learn how to recharge the energy and protein, I say 
a little later. 

   Button SS - Ship Status - works
only if the ship sat on the planet. She
tells how much time is left till

   A button IH and OH (Inner Hatch and Outer
Hatch) operated hatches gateway. They open and close the inner 
and outer hatches gateway. By the way, Kaidi is foolproof: open 
both hatch at once impossible. But it is quite possible to open 
the outer hatch directly in space: a clever ship well 
"priplanetitsya" and one leaving you in orbit without a 

   As you can see, limkom - very useful trick. In his time he 
will serve you more one service, quite unexpectedly. But before

this is far, but until you start your
walk around the ship.

   Besides felling management, Kaidi More
six indoor and gateway. Two of
these facilities - just the corridors and in one
of them on the wall hangs a food machine -
arkadianskoe standard device for
issue of human food. Can you guess what the taste of this meal. 
Knowledgeable people say that is very similar to well- matured 
a dead zorkona. I do not know, do not tried.

   In addition, for this delicacy is also necessary
pay, and money you have. Yes, and protein
in the blood until more than enough. Well
Well, leave the machine to the best of times and will continue 
to tour the ship. 

   Pay special attention to the bay, called simply cabin 
(cabin); this seems captain's cabin. There are gidrokrovat to 
alleviate congestion and regeneration device (regenerator 
unit); to the same sounds in the cockpit mesmerizing music. 
During long boring flights, if nothing else to do, you can 
listen to it (Listen). A device regeneration will help to 
restore the fallen vitality. To do this, simply log in. (Enter 

   In addition, the cabin lies with the innocent
sight tube - the same old laser
sword. Can turn it on (activate sword)
and make sure everything like the Jedi: the handle of the 
radiant beam strikes. But do not forget: if not shut down the 
sword (deactivate sword) time, through four moves, he will 
explode and scattered by the atoms you with Qaeda.

   Grabbing the sword, you continue to crawl.
Until more is nothing particularly interesting is not
come across, maybe you know ... In the unoccupied
passenger cabin, lying
Lite-Kube - a cube-antigravitator. In the cube lie jetpack 
(discharged) and the fuel capsule (which is a pity - for the 
knapsack is fuel will not do). Just a cub climbs

five items (any - weight in the role playing is not
play). It is very convenient, as in the hands can bear no more 
than four, not counting the fact that you are wearing. 
Moreover, in Cube things invisible, and therefore, by the way,

they do not like to shop owners. So
that in any case be directly put into the cube
Your sword (drop sword to Kube), or else
latched Arcadians at customs. And when
need, you can always get it (get
sword from Kube; prepositions to and from, as well as
all commands are optional.)

   You can even take a second passenger cabin Charger (pak; it
not mentioned in the list of visible objects) and
in the cargo bay, where is your old
true cosmic wheel, the metal strip. Bending it (bend strip), you
get improvised tweezers.

   But suddenly your peace tour stops squeaky voice of the main 
computer Kaidi: he reports that in-Qaeda had come with an 
unidentified flying object, and suggests that a separation 
maneuver. My You advice - do not agree, time will tell

that this decision was wise. You pursued only police cruiser 
Troposa - the usual formality for all tourists-people. 

   It seems to be the ship you have already visited.
Oh yeah, we have completely forgotten about the Gateway! You 
approach the entrance to it and press IH - inner hatch is open.

   You enter (enter airlock) and find yourself face to face 
with a cute smile servant. Well, you certainly do not live - 
the poor rebel position of Switzerland as a not provided. This 
is another arkadianskoe device - a mechanical servant, not to 
be bored during the flight. Try to talk to him (talk valet): he 
greets you and will present some very useful items. This is a 
credit card, two tickets to some Troch and ampoule strong

pain medication - a curious collection. More
from a servant until it was no, but do not forget
talk to him when startuete with Troposa - if'll live. You never 
know, but suddenly Saros reserve for you a few more surprises!

   But here's Kaidi finally sits on the
Tropos, before landing, you
view the message machine in the captain's cabin. It turns out 
that Tropose disorders, and Arcadians configured to people 
especially suspicious. 

   But after a tedious procedure with
hatches you finally go down
(Disembark). And soon find themselves face to
person with two disgruntled arkadianami.
This customs officers, and they only seek
reason to find fault with you. Thank God that you
prudently hid in a cube beam
sword! So you innocently presents
their credit card; customs charge status (and perhaps the 
wrong) inches, and allow you to enter the room spaceport (go 

   And there you are waiting for one more angry
Couple: two Arcadians so far only on
words, but very vehemently argue to you,
Kaidi that took their usual parking spot. Your hand reaches for 
the sword, but you did reconsider and decide to buy them. 

   Greedy Arcadians greedily grabbed two tickets to Troch. It 
turns out they are for life dream to go there!

   Before leaving, they leave you to remember the space spanner 
(space wrench), which you very nearly killed him. Do not forget 
grab it: suddenly come in handy. 

   Well, now you can at least look
on an unfamiliar planet. From the spaceport has four outputs, 
not counting the ladder Qaeda. But two of them - in the 
exclusion zone, where people are better not show up! Another - 
in phone booth. And the last - in the city.

   Of course, you go into town and
immediately face a luxury hotel
Trosliz. Out of curiosity, you go in
hotel. Your attention immediately attracts
Receptionist - skinny icteric man behind the counter. The first 
person who met you at the Tropose! You approach him and try to

make conversation (talk man). But suddenly
where a door slams, and the port falls prostrate on the rack.

   Is murder? But now the once-
think about this: the dying port is already writhing in agony. 
You pull out a vial anesthetic and grind away its poor guy

(Inject ampoule). Of the last forces porter
raises his head and whispered: "I am - Your guide to the 
underground. Beware of ..." Connected! But finish he did not 
have time. 

   Trying to figure out what happened, you
inspect his desk and notice there is a sign with a telephone 
number. Just in case you memorize the number, though, and 
understand: surely it's just background phone away. Your 
attention is drawn here convulsively clenched fist dead. You 
gently decompresses fist (exam fist) and notice there is a 
small disc. That it may be? .. Now you have no time to wonder: 
you pop the disc in the cube and from the lobby reading the 
logs deep into the hotel.

   And get away with all legs: gloating smile to you is 
approaching patrol Arcadians. Stand! - Blesses you. Most 
likely, the vicious reptiles have decided to once kill two 
birds with one stone, that is, the rebels: quietly sewed port 
underground worker, and now they want to dump everything on 
you. Just leg it a couple of blocks from the hotel, you decide 
to stop and catch his breath. 

   And you know that got lost. Damn arkadianskaya Architecture: 
all buildings on one person, and the streets are winding, like 
angry snakes. You wandered around the city and already start to 
feel hunger, when suddenly nabredaete on Kos-MOS - a small 
shop. His boss - a man accustomed to live "under the thumb" 
Arcadians. The interests of the brother he does not care: Once 
you reach out to the rope gun to get noticed, as he puts you to 
say: with cubes can not be! There are all sorts here ... 

   Swallow an insult, you leave the cube in
broken phone booth nearby and
back. The seller immediately transforms: a long time you've 
seen this kind man! You buy whatever is on

showcase the benefit of the prices are high: flash lamp 
(phosphat strobe), high ropes pistol and deltraktor - a device 
for removing a variety of caps. By the way, immediately Nearby 
was a manhole hatch ...

   You prihvatyvaete your trusty cube, put the flash back and a 
gun and try to pry the corner caps deltraktorom (Remove cover). 
But ... as if from nowhere appears patrol Arcadians. Cops grab 
you, was escorted into the area and without explanation, thrown 
into a tiny solitary confinement. A couple of minutes, you 
pound on the barred door with his fists, demanding lawyer, then 
sit down on the bench and existing inventories, while the walls 
are whispering encouragingly to you: "You're here sgniesh!". 

   And it appears that careless policemen in a hurry do not 
bother you search! Even the sword away! You get the

wrench, and collecting all his strength, unbent a couple bars 
on the door (bend bars with wrench). Then pull out the laser 
sword, and the foresight to include it crawls into the hole.

   Meets you little room for questioning,
bright light bulbs slap in the face. And surprise
puchit eyes of a police officer at the table.
One stroke of the sword - and his scaly head
flies off into the corner, continuing to become swollen eyes.
You hastily scouring the corpse and pull
from his pocket a small black notebook. And on
table found three buttons: red,
yellow and blue. First you press the most
safe: the blue. Next to the table suddenly
drive off to the side wall panel, opening the passageway.

   It seems cowardly Arcadians left a path for escape in case 
anything happens. Just in case you press another button and the 
yellow and make the legs (go passage). Panel takes the place 
behind your back. 

   So why was the yellow button! Surely it's the opening bars 
of ventilation shaft, where you come. Fortunately, you press 
and grill thrown. You come out onto the surface and finally 
breathe fresh air. 

   Lattice close to you. You are back
spaceport - and also in the restricted area.
Faster from here!

   Once in safety, you look through the note-book cop. And 
there is a strange bump record: "Suspect: is deltraktor?

uses disk instead of cards? "

   Well, deltraktor - this is understandable. But what
for clues about the cards? Why police can not write 
poponyatnee? However ... Where you can use the disc instead of 
cards? Not on the same route! "Phone Booth" - blesses you, and 
you will immediately go to a benefit is close to the spaceport. 

   But alas - nothing happens. Only
brazen wink from the screen straight lines
arkadianskoy propaganda.

   With the grief you go to the slums Troposa and so, to clear 
my conscience, trying to shove disk (insert disk in phone) a 
broken telephone, where, remember, leave the cube. 

   It is amazing - but it worked! One
section sex obediently zooms out to the side,
and beneath it is the same as in
street nearby sewer manhole cover.
One movement deltraktora (remove cover) - and ...

                  - - -

   But here we pause. To start the game
information is already sufficient. You are pretty close getting 
to the leadership Resistance planet Tropos. And, of course, you 
will not be surprised if this book You just do not believe and 
maintains self-rigorous testing. I hope you pass it with flying 

   In conclusion, I wish to thank Yuri Vasin, who found the 
game Rebel Planet, brought her a decent appearance, and gave me

great help in passing (and particularly -
in the suppression of the cave wolf!).

   And finally, I will add that although I
passed Rebel Planet and saved humanity
Several puzzles remain.
The first of these lies in wait for you to have a Tropose: Why 
do I need arkadiansky temple? So write that it may be that 
factor out the results of a separate "Storm". 

   And he may abide with you great power!


Other articles:

Archive - Game genre of business / management "THE Double" your opportunity to become manager of English soccer club.

Debut - A detailed article about the problems in the game's debut "Rebel Planet ".

Debut - description of the individual missions to the game, "Laser Squad".

Fantasy - "The End of the great Russian localization - Computer novel to manySpectrum games.

Review - humorous novelties obzop ppogpammnogo security: 38 Parrots, Fritz from Persia, Crocodile Gena and Chebrushka, Love at first sight, Dooma - 2, Marasm.

From the world of bat - "Bards Tale" BRIEF Practical guide for beginners.

From the world of bat - readers tips on the game "Worm in Paradise".

From the world of bat - interviews with famous Belarusian programmer and musician IMP.

From the world of bat - letters from readers, Spectrum has died or not?

System - "quick chart" for novice programmers.

Premiere - Music Editor Sample Tracker 2.1, the game Return to Home and the Way of the Clans.

Warm greetings - "A team of your dreams" about how "in an adult" are computer games.

Advertising - Inforkom-Press presents ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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